All Collection Chests Locations in Hogwarts Legacy - Nerd Lodge
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All Collection Chests Locations in Hogwarts Legacy

There are a total of 168 collection chest locations in Hogwarts Legacy. Scattered across the different areas on the map, you’ll have a rather hard time finding or locating all of the collection chests.

This article focuses on all the collection chests’ locations and breaks them up into two specific sections. Collection chests inside Hogwarts and collection chests outside Hogwarts.

Hogwarts Legacy greatly encourages exploration by offering plentiful rewards on your every step. For instance, you will come across several optional activities on your journey, even if you don’t plan to spend time exploring the Wizarding World. Furthermore, most of these activities, like Merlin Trials and Collection Chests, are crucial for leveling up fast in the game.

Hogwarts Legacy Collection Chests:

Unlocking all of the Collection Chests in Hogwarts Legacy is the most time-consuming activity in the game. However, it is also the most rewarding activity of them all. You can gain Conjurations, Wand Handles, and Traits by unlocking a chest.

The only problem is that each chest is assigned a specific type of reward. For instance, the chest assigned for Conjurations can only drop random spells.

So, if you don’t plan to unlock the Collector’s Edition Trophy by finding all 168 chests, it would be best to only open the chest according to the rewards you are looking for.

Secondly, some are locked behind doors and require different levels of the Alohomora spell to unlock them. In short, it would be best to learn everything about the Collection Chests before setting out to open them.

How to unlock Collection Chests?

How to unlock Collection Chests?

Generally, it would be best to learn and upgrade the following spells to unlock all 168 chests in the game:

  • Alohomora (level 2-3)
  • Incendio
  • Revelio
  • Arresto Momentum
  • Wingardium Leviosa
  • Glacius
  • Confringo
  • Depulso

All Collection Chests Locations in Hogwarts Castle:

There are 168 Collection Chests that you can find in Hogwarts Legacy. However, all of them are spread across the huge open world of the game. Moreover, some of them are found very close to each other, in the most unexpected spots. So, here is how you can find and unlock all Collection Chests in different areas of the game:

  1. Hogwarts Castle:

There are 34 Collections Chests hidden in various regions of Hogwarts Castle. For better navigation, it would be best to activate all Floo Flames before searching for these chests.

