Hey everyone. Today I am going to be telling you about resource mobs and Guardians in Albion Online. In this article, you will learn about what the mobs are, where to find them, why they are useful, and how to beat them. Anyway, let’s get to it!
Other Albion Online Posts
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Table Of Contents
- What Are Resource Mobs In Albion?
- What Are Aspects In Albion Online?
- What Are Guardians In Albion Online?
- Wait So What Are Resource Bosses?
- What Do Guardians Look Like?
- Where Do You Find Aspects Or Guardians?
- How To Beat Aspects/Guardians?
What Are Resource Mobs In Albion?

Resource mobs in Albion Online are anthropomorphic wildlife that you can harvest for resources. Each one acts as a resource node when killed, similar to how skinning works.
Additionally, resource mobs are only found in their respective primary biomes. You will find ore resources mobs in the mountains, stone in the hills, and fiber in the swamp. Secondary and tertiary resources don’t have resource mobs either, meaning you won’t find fiber mobs in the steppe.
Furthermore, every resource mob ranges from tier 3-7. Although, for some reason, there are no tier 4 resource mobs.
Generally, everything that affects a resource node will affect the resource mob. So, yes they can be enchanted and yes they have the same amount of resources as the node they represent. In essence, a tier 3 resource mob can have rare quality resources and has 3 ticks total (9 resources, just like any other tier 3 node).
Annoyingly enough, these humanoid pains in the butts always seem to be guarding resources. However, not all of them are aggressive. Specifically the fiber and wood resource mobs. Of course, I’m still gonna murder them, but they at least give me the option not too :).
Now, resource mobs aren’t very difficult to beat. As long as you aren’t trying to take on tier 5 mobs in tier 3 gear you should be fine. But the next section goes over the much more difficult to beat resource mobs, Aspects.
What Are Aspects In Albion Online?

Aspects are the bigger and badder versions of resource mobs. So be careful not to kill too many little stone bois or big Gus here is gonna crush you.
However, if you don’t mind going a few rounds with Gussy here, you’ll be substantially rewarded. Unlike resource mobs, Aspects hold 500 resources! And yes, these can be enchanted as well.
You’re probably thinking “wtf how can I harvest that much?!?” which is a good question. Thankfully, the devs aren’t complete sadists and have made it so Aspects are quicker to farm. Each tick is 5 resources each, making the process a heck of a lot quicker.
Sadly, it’s still gonna take 14-20 minutes to fully harvest an Aspect alone (so bring friends, duh).
So far we have been talking about resource mobs and Aspects but there is actually another type of resource mob as well, Guardians. Something a lot of people don’t know (because other guides put wrong information) is that Aspects are different from Guardians and are an entirely different beast.
What Are Guardians In Albion Online?

