Unlocking safes in 7 Days to Die is a simple and easy job if you have the right tool. In this guide, we are going to cover two methods that allow us to unlock any safe that is hidden in Navezgane. Once you have got your hands on the safe, you can get precious items.
Safes can get you various types of items. And there is not just one type of safe but you can look for 4 types of safes. Each one of them holds different categories of items and is also placed in different areas of the world map.
However, these safes are unlocked through the same methods. You can either make use of a Lockpick or you can destroy their locks manually with a weapon or tool. This guide covers everything regarding safes. So, let’s start our guide.
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Unlocking Safes in 7 Days to Die
Safes can be unlocked by two different methods. The first one is based on using a lockpick and bypassing its lock or you can simply break down its lock with an appropriate tool or a weapon.
The lockpick method can be tricky sometimes. As unlocking the safe with a lockpick goes random. Sometimes the lockpick breaks down when the timer starts during the unlocking process. This is a completely random thing. So, you need a few of those lockpicks to unlock a single safe.
The lockpicks can be found in the loots and also you can craft them if you have learned their recipe by reading the Forge Ahead magazine. Once the recipe is available, you will have to gather the following items to craft it at Workbench.
- 1x Forged Iron
- 1x Mechanical Parts
These items will give you 1x Lockpick. Gather these items in a larger quantity and craft multiple lockpicks at once.
The next method is based on using tools and weapons to destroy the lock. Since the game has many destroyable structures with no exception to safes, it becomes easier to do this job. Although, it takes a lot of time to complete this task and grab those useful things. Especially, when you don’t have the right tool.
The safes have a health bar just like the other blocks in the game. This health bar should be brought down to zero and it will be unlocked, which allows the player to pick up the stuff from inside of the safe.
Here you can make use of Pickaxes or a TNT. Using a pickaxe is an easy method as you can obtain it far more easily compared to a TNT. However, with a TNT, the safe can be destroyed almost instantly.
Here’s how you can craft a TNT.
- 1x Plant Fibers
- 20x Gun Powder
- 2x Duct Tape
- 10x Paper
Collect these items and head towards the Workbench to craft your TNT.
Types of Safes

In 7 Days to Die, you will see four different types of safes scattered around different locations of Navezgane. These safes are of different sizes and also contain different types of loot. Sometimes these safes can be rewarding. While the other times they may not contain much of the valuable stuff. The goodies in safes are random all the time.
Gun Safe
This safe generally contains weapon parts, weapons, and ammunition as well. You can find Gun Safes in the attics of houses or also on the underground floors of buildings. They are usually protected behind the iron bars, which first need to be destroyed.
Once you have unlocked the safe, you can expect the loot items such as Non Primitive Weapons and weapons Parts, Weapon Parts, Weapon Mods, Perk Books, and Ammo Resources.
Desk Safe
Desk Safes are found on the upper floors of buildings and houses. But they contain a whole lot of different items than a Gun Safe. A Gun Safe can hold a maximum of 40 items. So, you can expect multiple items on each loot.
A Desk Safe can get you Weapons, Weapon, and armor Mods, Mod and Medical Schematics, Tool and workstation Schematics, Vehicle and Vehicle Mod, Electrical Schematics, Perk Books, Old Cash, and Ores.
Wall Safe
Wall Safe is placed on the upper floors of houses and buildings all over the Navezgane. You can also find them in the bank which is located in Perishton City. This bank has a total of 18 Wall Safes.
Now, the Wall Safes contain a variety of different items. From the weapons and weapons parts to old cash and ores. You can find everything on these safes. But, they are random all the time.
Shamway Lab Safe
Shamway Lab safe is another type of safe in 7 Days to Die. You can search for this safe in labs. It doesn’t contain much of the valuable stuff but still you can get things like Rare Armor, Weapon, & Drone Schematics, Rare Food or Seed Recipes, Rare Mod & Medical Schematics, Rare Tool & Workstation Schematics, Rare Vehicle & Vehicle Mod Schematics, and others.
All in all, this safe contains most of the rare schematics for lots of items.
These are the safes in 7 Days to Die. You can find them and unlock them to loot valuable and useful stuff. You may have to open multiple safes to find the items you are looking for. It’s not that you unlock the safes and get the high-value items each time.
How Much Does It Cost to Unlock a Gun Safe?
It doesn’t cost anything to open a Gun Safe. All you need is a Lockpick or a suitable tool. The lockpicks can either be looted or you can also craft them at the Workbench.
The next thing you can do is use a Pickax or TNT and break the lock of Gun Safe. The Pickaxe can be time time-consuming job. Whereas, the TNT may unlock the safe instantly.
What is in the Wall Safe in 7 Days to Die?
The Wall Safe contains many different items. You can expect weapons, weapon schematics, weapon & armor mods, tool & workstation schematics, perk books, ores, and old cash.
Mostly, you will obtain schematics for a whole lot of different items. If you are finding some important schematics then you should definitely unlock some Wall safes.
That’s everything for the 7 Days to Die Unlocking Safes guide. You see that these safes can be unlocked with a lockpick or by using a pickaxe or TNT. These are the only ways to get your hands on the precious items hidden behind walls of safes.
Hopefully, this guide has helped you in unlocking safes. Stay connected with us for more similar exciting and informative guides.