  1. Great Hall:
great hall collection chest
  1. Wand Handle: The first Collection Chest can be found in the Great Hall region. Start at the Floo Flame and head straight till you see a door on the far-right side of the room. Enter the room and turn left to find the chest.
  2. Conjuration: Start at the Great Hall Floo Flame, turn left, and enter the passageway. Next, find and open the Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door and turn right to find the chest.
  3. Conjuration: Start at the Floo Flame and enter through the entrance to the Great Hall. Next, turn left and head upstairs on the spiraling staircase; unlock the Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door on your left to find the chest inside this room.
  4. Wand Handle: Start at the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame for the next 2 chests. Go on the bridge and use the Incendio spell to light all 4 torches. Next, solve the puzzle and interact with the plate to reveal a secret ladder on the other side of the bridge. Climb down the ladder to find the chest in the hallway.
  5. Conjuration: The next Collection Chest is in the same location as the previous one. Simply use the Revelio spell to locate the second chest.
  6. Grand Staircase:
grand staircase collection chest
  1. Wand Handle: Start at the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, turn right, and head downstairs. Next, enter the kitchen from the portrait (Tickle the Bear) and turn right to find the chest (use Revelio if needed).
  2. Conjuration: Again, start at the Grand Staircase Flame and head downstairs. Next, look for an Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door, and open it to find the chest on the left side (near the table).
  3. Conjuration: The Next chest is in the Ravenclaw Tower section of the Grand Staircase. Start at the Flame, take a few steps forward to find the Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door, and unlock it to find the chest on your right side.
  4. Conjuration: Start at the Faculty Tower Floo Flame in the South Wing and move to the room on your right, where you learned Alohomora from Gladwin Moon. Next, go upstairs and unlock the Arithmancy Door Puzzle to find the chest inside the room.
  5. Wand Handle: The next chest is located near the Trophy Room Floo Flame. Start at the Flame and run along the cured hallway till you find a level 1 locked gate. Enter the gate and climb the two spiraling staircases in your way. Next, enter through the door at the end of the stairs to find a locked door. You can only unlock this door with the Key of Admittance that you acquire from one of the hidden Hogwarts secrets. The chest is located inside this room, next to a table.
  6. Conjuration: For the second chest near the Trophy Room Floo Flame, start at the location of the previous chest. You can find the second chest near a stack of books in the same room (use Revelio for further assistance).
  7. South Wing:
south wing collection chest
  1. Wand Handle: The next chest can be found near the Faculty Tower Floo Flame fast travel point. Start at the Flame and continue past the hallway till you reach a door on your right. However, you will need Alohomora level 3 to unlock the door. Once you enter the room, use the Glacius spell at the fireplace and crawl through the chimney. Finally, go upstairs using the spiraling staircase to find your chest in the upper room.
  2. Wand Handle: Start at the Faculty Tower Floo Flame and head downstairs on the staircase next to you. You will find a frog statue at the end of the hallway. Interact with the sculpture to teleport to the secret room with the chest.
  3. Conjuration: For this chest, head to the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame. Next, enter the door on your left and head upstairs, then turn left and climb the second set of stairs. Here, you will find a pendulum with certain symbols behind it. You must wait for the pendulum to reach the second symbol from the right side and cast the Glacius spell to hold it in place. This puzzle unlocks the door next to the bell pendulum. Finally, enter the room to find the chest on your left.
  4. Wand Handle: There is another Collection Chest in the bell pendulum room. Simply enter the room and cast the Revelio spell to find both chests.
  5. Conjuration: While standing next to the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame fast travel point, look above to see a bell pendulum. Next, aim at the pendulum and cast the Glacius spell when it reaches the symbol on the far-left side. Now, look down to see a new door opened in front of you (slightly to the right side). The chest can be found inside this secret room.
  6. Astronomy Wing:
astronomy wing collection chest
  1. Conjuration: For the next Collection Chest, head to the Charms Classroom Floo Flame in the Astronomy Wing. Head straight back from the Flame to find an Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door around the corner. Solve the puzzle to open the door and find the chest.
  2. Wand Handle: Again, start at the Charms Classroom Flame and head inside the class. Next, go upstairs on the staircase to your right, unlock the level 1 door, and climb up the second staircase. You will find a door at the end of the stairs, and the chest is inside this room.
  3. Wand Handle: The next chest is near Professor Fig’s Classroom. Start at the Flame and enter through the door in front of you. Next, use the Revelio spell to locate the chest in one corner of the room.
  4. Wand Handle: Start at the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame fast travel point. Next, use the door to enter back inside the Hogwarts Castle from the door on your right side. Go near the staircase and enter through the door on your right to find the chest on a table.
  5. Wand Handle: From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, turn left and head inside the door at the end of the courtyard. Next, continue downstairs till you reach a locked door. Enter the room and continue along the hallway with the Dragon statue to find the chest inside another level 1 locked door.
  6. Conjuration: Again, start at the Transfiguration Courtyard Flame and go inside the door to your left, on the other side of the courtyard. This time, instead of going downstairs, go up the spiraling staircase until you reach the very top. Next, head inside the level 1 locked door and go all the way to the end of the hallway to find the chest behind an Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door.
  7. Conjuration: Start at the Transfiguration Courtyard Flame and go inside the door to your left, on the other side of the courtyard. Next, enter the classroom on your left and unlock the level 1 door on the other side of the classroom. Finally, go along the hallway on your right side and reveal the Depulso Puzzle Room 2 using the Depulso spell. Solve the puzzle to unlock the door and find the chest at the end of this room.

Bell Tower Wing

bell tower wing collection chests
  1. Conjuration: Start at the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame and head inside the door on the other side of the courtyard. Go all the way to the top floor and head inside the classroom. Next, use the stairs inside the classroom to reach the top of the Bell Tower. Finally, turn right and go around the corner to find the chest.
  2. Conjuration: Start at the Bell Tower Floo Flame, near the previous chest. Next, turn around to find a frog sculpture in the room. Interact with the statue to teleport to another Tower with 2 chests.
  3. Wand Handle: This Collection Chest is found around the corner from the previous chest, on the same Tower.
  4. Wand Handle: Start at the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame and turn around. Next, continue running along the wall till you reach the stables. Turn right from the stables and unlock the level 2 door to find the chest inside.
  5. Conjuration: Start at the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and enter the door near the Flame. Next, go downstairs and solve the Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door on your right side to find the chest at the end of this room.
  6. Conjuration: Start at the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and enter the door next to the Flame. Next, continue along the hallway till you find Depulso Puzzle Room 1 on the left side. Solve the puzzle with the Depulso spell to find the chest at the end of this room.

Library Annex

library annex
  1. Conjuration: Head to the Potion Classroom and activate the Floo Flame. Next, use the Revelio spell to locate an Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door, and solve the puzzle to find the chest inside.
  2. Wand Handle: For this chest, start at the Library Floo Flame fast travel point. Next, head downstairs from the Restricted Section and continue along the path till you reach the place where Peeves interrupted you. Finally, use the Reparo spell to find the chest on the other side of the room.
  3. Conjuration: Start at the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, turn left, and go forward along the hallway till you find an Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door. Solve the puzzle to find the chest inside this room.
  4. Conjuration: Start at the previous chest and go out from the puzzle door. Enter the next room to find another Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door on your left side. Solve the puzzle to find your chest.
  5. Conjuration: The next Collection Chest is in the same Arithmancy Math Puzzle Door room as the previous one. Simply use the Revelio charm to find it.

