There are a few things and rules that affect the zombie spawning in 7 Days to Die. However, for the beginners, the zombie spawning will be relatively slower and the zombies will also be weak. They won’t be able to do much of the damage.
The most effective thing is a zombie horde. During the hordes, the zombies spawn in waves and they get stronger in each wave. Moreover, there are a few things that effect the spawning of zombies.
During the general gameplay, most of the activities increase the heat which attracts the zombies. This is the main factor that affects the zombie spawn in your area. This guide covers everything about the zombie spawn. So, let’s get started.
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Zombie Spawning Rules in 7 Days to Die
The most common factor that affects the zombie spawning in 7 Days to Die is the heatmap. Different activities generate different amounts of heat on the heatmap. When this heat reaches a certain point, it starts attracting zombies, and the spawn rate increases.
Using various items and doing different activities generates lots of heat. Additionally, if the activities are performed for a longer time period then the zombies spawning will be affected.
Factors Affecting Heatmap
Using different blocks for a certain time period will cause the zombies to spawn at a higher rate. Blocks such as Campfire, Forge, Dew Collector, Chemistry Station, Cement Mixer, Workbench, and others will generate lots of heat.
Moreover, using items such as Firearms and Explosives will also generate heat when used each time.
Chopping down a number of trees in one go will also generate heat. It’s not just one or two trees but around ten or more trees will cause the heat.
Another factor is dismantling a metallic object with a Wrench will also cause the heat to be generated on the heatmap. The next thing is the upgradation of blocks and also construction of various objects.
Lastly, the breaking of blocks also affects the heatmap. And this generates lots of heat when you break multiple blocks in one go.
These are all the possible things that can affect the spawning of zombies. If you are a beginner and don’t have many resources to fight off the zombie then avoid all of these things at all cost. Try to do things in breaks, and don’t continue activities for longer time periods.
Types of Zombies in 7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die has various types of zombies. Some of them are of standard levels and are not high threat. Whereas, others are tough zombies. They are high threats, and they also have various types of effects.
Some of the high-threat zombies are listed below.
- Departed Woman
- Plagued Nurse
- Festering Corpse
- Rotting Carcass
- Zombie Janitor
- Zombie Biker
- Fallen Soldier Zombie
- Frozen Lumberjack
- Hungry Female Zombie
These are the standard and tough zombies. The tough ones are high-level threats who have additional health and attacking skills. Apart from these, we have other zombies as well and those are special infected zombies. Here they are.
- Burn Victim
- Feral Wight
- Mutated Zombie
- Screamer
These are a just of them. Burn Victim has the ability to set the player on fire with its attacks. Feral Wight is an extremely tough zombie that requires lots of power to kill. Mutated Zombie performs ranged spitting attacks. Screamer is another special zombie that screams and calls the horde of zombies.
How Does Zombie Spawning Work in 7 Days to Die?
Zombie spawning happens in all the areas of Navezgane. As for the beginners, the zombies will spawn at a lower rate. As you make progress in the game, they will start getting stronger, and the spawn number will increase.
Moreover, if the heatmap has a high amount of heat then it will attract more zombies, and also the spawn number will be significantly increased.
How far away do Zombies Spawn in 7 Days to Die?
Different types of zombies spawn at different distances. The general radius of spawning is around 45 to 100 blocks away from the player. This applies to standard zombies, special effect zombies, and also the hordes.
So, you have enough time to prepare yourself at a glance. Especially, when the spawned zombies are slow walkers. You have more time during their spawn. As they walk slowly and will take more time to reach your position.
That’s everything for the 7 Days to Die Zombie Spawning Rules guide. You see that zombies spawn at a higher rate when the heat is high at a specific spot. There are a few things that the heatmap. Several activities trigger high heat value which results in the spawn of more zombies.
Hopefully, this guide has helped you in learning about the zombie spawn. Stay connected with us for more exciting and fun guides.