The Forbidden Forest is one of the most dreadful yet exciting locations in the Wizarding World. This region hides many secrets, creatures, and magical loot. Fortunately, Hogwarts Legacy brings some essence to the resourcefulness of the region.
In this regard, there are 5 Treasure Vaults in the Forbidden Forest. However, you need to solve several puzzles before finding and looting the legendary chests inside these vaults.
Therefore, this article will help you solve all Treasure Vaults in the Forbidden Forest.
All Treasure Vaults in Forbidden Forest:
The 5 Treasure Vaults in the Forbidden Forest can be found near Floo Flames. Moreover, the legendary chests inside these vaults will reward you with gear items.
So, make sure you empty out your inventory by selling the unwanted items or destroying them before going for the Treasure Vaults.
Here’s how to find and solve all Treasure Vault puzzles in the Forbidden Forest:
- Jackdaw’s Tome:
The first Treasure Vault is located close to Jackdaw’s Tomb Floo Flame. Start at the Floo Flame and fly east on your Broom till you reach the Treasure Vault, as shown on the map.
The vault is hidden under a thick cover of forest trees, so make sure to get down on the ground and cast Revelio to locate the entrance (the spider Lair).

Any puzzle does not protect the entrance to this vault. So, head inside the vault and continue running along the path till you reach a room with the fire braziers.
Here, you will notice that some of the braziers are extinguished. Use the Confringo spell to light them up one by one or the Incendio spell to light them up all at once. The treasure chest will drop down from the ceiling; loot it, and your work here is done.

- Merlin Trial:
The next Treasure Vault is hidden beneath a whirlpool in the river.
You can find this whirlpool near the Merlin Trial on the southern border of the Forbidden Forest, as shown in the picture:

Once you reach the whirlpool site, jump into the water and swim to the pool. You will see a prompt to press and hold X to dive here. Diving will get you to the other side of the whirlpool, a sort of parallel reality.
Next, get to the shore and cast the Revelio spell to locate a breakable wall. Use either Confringo or Bombarda to break the wall and unlock the vault’s entrance.
Finally, enter the vault and go along the path to find the chest under a pillar on your right side.

- West Forbidden Forest:
You should move to the West Forbidden Forest Floo Flame for the next Treasure Vault.
Next, get on your Broom and head northeast till you find some ruins, as shown in the picture.
The vault is located underground, so you can’t see its entrance till you solve the puzzle.

To find and unlock the vault’s entrance, stand at the center of the ruins and cast the Revelio spell. The spell will reveal a pressure plate on the ground. The stone cube for this plate can be found on top of the stairs in your northeast.
Next, climb up the staircase and use Accio or Wingardium Leviosa to guide the cube to the plate. The cube has a leaf symbol, so cast Wingardium Leviosa again to unlock the vault’s entrance.
Next, head downstairs on the underground staircase a little south of the pressure plate. Turn right at the end of the stairs and go downstairs until you reach the room with a statue. The treasure chest is located on your right side.

- Upper Hogsfield treasure vault
The next Treasure Vault can be found pretty close to the Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame.
Simply start at the flame and head northwest toward the Forbidden Forest till you find an opening amid the trees, as shown in the picture:

Once you reach the Treasure Vault entrance, you will find that the metal door has a level 2 lock on it. So, you must have Alohomora spell at level 1 to proceed.
Next, unlock the door with the Alohomora spell and keep going downstairs until you reach a room at the end of the path.
The treasure chest is located on the left side of the door, and there is an extra reward inside the room.

- West Forbidden Forest Treasure Vault
The final Treasure Vault is found near the West Forbidden Forest Floo Flame fast travel point.
Start at the Flame and head northwest to find the Treasure Vault, as shown in the picture:

Once you reach the vault’s entrance, head to the green door. However, you must learn Alohomora level 3 before you can unlock the vault.
Next, unlock the level 3 door and head downstairs inside the tunnel.
You will find the treasure chest on the left side of the room at the end of the path.

The Forbidden Forest region hides many secrets, including 5 Treasure Vaults. However, the map only shows the locations of 4 vaults, as the last one is hidden beneath a whirlpool.
Therefore, this article provides the exact locations and the best ways to unlock all Treasure Vaults in the Forbidden Forest.