Secret Rooms in the Room of Requirement:

Secret Rooms in the Room of Requirement:

There are 12 Collection Chests in the secret rooms of the Vivarium inside the Room of Requirement. However, you must complete The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom quest to access these areas. Once you complete the quest, you can find the collection chests in the following locations:

  1. Conjuration: Start at the Room of Requirement, turn left, and go all the way to find the chest at the end of your path.
  2. Conjuration: Start at the previous chest and trace your way back to the start of the path. This time, turn right and go all the way till you reach a cave entrance. Head inside the cave to find the next chest.
  3. Conjuration: Start at the previous chest and head outside the cave. Turn left from the cave entrance and head straight to find the chest at the end of the path.
  4. Conjuration: For this chest, start at the entrance to the Room of Requirement. Next, turn left and keep running till you find a tree. Jump over the tree and take the path on the left to find the next chest at the end.
  5. Conjuration: Start at the previous chest and head back till you find a small hill. Climb up the hill to find the chest on the right side.
  6. Conjuration: Start at the previous chest and jump down the hill while standing next to the chest. Next, keep running on the path till you find a lantern. Go past the lantern and keep on the left to find a small cave blocked by a spider web. Use the Incendio spell to remove the web and find the chest inside this cave.
  7. Conjuration: For the next chest, go all the way to the start of the Room of Requirement. Next, go left and keep running till you find a passage inside the mountain. You will find the chest at the end of this passage.
  8. Conjuration: Start at the previous chest, turn around, and go down from the left side. Next, turn left and follow the path through the stream till you reach a cliff; climb it to find the chest on top of this cliff.
  9. Conjuration: Start at the previous chest, jump down the cliff, and enter the cave in front of you. You will find the chest next to a tree inside this cave.
  10. Conjuration: Head back to the start of the Room of Requirement and turn right. You will see a destroyed castle in front of you, enter the castle and turn right to find 2 spider webs. Use the Incendio spell to destroy the webs and find the chest.
  11. Conjuration: Start at the previous chest and head back outside the destroyed castle. Climb the cliff in front of the castle to find the next chest on the top.
  12. Conjuration: For the final chest in the Vivarium, start at the previous chest. Next, jump down the cliff while standing next to the chest. Follow the path to go under the cliff and continue straight to find the chest at the end of this path.

These are all the collection chests inside Hogwarts Castle. The next section covers all of them outside the castle.

All Collection Chests Outside Hogwarts

The Hogwarts Castle only contains 47 Collection Chests. So, you must roam around the open world to find the remaining 121 chests.

Therefore, this section provides all Collection Chests locations outside Hogwarts Castle and the best way to loot them.

all collection chest outside hogwarts castle

All Collection Chests Outside Hogwarts:

Out of the total 168 Collection Chests in the game, only the first 47 can be found inside Hogwarts Castle. The rest of the chests are spread across the game’s vast open world. Therefore, knowing the exact coordinates and the proper strategy is crucial if you are after the Collector’s Edition Trophy. Here’s how to find all Collection Chests outside Hogwarts Castle:

Bug Alert:

  • Some players have reported a missing Conjuration from the Collection Chests. This bug occurs if the players start the Follow the Butterflies in Hogsmeade side quest and complete some other Butterfly before completing the first one. So, the only working solution to get all Conjurations is to complete the side quest as soon as you start it.
  • Similarly, some players have also reported a missing Trait from the chest, i.e., 74/75. To fix this bug, you must save your progress before looting any of the Collection Chests in the Bandit Camps. If a chest doesn’t reward you with anything, reload the game and try again. You shouldn’t ignore an empty chest. Otherwise, you won’t receive the Collector’s Edition Trophy.
  1. Hogsmeade Valley:
hogsmeade chest

The Hogsmeade Valley is a part of the extended portions of the world, better known as the Highlands in Hogwarts Legacy. You can find 8 Collection Chests in the Hogsmeade Valley region:

