Treasure Vaults in Hogwarts Legacy appear in numerous places on the open world map. Usually, players get confused as the game doesn’t tell you anything about unlocking these treasure chests. For instance, there are 6 Treasure Vaults in the Hogsmeade Valley region. Almost all of them have one or two puzzles attached to them.
So, you must solve these puzzles using the right strategy to reach the treasure chests inside these vaults. The only problem is that it can be pretty challenging to identify each type of puzzle and act accordingly on your own.
Therefore, this article provides the locations and the precise solutions to all Treasure Vaults in the Hogsmeade Valley.
All Treasure Vaults in Hogsmeade Valley:
Hogsmeade Valley may seem like a small region of the game. However, it hides great rewards for those who dare to explore it. For instance, you can stumble upon 6 Treasure Vaults in the Valley.
Here’s how to find and unlock all of them:
- East North Ford Bog Floo Flame:
The first Treasure Vault is located near the East North Ford Bog Floo Flame.
To reach this vault, start at the Floo Flame and head east on your Broom until you find the small bandit camp, as shown in the picture:

To unlock the Treasure Vault, stand at its door and cast Revelio to reveal the pressure plate and the corresponding stone cube. You can find the cube on the right side above the small staircase.
Next, use Accio to pull the cube and place it on the pressure plate.
Beware of the Inferius that guards the doorway. Next, use Incendio or Confringo on the cube to unlock the vault.
Finally, head inside the vault and go downstairs to find the chest in the room at the end of the path.

- East North Ford Bog Floo Flame Treasure Vault
Head back to the East North Ford Bog Floo Flame for the next Treasure Vault.
This time, head west from the Flame towards the Jobberknolls Beast den to find the vault, as shown in the picture:

There are no puzzles whatsoever for this Treasure Vault. However, you must defeat the Loyalist Ranger before you can enter the vault.
Next, head inside the vaulted tunnel and run along the path to find the chest on the left side in a small room.

- Upper Hogsfield Treasure Vault
The third Treasure Vault is located near the Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame fast travel point. You will find two vaults in this location, so make sure you have enough empty gear slots.
Start at the Floo Flame and head northwest to reach the first vault, just before the Horklump Hollow cavern, as shown in the picture:

You will need an Alohomora level 1 spell to enter this vault. So, make sure you have completed The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament main quest.
Next, head to the main vault entrance and unlock the door using the Alohomora spell.
Finally, enter the vault and continue running downstairs to find the chest on the left side.

- Upper Hogsfield Treasure Vault
For the next Treasure Vault, you must head back to the Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame and go west. Alternatively, you can reach this vault northeast of the previous one.
In any case, you will find the vault nearby a small cliff, as shown in the picture:

Unlocking this Treasure Vault requires a level 3 Alohomora spell. You can upgrade the spell by returning 13 Demiguise Moons to Gladwin.
Once you reach the vault location, you must defeat the Inferius guarding the entrance. Next, go near the vault and unlock the door with the Alohomora spell.
Finally, head to the end of the vault to find the chest on the statue’s left side.

- Falbarton Castle Treasure Vault
This Treasure Vault is located near the Falbarton Castle Floo Flame fast travel point.
Start at the Floo Flame and head west on your Broom to find the vault, as shown in the picture:

There are no puzzles at the entrance of the vault. Simply find the entrance and head downstairs inside the tunnel.
You will encounter a level 2 locked door at the end of the staircase.
Unlock the door with Alohomora and go straight from the door to find the treasure chest.

- East Hogsmeade Valley Treasure Vault
The last Treasure Vault is located near the East Hogsmeade Valley Floo Flame. Start at the Flame and head toward the bandit camp in the south.
You will find the vault at the foot of the large hill, as shown in the picture:

This Treasure Vault has no puzzles attached to it. Simply find the vault’s entrance and go inside the tunnel.
Continue going downstairs to find the treasure chest on the right side under some tree roots.

The 6 Treasure Vaults in Hogsmeade Valley are located in the most unexpected locations. So, even if you follow the map, you may get past the entrance without even knowing.
Therefore, this article provides the best ways to loot all Treasure Vaults in the region.