The Clagmar Coast Region is located on the southern border of the world map. It is a late-game area, but you can access it as soon as you unlock the world outside Hogwarts Castle. However, it is recommended to reach at least level 25 before going after the Treasure Vaults and other collectibles in this area.
There are 10 Treasure Vaults that you can open in this Region. Finding these vaults won’t be a problem as they appear as caves on the map, and casting Revelio on the Broom also shows these markers. However, it would be pretty challenging to open these vaults on your own, as some of them contain complex puzzles. Therefore, this article explains how to unlock all Treasure Vaults in Clagmar Coast.
All Treasure Vaults in Clagmar Coast:
The 10 Treasure Vaults in Clagmar Coast are located very far from both Floo Flames in the Region. So, your Broom will be your best travel companion in this endeavor. Fortunately, they are very close to each other, so looting them in one go is the best way.
Furthermore, you should empty out your gear slots and unlock all basic spells like Alohomora (level 2-3), Glacius, Wingardium Leviosa, and Bombarda before heading for this coast. In any case, here’s how to unlock all Treasure Vaults in Clagmar Coast:
North Clagmar Treasure Vault
The first Treasure Vault is located on the northern border of Clagmar Coast.
The nearest Floo Flame is the Clagmar Castle. So, start at the Floo Flame and go northwest toward the shore on your Broom, as shown in the picture:

Head to the vault’s entrance on the edge of the cliff. Next, go inside the tunnel until you reach a large door. Turn right to find a lever on the wall. You can pull the lever with Accio to open the door. Finally, go inside and use Revelio to find the chest near the cave wall.

North Clagmar Vault #2 Location
The second Treasure Vault is located very close to Vault #1. You can easily find it by going west toward the other side of the land bridge, as shown in the picture:

Once you find the vault’s entrance, head inside all the way to the small room. Next, locate the extinguished floating braziers and light them up with either Confringo or Incendio. The treasure chest will fall near the central torch when all the braziers are lit.

Northwest Clagmar Vault #3 Location
This next Treasure Vault is right around the corner from Vault #2. Simply head to the northwestern edge of the cliff to find it, as shown in the picture:

The vault’s entrance is blocked by a few large rocks. You can easily blow them away with either Confringo or Bombarda spells.
Next, go inside the vault and follow the path until you reach the very end. Turn right to find the treasure chest near the cave wall.

Northwest Clagmar Vault #4
You can find this Treasure Vault just before Vault #3. Start at the previous vault and go southeast to find it on top of the cliff, as shown in the picture:

Use Revelio while standing near the vault’s entrance to find a pressure plate. The stone cube is located on the left side, nearby some bones.
Next, lift the cube with Wingardium Leviosa and place it on the pressure plate. The cube has a snowflake symbol on it, so hitting it with Glacius will open up the vault.

Once you are inside the vault, keep going on the path until you reach a large room. Here, use Revelio to locate the 4 moving levers. Use Accio to pull all of the highlighted levers.
Finally, turn right and enter the new room to find the treasure chest.

West Clagmar Treasure Vault Location
You can find this Treasure Vault on the western shore of Clagmar Coast. Simply go southwest from the bandit camp to find the vault on the other side of the cliff, as shown in the picture:

You don’t need to solve any puzzles to unlock this Treasure Vault. All you need to do is to enter the vault and go all the way to the cave at the end of the path. Next, use Revelio to find the treasure chest in the top left corner of this cave.

Central Clagmar
The next Treasure Vault is located very close to Vault #5. You can find it by going along the path in the southeast direction from the previous vault, as shown in the picture:

Use Revelio while standing at the vault’s entrance to locate the pressure plate. Next, go down the cliff to the right side to find the stone cube across the water. You can pull the cube with Accio and then guide it back to the plate with Wingardium Leviosa. The cube has a feather symbol on it, so hitting it with Leviosa will open the vault.

Enter the vault and follow the path until you reach a large room. Here, use Revelio to locate the 4 levers on the wall. Next, pull all of the levers with Accio and turn right to find the new room. Finally, enter the room to find the chest on the left side.

Clagmar Castle Vault
The next 3 Treasure Vaults are near the Clagmar Castle. So, it would be best to activate the Floo Flame as soon as you get a chance. Next, go west from the Flame toward the small bandit camp to find the vault, as shown in the picture:

Once you enter the vault, go along the path until you reach the Devil’s Snares. Next, use Lumos to scare off the vines and enter the cave. Finally, use Revelio to locate the treasure chest on the right side.

Clagmar Castle Vault
For this next Treasure Vault, start at Vault #7. Head south toward the next small bandit camp to find the vault, as shown in the picture:

This vault has a small entrance, but you can’t miss it if you set a waypoint on the map. Go inside the vault and follow the path until you reach a small cave.

Next, you must solve the leaf tornado puzzle to find the treasure chest. All you need to do is to find the leaf tornado 6 times and walk through it. The tornado will disappear as soon as you touch it and reappear somewhere else in the cave. Once you touch it for the 6th time, it will drop the treasure chest.

Clagmar Castle Vault
For the next Treasure Vault, you must head to the Clagmar Castle Floo Flame. Next, head southeast toward the edge of the map to find the vault, as shown in the picture:

Your Alohomora spell will come in handy for this next puzzle. To enter the vault, you must unlock the level 2 door at the vault’s entrance. Once you open the door, go all the way to the small sewer-like room at the end of the vault. Finally, use Revelio to find the treasure chest in the top right corner of this room.

Clagmar Castle Vault
For the last Treasure Vault, you must again head back to the Clagmar Castle Floo Flame. Start at the Flame and go a little east to find this vault.
Alternatively, you can also find it by going northeast from the South Clagmar Floo Flame, as shown in the picture:

Use Revelio while standing near the vault to locate the pressure plate. The stone cube is in the small camp (on the wooden cart) on the left side. Next, pull the cube with Accio and guide it back to the plate with Wingardium Leviosa. The cube has a leaf symbol, so hitting it with Leviosa will open the vault.
Next, go inside the vault and follow the path until you reach a small room. Finally, you must walk through the stone arch to drop the treasure chest.

The Treasure Vaults in Clagmar Coast are among the easiest vaults in Hogwarts Legacy. However, you must defeat hard enemies to access these vaults.
Once you have control over the area, unlocking all Treasure Vaults in Clagmar Coast won’t be much of a problem for you.