  1. Trait: The first chest can be found inside the small bandit camp. You can find this camp in the northeast from the East North Ford Bog Floo Flame. Enter the camp and use the Revelio spell to find the chest near a small tent.
  2. Trait: The next chest can be found in the medium bandit camp, further east from the previous chest. You can either clear the camp or use the disillusionment spell to loot the chest without fighting anyone.
  3. Conjuration: The next 2 Collection Chests can be found in the Overlooked Mine. You visit this cave during the In the Shadows of the Mine main story quest. Simply enter the Mine and keep going forward till you slide down. Finally, enter the nearby room after defeating the enemies to find the chest.
  4. Conjuration: For the second chest in the Overlooked Mine, start at the previous chest and turn around. Next, use the Wingardium Leviosa spell to elevate the block, climb it, and keep running forward till the passage splits into two. Take the left passage and enter the tunnel after you pass the bridge. Proceed in the tunnel till the passage again splits; take the right passage. Here, use the Lumos spell to deal with the devil snares; your chest will be on the right side from the first few snares.
  5. Wand Handle: For the next chest, start at the Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame fast travel point. From here, head toward the second house from the left. It is the only house with a wheel in front of it. Finally, unlock the level 1 door of the house to find the chest near a table.
  6. Conjuration: This chest can be found pretty close to the previous one. Simply exit the last house and go to the right toward the outskirts of the village. Enter the house and use the Revelio spell to locate the chest.
  7. Conjuration: This chest can be found near the Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame fast travel point. Head toward the first house on the left near the vendor. Next, unlock the level 1 door to find the chest behind a room divider.
  8. Wand Handle: The final chest in the Hogsmeade Valley near the Hamlet Shop in the Upper Hogsfield. To get this chest, enter the house behind the shop and turn right immediately after entering.

Hogsmeade Village Collection Chests

Hogsmeade Village Collection Chests

The Hogsmeade Village is the most interesting place for all sorts of explorers. Here, you can loot 5 Collection Chests and a number of Eye Chests. Here’s how to find all Collection Chests in the Hogsmeade Village:

  1. Conjuration: For the first chest, start at the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame fast travel point. Next, go toward the first house on the brick path northeast of the Flame. You must unlock the level 3 door to enter this house. Finally, head upstairs to find the chest inside the room.
  2. Conjuration: Start at the South Hogsmeade Floo Flame and go through the alley in the east direction. You will encounter a house with a level 3 door; unlock it to find the chest in the kitchen just before the stairs.
  3. Conjuration: The next chest can be found inside The Three Broomsticks shop. Enter the shop and make your way to the topmost floor. Next, unlock the level 1 door to find the chest inside.
  4. Conjuration: During the A Basis for Blackmail quest, head to Ashwinder Hideout beside Hog’s Head. You will find the chest behind the bar inside the room with multiple enemies. If you missed the chest, you could always return to the hideout to loot it after completing the quest.
  5. Conjuration: For the final chest, go to the South Hogsmeade Floo Flame fast travel point. Next, take the stairs in the east and head to the house with the level 3 door. Enter the house and go upstairs to find the chest inside the bedroom.
  6. North Ford Bog:

North Ford Bog Collection Chests

North Ford Bog Collection Chests

The North Ford Bog region contains 7 Collection Chests and many other surprises for the explorers. Here’s how to find and loot all of these chests:

  1. Trait: The first chest can be found near the San Bakar’s Tower Floo Flame. Start at the Flame and head northeast till you reach a small bandit camp. The chest can be found inside a small tent in this location.
  2. Wand Handle: For the next few chests, head to the Pitt upon Ford Floo Flame fast travel point. From here, head to the house right next to the Flame. Next, unlock the level 1 door to find the chest inside.
  3. Trait: Again, start at the Pitt upon Ford Floo Flame and look for a house with crops and a campfire in front of it. Enter the house and proceed to the second floor to find the chest.
  4. Wand Handle: From the Pitt upon Ford Floo Flame, head toward the small stone bridge. Next, look for a yellow house and enter it by unlocking the level 3 door. Finally, head upstairs to find the chest in the bedroom.
  5. Conjuration: For the next chest, start at the yellow house where you found the previous chest. Go out and cross the stone bridge to find another small house. Enter the house to find the chest near a few wooden crates.
  6. Trait: Start at the Pitt upon Ford Floo Flame fast travel point and go south till you reach a small bandit camp. You will find the chest inside a small tent in this camp.
  7. Trait: Start at the East North Ford Bog Floo Flame and head east to find a small bandit camp near the lake. Next, look for a destroyed tent to find the chest inside it.

Forbidden Forest Collection Chests

Forbidden Forest Collection Chests

The Forbidden Forest contains 6 Collection Chests and a number of collectible resources. So, you should visit this area when you are ready to loot everything you find. Moreover, also come prepared for a few fights. All of these chests are inside bandit camps. Here’s how to find all Collection Chests in the Forbidden Forest:

  1. Trait: For the first chest, start at the North Ford Bog Entrance Floo Flame and head south. Here, you will find a small bandit camp; clear it to get the chest.
  2. Trait: For the next chest, go to the West Forbidden Forest Floo Flame fast travel point. Next, proceed south toward the small bandit camp in the middle of the forest. You will find the chest in one of the tents.
  3. Trait: Again, start at the West Forbidden Forest Floo Flame and proceed toward the cliff. Clear the small bandit camp near the cliff to find the chest.
  4. Trait: This chest can be found near the cliff in the West Forbidden Forest Floo Flame fast travel point. Simply clear the camp or use the disillusionment spell to pass through the camp undetected.
  5. Trait: For this chest, start at the North Ford Bog Entrance Floo Flame and head south till you reach the small bandit camp. You can find this camp on top of the nearby cliff. The chest is located in one of the small tents.
  6. Conjuration: The final chest can be found in Horklump Hollow. It is the cave that you visit during the ‘A Friend in Deed’ side quest. Simply enter the cave and proceed along the path till you reach a small pond. Next, take the right path instead of jumping into the water, destroy the barrier using Incendio and crawl into the room on the other side of the wall. You will find the chest placed on top of a table. If you can’t find the cave, head southwest from the Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame.
  7. North Hogwarts Region:

North Hogwarts Region Collection Chest Locations

North Hogwarts Region Collection Chest Locations

The North Hogwarts Region contains 7 Collection Chests waiting to be discovered. Beware, most of the chests are inside bandit areas, and there is a bandit castle (Korrow Ruins) in your way. So, practice your fighting skills before attempting this region. Here’s how to find all Collection Chests in the North Hogwarts Region:

  1. Trait: The first few chests are located inside the bandit castle in the North Hogwarts region. For the first chest, enter the castle that you visit during The Tale of Rowland Oakes side quest. Immediately turn left from the entrance inside the stone structure.
  2. Trait: Head to the courtyard of the bandit castle and look for a small ladder. Climb up the ladder, immediately turn right and follow the path till you see a large block. Move the block using the Wingardium Leviosa spell, enter the room, and turn right to find the chest near the wall.
  3. Trait: The next Collection chest can be found within the small bandit camp in the north of Jackdaw’s Tomb. You can easily find this camp on the border of the North Hogwarts Region.
  4. Trait: For the next chest, head to the East North Hogwarts Floo Flame fast travel point. Next, continue along the river bank in the northwest direction to find the chest inside a small bandit camp.
  5. Trait: You can find this chest near the entrance of the Forbidden Forest Floo Flame. Start at the Flame and go across the river to find a small bandit camp. The chest can be found near a wooden bridge in the camp.
  6. Conjuration: The final chest can be found inside the Collector’s Cave. Start at the East North Hogwarts Floo Flame and go east to reach the cave. It is important that you have character level 12 and the Depulso spell for this location. Here, you will find the chest by opening the door with the Bombarda spell and also complete The Helm of Urtkot main story quest by opening the hole.

South Hogwarts Region Collection Chest Locations

South Hogwarts Region Collection Chest Locations

The South Hogwarts Region contains 9 Collection Chests. However, most of them are hidden in plain sight, so you must pay attention to details. Here’s how to find all Collection Chests in the South Hogwarts Region:

  1. Wand Handle: For the first chest, start at the Aranshire Floo Flame in South Hogwarts. Next, turn left and follow the path till you reach a small garden behind the gate. Finally, use the Revelio spell to locate the chest under some small rocks.
  2. Conjuration: Start at the Aranshire Floo Flame and head toward the Hamlet Shop. Next, enter the house in front of the shop and proceed to the second floor to find the chest.
  3. Wand Handle: For the next chest, again start at the Aranshire Floo Flame and go toward the flower shop. Next, look for the house with a level 3 door, unlock the house, and turn right from the door to find the chest.
  4. Conjuration: The next chest can be found inside the house with the flowers in its yards. Enter the level 1 door to find the chest on the ground.
  5. Trait: For the next chest, head toward the medium bandit camp in the east of Aranshire Floo Flame. After clearing the camp, use the Revelio spell to reveal the chest’s location.
  6. Conjuration: For the next chest, head to the Lower Hogsfield Floo Flame. Next, turn around and go near the second house from the left. You must unlock the level 1 door to find the chest inside.
  7. Wand Handle: Start at the Lower Hogsfield Floo Flame and head toward the water well. Next, aim at the water and destroy the wheel with Incendio to reveal the chest.
  8. Conjuration: Start at the Lower Hogsfield Floo Flame and head toward the Hamlet Shop. Next, unlock the level 1 door behind the shop to find the chest at the back of the house.
  9. Conjuration: For the final chest in this location, head to the Aranshire Floo Flame. Next, go around the house and head inside Mary Portman’s Cellar. You will unlock this location during the Tangled Web side quest. After defeating the large spider, look around to find the chest in the same area.