Guardians are the biggest and baddest versions of resource mobs and are also referred to as world bosses (or big chungi). Not only are they way more difficult and extremely rare, but they are also the largest source of resources in Albion Online.
How many resources is a Guardian worth? Well, my friend, 2560 to be exact. And that’s just the base value. Imagine having premium, pies, and full gathering gear on (most guilds won’t let you gather from it unless you have high mastery levels). Gatherers wet dream.
There are a couple more things you should know about Guardians, however. First, they can be enchanted. This is uber rare (ya I used uber in a sentence so what?). Second, each harvest tick on them gives you 10 resources at the base level.
Wait, what?
Yes at their base level you will be getting 10 tier 6 resources per tick. This is double the Aspect resource gather rate, but don’t fool yourself into thinking one gatherer is gonna get all of it. We’re talking about an hour long harvest here, save yourself some trouble and bring like five high tier gatherers with transport oxen.
I’d be remiss in my duties if I also didn’t mention that one of the Guardians, Old White, can also drop Mammoth Calves. These are incredibly expensive on the marketplace and can be grown into a Tame Mammoth, which can then be turned into a Transport Mammoth. Transport Mammoths have the largest carry weight in the game which is why they are so sought after. Check out our breeding and farming guide for information on how to raise animals like this.
Wait So What Are Resource Bosses?
Technically, both Aspects and Guardians are resource bosses. Aspects are meant for 1-5 players while Guardians are meant for groups upwards of 5+ but no more than 10 (ideally).
What Do Guardians Look Like?
If you know what the Aspects look like, just think bigger and you know what Guardians look like. Not to mention they take up half the screen, so they are fairly hard to miss.
Where Do You Find Aspects Or Guardians?
Aspects can be anywhere in their respective biomes and spawn in red/black zones. Although I am not sure, I am fairly confident that they spawn within 12-24 hours after being killed.
Guardians always spawn in the exact same spot and normally spawn exactly 48 hours after they die. As a result, guilds can control the spawns of Guardians for days or weeks. For that reason, if you want to take a Guardian, prepare to fight.
Here are all the places a Guardian can spawn (type them in on your map):
- Stone
- Hill Of Hollow Earth (Black Zone)
- Bleak Moor (Black Zone)
- Armboth Fell (Black Zone)
- Souther Fell (Black Zone)
- Mardale (Red Zone)
- Ore
- Creag Rudd (Black Zone)
- Bein Aden (Black Zone)
- Well Of The World (Black Zone)
- Malag Crevasse (Red Zone)
- Wood
- Charwood Forest (Black Zone)
- Heart of the Forest (Black Zone)
- Longtimber Glen (Red Zone)
- Fiber
- Festerflesh Swamp (Black Zone)
- Flesheater Morass (Black Zone)
- Grave Of Eternity (Black Zone)
- Stumprot Swamp (Red Zone)
- Hide
- Charhide Steppe (Black Zone)
- Searslab Steppe (Black Zone)
- Deathmarch Expanse (Black Zone)
- Deadvein Gully (Red Zone)
Before we move on I just want to point out the fact there are certain parts of the black zone without Guardians in them. I assume this was done from a balance perspective to prevent one guild from controlling all of the Guardian spawns.
How To Beat Aspects/Guardians?
While there are a number of ways to do this, I will outline a couple of ways from either perspective.
I know a lot of people coming here are asking, “can I solo a Guardian?” and my simple answer to that is no. Sorry, but it isn’t happening. By all means, try it, but Aspects are where you want your attention to be focused.
Indeed, Aspects are completely soloable. In fact, many people are actually using Aspects to power level gathering right now.
So how do you go about this? Well, my go-to method is actually from popular Albion streamer Lewpac.
He has a guide for every Aspect but Ancient Ent. His build for soloing most of them is the Druid Staff with Mistcaller offhand, Druid chest piece, Mage Cowl, and the boots are largely irrelevant.
Here are all of his Aspect guides:
If you want to see how to solo the wood Aspect watch this video.
Guardians are much much much harder to beat. You’re gonna want a squad of 5-8 players for these. Why 5-8? Too many players will trigger the enrage (increased damage) and you will get insta-wiped. Considering these only spawn in black zones, you end up risking a lot.
Lewpac has a couple of good video guides for this. He walks you through his role and the fights in general (notice he brings 7 people).
Gugusteh is also a good source of information, although he doesn’t speak in his videos, it is all text overlay.
Like I said earlier, Guardians are not only incredibly difficult to kill, but they are also heavily contested. It is important to realize there is no mechanic in place to protect you from ganks while you are trying to down the Guardians. Consequently, you need to be prepared to defend yourself if a rival guild attempts to disrupt your raid attempt.
Not to mention the fact that Guardians can and will kill you on occasion, prepare for the worst case before beginning the encounter. Never bring gear you aren’t willing to lose.
End Note
That’s it for this guide on Albion Online resource mobs. Hopefully, you learned something.
If you think we missed anything or have any questions, comment below or contact me at thursday@igamefr.com.
See ya.
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