Most story-driven open world RPGs feature multiple endings these days, and Hogwarts Legacy is no different. There are 3 endings in the game: the Good ending, the Evil ending, and the final True ending.
The first two endings are driven by the choices you make during the last quest, whereas the True ending remains the same regardless of your choices.
However, unlike other open world games, Hogwarts Legacy tends to keep things simple for the players. In other words, it doesn’t really matter how you play the rest of the game; only the final choice will decide the outcome of the story.
So, what are the three Hogwarts Legacy Endings & how to get them? Well, this article explains it all!
Hogwarts Legacy Endings:
As mentioned above, there are three endings in Hogwarts Legacy. The first two endings depend on the choice you make during The Final Repository main story quest.
Finally, the True ending doesn’t really depend on your choices. Instead, you must complete the post-ending quests to unlock the House Cup ending.
Here is all you need to know about Hogwarts Legacy endings:
The Last Repository:
The final main story mission of Hogwarts Legacy is The Last Repository quest. In this quest, you must reach the Repository before Ranrok.
However, before this objective, you must Ranrok’s Loyalists, arrive at the Repository, and defeat Ranrok after his final transformation.
Professor Fig is badly injured by the boulders and will die after the ending, regardless of your choices.
Hogwarts Legacy Good Ending

To trigger the Good ending sequence, you must make a couple of choices. After defeating Ranrok, Professor Fig will proclaim that you are now the Keeper of the Ancient Magic contained within the Respiratory. He will ask, “what do you intend to do with it?”
To get the Good ending, you must first choose the option: “I intend to keep it contained here.” Next, you must exhaust the dialogue, following your choice. Finally, you must choose “I shall keep it secret forever” to seal your answer and trigger the ending sequence.
These choices will unlock the Good ending in which Professor Fig helps you seal the Respiratory after defeating Ranrok. However, the injuries prove too much, and the Professor dies after exchanging his final words.
Later on, a ceremony is held in the Great Hall in the memory of Fig’s sacrifice.
Hogwarts Legacy Bad (Evil) Ending

The second ending is slightly different from the Good one. After becoming the Keeper of the Ancient Magic contained within the Respiratory, Professor Fig will ask you what you want to do with it.
To trigger the Evil ending, you must first choose the option “I intend to open it.” Next, you must exhaust the dialogue before sealing your choice by choosing the option, “This power should not be kept from the world.”
After unlocking the Evil ending, the player will absorb a portion of Ranrok’s powers into his wand. This process will make the player’s eye become bright orange, as a sign of evil. Next, Professor Fig will help you unlock the Respiratory to spread the Knowledge of Ancient Magic into the world.
After unlocking the magic, Fig will die due to the injuries after expressing his final words.
Finally, a ceremony in the memory of the sacrifices of Professor Fig will take place in the Great Hall and start the post-ending sequence.
Sebastian or Ominis in the cutscene:
After unlocking either of the two endings, you will see another cutscene inside Hogwarts Castle. In this scene, you will meet either Sebastian or Ominis, depending on your quests.
The outcome of this scene depends on whether you have completed the Sebastian Sallow questline or not.
If you wish to see Sabastian, you must not turn him in during the In the Shadow of Fate quest. Similarly, if you wish to see Ominis, you must turn in Sabastian during the side quest.

True Ending
The third or the True ending in Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t depend on any of your choices. However, to see the True ending, you must complete all post-ending quests and reach the prescribed level. To reach this sequence, you must complete the following tasks in the post-end period for 100% completion:
- Reach level 34
- Complete Weasley’s Watchful Eye Main Story Quest
- Complete all relationship story lines
- Complete all remaining side quests
- Complete all remaining puzzles
- Complete The House Cup Main Story Quest
However, completing all of the puzzles and side quests isn’t really necessary if you only wish to reach the True ending and not 100% completion. So, only completing the main story quests and reaching level 34 is enough for this phase.
After you complete all post-ending requirements, you must visit the Great Hall in Hogwarts Castle for the final ceremony. Here, like all Harry Potter endings, the winner of the House Cup will be declared.
During the ceremony, 100 extra points will be awarded to your house for your bravery and heroism. This point marks the end of the True ending, leaving you free to explore the Wizarding World, complete the remaining challenges and side quests, or replay the game with a different character.
How to unlock both endings in one playthrough?
Hogwarts Legacy has two different endings that you can unlock. Fortunately, the outcome of the game only depends on that one choice that you make during the last mission.
So, you can experience both Good and Evil endings by saving your game right before the Respiratory cut scene.
Then, just complete the quest with the first choice to see the Good ending, load the game and repeat with the second choice to unlock both endings in a single playthrough.
Is 100% completion compulsory for the True ending in Hogwarts Legacy?
100% completion means completing all challenges, side quests, main quests, and relationship quests and finding all collectibles. However, among them, only the post-ending main quests and reaching level 34 are compulsory for the True ending. Other than that, you can complete the rest of the challenges after finishing the True ending sequence.
How to play NG+1 in Hogwarts Legacy?
Unfortunately, there is no NG+ mode in Hogwarts Legacy for now. However, Avalanche Studios plans to introduce new features in future updates. Hopefully, multiplayer and NG+ modes will be a part of these updates. Until that time, you could only enjoy the extra content by replaying the new game with different houses.
Hogwarts Legacy follows the multi-ending trend set by numerous open world RPGs. There are three endings in the game, two of which are dependent on your choices. The Good ending can be unlocked by sealing the Respiratory while the Evil ending can be unlocked by choosing to spread the Ancient Magic.
Finally, the True ending is independent of your choices, i.e., it remains the same for all players. So, how to get all endings in Hogwarts Legacy? Well, this article will answer all your questions.