Treasure Vaults are a fun way to explore different regions of the Hogwarts Legacy. However, most of these treasure chests reward you with rare and legendary outfits.
So, it is best to empty out your gear slots by selling the unwanted items to any merchant in the Hogsmeade Village before going after these treasures.
There are 5 Treasure Vaults in North Ford Bog, and this article will guide you through all of them.
All Treasure Vaults in North Ford Bog:
The North Ford Bog region hides 5 Treasure Vaults, each located near a different Floo Flame. Here’s how to unlock these vaults and loot the treasure chests inside:
- Pitt Upon Ford:
The first Treasure Vault is located near the Pitt Upon Ford Floo Flame. To reach the vault’s entrance, head southwest from the Flame, as shown in the picture:

This Treasure Vault requires no puzzle solutions. Simply find the cave entrance by casting Revelio. Next, head inside the cave and continue running on the path till you reach the room with a statue at the end. The treasure chest is located on the right side of the statue.

- San Bakar’s Tower:
The second Treasure vault is located west of San Bakar’s Tower Floo Flame. You can also reach this location by heading southeast from the Pitt Upon Ford Floo Flame, as shown in the picture:

The Treasure Vault’s entrance is blocked by a bunch of rocks and wooden planks. So, the only way to get inside is by blowing up the entrance. Fortunately, the Confringo spell will be of great help to you.
Simply aim at the debris and use either the Confringo or the Depulso spells to blow it away.
Next, head inside the tunnel and loot the first small chest on your right.
However, that’s not all! Instead, keep running downstairs till you find a legendary chest at the end of the path.

- San Bakar’s Tower:
For the next Treasure Vault, you must again head back to San Bakar’s Tower Floo Flame. Next, fly on your Broom in the southwest direct to reach the entrance of the vault, as shown in the picture:

You can find the entrance to the vault in the small camp across the bridge. Next, use the Confringo spell on the entrance to blow away all wooden planks and enter the vault.
Head down the stone stairs till you reach the room with the stone cube puzzle. Here, you will find a bunch of cubes with arrow symbols on them. T
o reach the treasure chest, you must elevate the cube on the ground with Wingardium Leviosa and move it to the rest of the cubes.
Flip the cube so that the arrow is facing downwards, and place it in the empty slot. Finally, turn left to find the chest behind the newly opened wall.

- North Ford Bog Graveyard:
The next Treasure Vault is located east of San Bakar’s Tower Floo Flame. You can easily reach this location by flying across the river on your Broom till you reach the North Ford Bog Graveyard, as shown in the picture:

Once you get to the vault’s entrance, you will find a steel door. However, the door is locked with a level 2 charm. So, you must learn the Alohomora level 2 spell before heading to this vault.
Next, unlock the door with Alohomora and head inside the vault.
Finally, continue running downstairs till you find the chest in the small room at the end of your path.

- East North Ford Bog:
The last Treasure Vault in this region is found near the East North Ford Bog Floo Flame. To reach the vault, start at the Flame and fly west on your Broom, as shown in the picture:

For this Treasure Vault, you don’t need to blow away rocks or unlock complex locks. Instead, find the entrance to the cave and head inside.
Keep going down the path till you reach a room with the mysterious statue. You will find the chest right next to the statue.

That’s all you need to know about the Treasure Vaults in North Ford Bog.
The puzzles that you find here will be quite challenging at first glance. However, you can easily solve them if you know how to open Treasure Vaults in Hogwarts Legacy.
Therefore, this article provides the complete solution for all five vaults in this region.