To open the house chest in Hogwarts Legacy, you will need 16 house tokens, also referred to as Daedalian keys. The house tokens are hidden in various parts of the Hogwarts Castle region. So, knowing the Daedalian keys locations can really simplify things for you.
Moreover, you will also master the mini-game after the first few keys, so don’t worry about it. Here is how to find all Daedalian Keys in Hogwarts Legacy:
How to Use Daedalian Keys
Much like picking locks, using Daedalian keys to find the house tokens isn’t easy at first, but once you get the hang of it, you can open them easily. The video above explains how to unlock the house cabinets and get the house tokens using Daedalian keys.
Astronomy Wing House Tokens

The first several house tokens are in the Castle’s Astronomy Wing. If you have already unlocked all Floo Flames in the area, you won’t face any problem finding them.

The first key is located near the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame fast travel point. You will find a large wooden door, enter it and go straight till you find a small staircase. You can find the key floating near the stairwell, and the chest can be found upstairs; follow the key.

The next Daedalian Key can be found near the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame. Start at the Flame and enter the room near the site. Next, go upstairs on the staircase to reach the upper floor. Finally, use the Revelio spell to locate the floating key near the rhino skeleton and solve the mini-game to acquire the House Token from the chest.

The third key can be found by going up the stairs from the rhino skeleton. Take a left from the Floo Flames and go straight. That’s where you will find the next house token.
Grand Staircase House Keys

The Grand Staircase has three house tokens to offer. However, both of them are located far apart, making it very challenging to find them. Here’s how to find them all:

The first key is near the Grand Staircase Tower or the moving stairs. Start at the stairs and use the Revelio spell to locate the floating key near the portraits. You can reach the key by going all the way to the top, just before the symbol door puzzle. Next, stand close to the railing and wait for the stairs to shift, leading you to another symbol puzzle. You can find the House Cabinet right beside the puzzle door.

The second key is near the Grand Staircase Floo Flame fast travel point. Start at the Flame and go straight till you find a large wooden door on your left. Next, go through the door and down the stairs. Look around to find the key and the house cabinet in this small room.

For the third and final key in this area, go to the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame. From here, go up the stairs behind the serpent statue and follow the key to the house cabinet.
Bell Tower Wing House Cabinet

There is only one house token in this section of Hogwarts.

First, fast travel to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame. From where you spawn, turn left, go up the first set of stairs, and go straight through the door. Behind the door is a staircase that keeps going up on the left. Keep following the stairs to the top; along the way, you will find the flying key, and at the top is the cabinet.
Great Hall House Token

Like the Grand Staircase, the Great Hall is also a place of interest for your quest. You can find one Daedalian Key.

The House Cabinet can be found right beside the Great Hall Floo Flame. To find its floating key, head to the fireplace in the hall and look around above your head. The key will lead you to the cabinet, starting the mini-game puzzle.
Library Annex House Tokens

You can find three Daedalian Keys in the Library Annex region.

Start at the “Library” Annex Floo Flame fast travel point for the first key. Next, use the Revelio charm to locate the floating key between the bookshelves. Finally, follow the key back to the Flame to locate the House Cabinet. It will be directly to the left of the Floo Flame you traveled to.

For the second key, head back to the Central Hall Floo Flame. Next, head upstairs using the staircase instead of going toward the statue. When you reach the entrance to the Viaduct Courtyard, turn right to find the key behind the marble steps. Alternatively, you can use the Revelio spell to locate the key while standing close to the marble steps. The House Cabinet for this key is located near the main staircase, the same way where you came in.

You must head to the Potions Classroom for the final Daedalian Key in the Library Annex. When you approach the classroom, use the Revelio spell to locate the key while standing at the doorway. Finally, follow the key to the bottom of the spiral staircase to reach the cabinet.
South Wing House Tokens

The final 3 Daedalian Keys can be found in the South Wing of the Hogwarts Castle region. However, all the keys are located in different areas, so you can’t expect to stumble on them alone. Here’s how to find all of them to unlock the House Chest:

You must acquire the Alohomora spell for the first Daedalian Key by completing The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament main story quest. You will need the spell to unlock the entrance to the Faculty Tower. Next, activate the Faculty Tower Floo Flame by unlocking the door and using the staircase to reach the upper floor. After reaching the second floor, use the Revelio spell to locate the floating key near a symbol puzzle door. Finally, follow the key all the way to the lower floor to reach the House Cabinet.

For the second key, start at the Hospital Wing Floo Flame, and use the spiral staircase behind the flame to reach the house cabinet. It will be on your left when you head down the stairs.

For the last Daedalian Key, you must activate the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame fast travel point. Stand close to the Flame and turn right to find the Gatehouse door. Unlock the door using the Alohomora spell and go upstairs using the staircase. Next, use the Revelio spell to locate the key floating near an ornate door. Finally, follow the key to the second staircase to find the cabinet. Alternatively, you can also reach this area by going downstairs from the Hospital Wing Floo Flame.
Secret Room House Tokens

The house cabinets and tokens in the secret rooms section of Hogwarts can only be unlocked after you go far enough in the main quest. You’ll need to have completed “Jackdaw’s Rest” to get access to the map chamber.

For the first key, fast travel to the Map Chamber Floo Flames. From here, turn around and go up the stairs. You will have to go up another set of stairs as well. Go through the metal door and straight ahead to find the key. Turn around and then go down the stairs to your right (not the spiral staircase!) and go to the right. On your left, the house cabinet will be there.

Go back to where you found the previous key. Go down the stairs again, but this time go straight and follow that corridor to find a big sleeping dragon statue. Around it flies the key. Follow the key up the stairs and the house cabinet will be there.
That is the location of all the Daedalian keys and house tokens that you will need to unlock the house chest! Hopefully, this helped.