Hogwarts Valley Collection Chest Locations

Hogwarts Valley Collection Chest Locations

The Hogwarts Valley region of the Highlands contains 15 Collection Chests. Here’s how to find and loot all Collection Chests in Hogwarts Valley:

  1. Conjuration: For the first chest, head to the Brocborrow Floo Flame. Head inside the house beside the Merlin Trial in the area. You will find the chest near the dressing chamber.
  2. Wand Handle: The next chest is behind the house where you found the previous chest. However, you can only reach this place by flying on your Broom.
  3. Wand Handle: Head back to the Brocborrow Floo Flame, turn left, and enter the first house in sight. You will find the chest near the couch.
  4. Conjuration: Again, start at the Brocborrow Floo Flame fast travel point. This time, go around the lake and use the Revelio spell to locate the chest behind some wooden crates.
  5. Conjuration: The next chest is inside the Dale Family Tomb. You can reach this area by going eastward from the Brocborrow Floo Flame. Once you enter the tomb (during or after the ‘Beeting’ a Curse side quest), go along the path. Once you reach the devil snares, immediately turn left and go over the barricade, and keep running till you reach a breakable wall. Use the Bombarda spell to break the wall to find the chest in the new room.
  6. Trait: For this Collection Chest, head southwest from the Keenbridge Floo Flame. You will find the chest inside a small bandit camp.
  7. Trait: The next chest can be found pretty close to the previous one. Start at the previous bandit camp and head south to find another small bandit camp. Use the Revelio spell to reveal the chest’s location.
  8. Conjuration: The next 2 chests can be found inside the Mine’s Eye area. You can find this area northeast of the East South Sea Bog Floo Flame. Enter the Mine and go along the path till you reach a room. Next, head upstairs and destroy the barrier to find the chest.
  9. Conjuration: The next chest can be found near the previous one in the Mine’s Eye. Start at the previous chest, go downstairs, and continue along the path till you reach a room full of enemies. After defeating all enemies, use the elevator to go up. Next, exit the elevator and go left through the long hallway; make another left to find a level 2 door. Unlock the door to find the second chest.
  10. Trait: For this chest, head east from the Keenbridge Floo Flame till you reach the bandit castle on top of the hill. Clear the camp to find the chest inside a small room.
  11. Wand Handle: The next chest can be found near the Keenbridge Floo Flame. Start at the Flame and go left on the path till you find a small house on your left. Enter the house to find the chest near the kitchen area.
  12. Wand Handle: Start at the previous chest and exit the house. You will find another large house across the street. Unlock the level 1 door to enter the house and go upstairs to find the chest.
  13. Conjuration: Exit the large house and jump over the fence to your left. Next, proceed into the small house across the fence to find the chest on the ground floor.
  14. Conjuration: Start at the previous chest, turn right, and go behind the house. You will find another small house near the previous one. Enter the house to find the next Collection Chest.
  15. Conjuration: During the A Bird in Hand side quest, enter The Gilded Perch. Next, turn left and elevate the wooden box using the Wingardium Leviosa spell. Immediately cast the Arresto Momentum spell on the box to hold it in place. Next, climb up the wooden box and turn left to find the chest.

Feldcroft Region Collection Chest Locations

Feldcroft Region Collection Chest Locations

The Feldcroft Region contains 22 Collection Chests and many other surprises. So, it would be best to spend a lot of time in exploring this area. Here’s how to find all Collection Chests in the Feldcroft Region:

