Manor Cape is the second to last Region in the open world map of Hogwarts Legacy. This area may seem empty and unattractive at first glance. However, you will be surprised at how much you can gain by exploring this Region.
For instance, there are 6 Treasure Vaults, 3 Collection Chests, and many other collectibles in the area. However, the only way to enter these vaults is by solving a few complex puzzles, making it challenging for some players. Therefore, this article explains how to unlock all Treasure Vaults in the Manor Cape Region.
All Treasure Vaults in Manor Cape:
There are a total of 6 Treasure Vaults in the Manor Cape Region. So, you should only come after these vaults when you have enough space in your inventory. However, there is either some trick or some puzzle or even a tricky puzzle attached to each of these vaults. Fortunately, with the right set of spells and this guide in hand, you will find it pretty easy to solve all Treasure Vaults in Manor Cape:
- Bainburgh:
The first Treasure Vault is located on the northern border of Manor Cape. You can easily find it by going over the cliff in the southeast direction from the Bainburgh Floo Flame, as shown in the picture:

Once you reach the vault’s entrance, use the Revelio spell to locate the pressure plate. You can find the stone cube on top of the cliff above the vault.
Next, fly on your Broom toward the highlighted cube and guide it back to the plate with Wingardium Leviosa. The cube has a leaf symbol, so hitting it with the Leviosa spell will open the vault’s door.

Next, go inside the vault tunnel and follow the path until you reach a large room. Use the Revelio spell to find a stone cube in the top left corner of the room. There is a pressure plate on the ceiling above the treasure chamber. So, you must find a way to place the cube on this plate to open the doors.
The best solution is to lift the cube with Wingardium Leviosa, guide it to the plate, and use the movement buttons to adjust its height. Once the door is open, you are free to drop the cube and loot the treasure chest.

- Bainburgh:
For this next Treasure Vault, you must head back to the Bainburgh Floo Flame. Next, get on your Broom and fly in the south direction to find the vault. Alternatively, you can also find this vault by going south along the border from Vault #1, as shown in the picture:

Use Revelio while standing at the vault’s entrance to find the pressure plate. Inside the wooden boat, you can find the stone cube on the beach (in front of the vault). Simply go around the boat and use Wingardium Leviosa to lift the cube and guide it back to the plate.
Finally, hit the cube with the Leviosa spell to open the vault.

Make your way to the large room at the end of the vault. Again, use Revelio to locate a magical cube in the bottom left corner of this room.
Next, pull the cube toward the statue on the right side with either Accio or Wingardium Leviosa. Doing so will create a staircase that leads to the ledge above the statue.
Finally, climb up the cube and again jump to climb the ledge; the chest will be in front of you.

- West Manor Cape:
For this next Treasure Vault, you can either start at the Bainburgh Floo or head to the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. Next, fly toward the western coast to find the vault, as shown in the picture:

If you managed to open the first two vaults, this next one would be a piece of cake for you. Simply start at the vault’s entrance and use Revelio to locate a stone lever. Cast Accio at the lever to pull it and open the vault’s entrance.

Once you open the vault, go all the way to the large room at the end of the path.
Here, you will find a strange puzzle and an Inferi guarding the treasure chest. After defeating the enemy, use Revelio to locate 6 levers (similar to the one at the entrance).
Next, pull the 6 highlighted levers with Accio to open the treasure chamber and loot the chest.

- West Manor Cape:
For this next Treasure Vault, return to the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. You can find the vault by going east from the Floo toward the eastern coast, as shown in the picture:

You will find a rotatable lever beside the vault’s entrance. The only way to open this vault is by fully rotating the lever with the Depulso spell. Once the first lever is locked in place, go right (uphill) to find a second one. Again, hit it several times with Depulso to open the vault.

Next, go all the way to the large room at the end of the vault. Here, you will find another puzzle in front of you. First, use Revelio to find a stone cube on the ground (nearby a statue).
Next, use Wingardium Leviosa to lift the cube and guide it to the empty space on the cube stack. However, you must flip the cube such that the arrowhead faces downward before placing it in the stack. This will open the treasure chamber behind the stack.

- West Manor Cape:
Again, return to the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. This time, go south from the Flame toward the Niffler Beast Den to find the vault, as shown in the picture:

There are no puzzles attached to this Treasure Vault. However, it is located in the middle of a spider lair. So, you must defeat all enemies guarding the treasure before you can get to the chest. Start at the vault’s entrance and keep heading down until you reach the spiderweb.
Use Confringo or Incendio to burn the web and reach the large hall. Here, you must defeat several spiders before you can find the treasure chest in the back of the room.

- Henrietta’s Hideaway:
The last Treasure Vault is located in the farthest corner of the Manor Cape Region. You can find this vault by going northeast from Henrietta’s Hideaway along the coastline, as shown in the picture:

This vault’s entrance is located beneath a magical whirlpool. So, jump into the water from the wooden platform and swim toward the whirlpool.
Next, hold the X button to dive to the other side. Next, swim toward the lights on the left side to reach the vault’s entrance.

Enter the vault tunnel and keep going down until you reach a large room. Here, you will find a rotatable lever in the center of the room. Move to the backside of the lever and hit it with Depulso several times (9 at least) to lock it in place.
Doing so will move a stack of stones across the room, creating a ledge for you. Finally, climb on the stones and the ledge above to find the treasure chest.

The 6 Treasure Vaults in the Manor Cape Region can be pretty challenging for inexperienced players. Some of the puzzles are so mind-boggling that you will end up searching for a solution online.
Therefore, this article explains how to solve all Treasure Vaults in Manor Cape.