  1. Trait: The first chest can be found in the medium bandit camp. You can find this area by heading south from the West Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame fast travel point.
  2. Trait: The next Collection Chest is located directly west of the previous one. To find this chest, start in the previous location and head west to find a small bandit camp in the Feldcroft Border.
  3. Trait: This chest is found further west from the previous location. You can easily find it in a small bandit camp by going west from the North Feldcroft Floo Flame.
  4. Trait: For this chest, start at the North Feldcroft Floo Flame or at the previous bandit camp. Next, move further west to find another small bandit camp with a Collection Chest near a tent.
  5. Trait: The next 2 Collection Chests can be found inside the bandit castle or the Rookwood Castle. Start at the Rookwood Castle Floo Flame and use the Revelio spell to find the first chest inside a small bandit tent.
  6. Trait: For the second chest in the Rookwood Castle, head back to the entrance and go left toward the courtyard. Next, make your way around the castle to find the chest in another tent.
  7. Trait: You can find the next chest in the small bandit camp in the northwest of Feldcroft Floo Flames. Alternatively, you can easily reach this place by traveling north from the Rookwood Castle Floo Flame; the chest is in one of the tents.
  8. Wand Handle: This Collection Chest is located near the Feldcroft Floo Flame fast travel point. Start at the Flame and turn around to find a small shack in the field. You can find the chest near a bookshelf.
  9. Conjuration: Again, start at the Feldcroft Floo Flame and head straight to the shop. You will find a house behind the shop, enter the house to find the chest near the stairs.
  10. Conjuration: For this chest, head right from the Feldcroft Floo Flame to find a small house. Enter the house and go upstairs to find the chest in the bedroom.
  11. Wand Handle: This chest can be found near the previous one. Get out of the small house, turn right, and go around the corner to find the chest near some wooden logs.
  12. Trait: You can find this chest in the small bandit camp. To reach the camp, head southwest from the Feldcroft Floo Flame; the chest is in the small tent.
  13. Conjuration: The next 2 chests can be found in the Feldcroft Catacombs. You will unlock this region during the In the Shadow of the Relic side quest. First, enter the Catacomb and enter the first door to your left. Here, cast Wingardium Leviosa to move the wooden box so that you can climb up the wall. The chest is located on top of the wall.
  14. Conjuration: For the second chest, get out of the room and follow the straight path inside the Catacomb. You will reach a large hall with a table in it. Next, turn left until you reach a room with a large gap in it. Use the Accio spell on the bones in the wall and then cast Wingardium Leviosa to build a bridge out of the bones. Cross the bone bridge to find the chest on your right side.
  15. Trait: The next chest can be found in the medium bandit camp. You can reach the camp by heading southeast from the Feldcroft Catacombs Floo Flame along the coast.
  16. Trait: The second chest in the same bandit camp is located on the first floor of the building in the camp.
  17. Trait: The next chest is found in the small bandit camp east of the Feldcroft Catacombs Floo Flame. Once you reach the camp, use Revelio spell to locate the chest inside the small tent.
  18. Conjuration: During The Centaur and the Stone side quest, head to the Moonstone Garden. Head along the path in the garden and reach inside the room with the puzzle of the pillars. Next, use the Accio spell to bring up the second and the first pillars to reveal the first chest.
  19. Conjuration: After looting the first chest, jump down into the water. Next, continue along the path till you reach the room with 2 enemies. Finally, keep swimming to the next room to find the second chest.
  20. Conjuration: The next Collection Chest is located near the Irondale Floo Flame fast travel point. Turn right from the Flame and go toward the Hamlet Shop. You will find a level 1 door behind the shop; the chest is inside this house.
  21. Wand Handle: Again, start at the Irondale Floo Flame and turn right. Go near the large windmill and enter the house across the windmill. You will find the chest inside this house.
  22. Wand Handle: The last Collection Chest in Feldcroft can be found outside Irondale. Head north from Irondale to find the chest near the waterfall.

South Sea Bog Collection Chest

South Sea Bog Collection Chest

The South Sea Bog is a barren land and doesn’t contain many surprises. Fortunately, you can find 1 Collection Chest in this location.

  1. Trait: You can find the Collection Chest in the medium bandit camp. Start at the East South Sea Bog Floo Flame and head southeast toward the mountains. You will find the chest in a small tent.

Coastal Cavern Collection Chest Location

Coastal Cavern Collection Chest Location

The Coastal Cavern is another small region in Hogwarts Legacy. Here’s how to find the Collection Chest in the Coastal Cavern:

  1. Conjuration: Enter the Tomb of Treachery and head straight along the path. Next, proceed through the first side passage and turn left to see the chest on the other side of the passageway.

Poidsear Coast Collection Chest Locations

Poidsear Coast Collection Chest Locations

The Poidsear Coast contains 8 Collection Chests in different areas. However, all of them are located inside the bandit camps. So, make sure you arrive prepared for a fight. Here’s how to find all Collection Chests in Poidsear Coast:

  1. Trait: The first chest can be found inside the Poidsear Castle. You can find this place near the Floo Flame beside an infamous foe.
  2. Trait: The next chest is located in the small bandit camp west of the Poidsear Castle Floo Flame.
  3. Trait: Start at the previous chest and head south to find the chest in the tent of another small bandit camp.
  4. Trait: For the next chest, head northeast from the East Poidsear Coast Floo Flame to the small bandit camp. You can find the chest inside a small tent near the coast.
  5. Trait: For this chest, head north from the previous chest to reach the Phoenix Mountain Cave Floo Flame. You can find the chest next to a small tent.
  6. Trait: This chest is located inside the small bandit camp on the northern coast. You can find this camp by traveling south from the South Poidsear Coast Floo Flame.
  7. Conjuration: For the next 2 chests, head to the Phoenix Mountain Cave Floo Flame. You will unlock this location during the Phoenix Rising side quest. Enter the cave and continue along the path till you reach the edge. From here, jump to the other side, and instead of going forward, turn right and follow the path to reach the chest.
  8. Conjuration: For the second chest, head along the path to reach the end of the cave. Turn right just before the place where you catch the Phoenix to find the chest in the room.

Marunweem Lake Chest Locations

Marunweem Lake Chest Locations

The Marunweem Lake is a content-rich region of Hogwarts Legacy. Here, you will find 15 Collection Chests, mostly involving puzzles and hidden locations.

  1. Trait: To find the first chest, head to the Coastal Mine Floo Flame. Next, head west along the coast to reach a small bandit camp. You will find the chest inside a small tent.
  2. Trait: Again, start at the Coastal Mine Floo Flame and head across the water in the north. Continue in the same direction till you reach the small bandit camp. The chest is hidden inside a small tent.
  3. Trait: Start at the previous chest and head southeast till you reach at the bottom of the cliff. The chest is hidden inside the bandit camp. Alternatively, you can also reach this place by heading north from the Tower Tunnel Floo Flame.
  4. Trait: The next chest is inside the small bandit camp on the southern border. You can reach this location by heading southeast from the Marunweem Lake Floo Flame.
  5. Trait: For this chest, head east from the Marunweem Lake Floo Flame till you reach the small bandit camp on the border. The chest is located near the small tent in this area.
  6. Conjuration: The next 2 chests are found inside the Coastal Mine. You can access this area during the Lodgok’s Loyalty main story quest. Use the Traversal system inside the Mine and follow the path till you reach the fireplace. Next, use Incendio on the fireplace (important for the second chest). Return to the main path and move the platform with the Accio spell. Move across the platform, use Depulso on the manhole, and go down the ladder to find the first chest.
  7. Conjuration: For the second chest, pass through the golden door and again move the platform with Accio. Finally, head back to the Traversal system and cast Accio on the level to reveal the second chest.
  8. Conjuration: For the next 2 chests, head to the Tower Tunnel Floo Flame. Next, turn left from the spiders and use the Bombarda spell on the wall and kill the spiders with Incendio to find the first chest.
  9. Conjuration: For the second chest, follow the main tunnel path till you reach a room. Turn right to enter the room and find the second chest with Revelio.
  10. Conjuration: Start at the Marunweem Floo Flame, turn around, and enter the small house. You will find the chest on the ground floor.
  11. Conjuration: Again, start at the Marunweem Flame and head right toward the street. You will find a large house beside the streetlight. Enter the house and search the bedroom to find the chest.
  12. Wand Handle: Start at the previous chest location and exit the house. Next, turn right and move across the bridge. Enter the house on the right side of the path to find the chest.
  13. Conjuration: Exit the previous building and go upstairs on the stone staircase. Enter the house in front of you to find the chest.
  14. Conjuration: Exit the last house and go upstairs on the left. Enter the house in front of you to find the chest on the ground floor.
  15. Wand Handle: Go upstairs in the same house to find the second chest.

Manor Cape Chest Locations

Manor Cape Chest Locations

The Manor Cape Region contains 7 Collection Chests. Here’s how to find them all:

  1. Wand Handle: Start at the Bainburgh Floo Flame and turn left to find the Hamlet Shop. Move close to the vendor to find the chest beside him.
  2. Conjuration: Enter the house in front of the shop to find the next chest.
  3. Wand Handle: Exit the house and jump over the small stone on your left. Enter the small house in front of you to find this chest.
  4. Conjuration: This chest is in the same house as the previous one. Simply use the Revelio spell to find it.
  5. Trait: Head southeast from the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. You will find the chest inside the small bandit camp.
  6. Trait: Start at the previous location and move along the coast in the north. You will find the chest in the small bandit camp.
  7. Conjuration: Head to Henrietta’s Hideaway Floo Flame. Enter the structure and find the room with the Hippogriff. Turn right and use Incendio on the statue to reveal a secret room. Solve the puzzle by moving the cubes to reveal the chest.

Cragcroftshire Chest Locations

Cragcroftshire Chest Locations

The Cragcroftshire Region contains 5 Collection Chests. Here’s how to find them all:

  1. Conjuration: Start at the Cragcroft Floo Flame and head toward the Merlin Trial. Unlock the level 2 door of the house near the Merlin Stone and go upstairs to find the chest.
  2. Conjuration: Exit the last house and move toward the second house on the left. You will find the chest on the ground floor.
  3. Wand Handle: Exit the last house and go uphill on the left side. Look for a house that requires level 1 unlock. Enter the house and go upstairs to find the chest.
  4. Wand Handle: Exit the last house and jump down from the hill. Now, unlock the level 2 door to enter the house. The chest is located on the upper floor.
  5. Trait: Head southwest from the Cragcroft Floo Flame to find a medium bandit camp. The chest is hidden inside a small tent.

Clagmar Coast Chest Locations

Clagmar Coast Chest Locations

All Collection Chests in the Clagmar Coast Region are hidden in the bandit camps. So, make sure that you visit this region when you are well-prepared for the battles. Once you clear a camp, use the Revelio spell to locate the chests.


Finding all Collection Chests in Hogwarts Legacy requires complete dedication. However, you can only conquer the Wizarding World by earning the Collector’s Edition Trophy. Therefore, this article provides all Collection Chests locations outside Hogwarts Castle.