The BEST Ark Beginner Tips for Starting Out - Nerd Lodge
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The BEST Ark Beginner Tips for Starting Out

It is normal for a beginner to get a stronghold in Ark. The key here is to learn the basics of the game and get a good start. If it’s your first time playing the game then you should consider going through this guide which covers Ark beginner tips. 

Each of the games out there has different basics that you must learn, the same goes with Ark. We are discussing some important tips here which are essential for you to grow in the game and teach you to adapt to the environment. 

As it is a survival game, so firstly you will need to make a safe place for your living. And then you can explore the world to experience other things out there. Now, let’s take a look at Ark beginner tips.

Ark Tips for Beginners

We have made a list of important tips for the new players who have just joined the game. The Ark is all about survival and adapting to the world of dinos. There are several things that you can do while you are getting along with the environment of the game. 

Here is the list for you. 

1. Start Gathering Basic Items

Basic Items

As soon as you spawn, the first thing you should do is collect the basic items that don’t require the crafting of additional tools. For an instance, you can collect berries and other items just with your bare hands. 

Explore the area near your spawn point and look for the rocks that can be collected just by an interaction. Now, hit some of the trees with your bare hands until they fall to gather some wood. Also, search for some Thatch, Flint, and Fiber. These are the most essential items to craft basic tools. 

2. Craft Your First Tool

First Tool

As soon as you collect Stone, Wood, and Thatch you should craft the Stone Pick. It is the basic tool in Ark that can be crafted even at Level 1. You can use it to collect various resources such as Thatch, Flint, Metal, Stone, and others. 

Moreover, it can be used to hunt down considerably smaller creatures that can give you Meat. Stone Pick is your best friend in the early game that can get you basic items a lot quicker. Craft it as quickly as possible. 

3. Hunt Down Smaller Creatures

Smaller Creatures

It is important to get some food that is full of nutrients and can boost your health level. Relying on berries is not a good idea, they are good until you have no threats from creatures. Once you are ready to set on a journey then you probably be needing something more nutritious and full of energy. 

Now instead of berries, we can try Raw Meat from animals out there. Hunting smaller creatures such as Dodo is a perfect idea. They are slow and do not attack when you approach. Dodos are easy to kill and require no weapons. Just get close to them and throw some punches. Once killed, you can gather Raw Meat using a Pick. 

Additionally, Dodos can be your first tame in Ark. Although you have no experience in taming, you can start with Dodos as your best friend. To tame a Dodo, approach them and put some berries in their inventory until the tame bar is full. Once filled, the Dodo will follow you wherever you go. 

4. Stay Near the Water but Don’t Go in There

Near the Water

Staying close to the beach area can be a plus point for your survival. It’s not only the Meat or Berries that get you going but you need water as well. You will obtain Hide when you hunt down a creature. This can be used to craft a Waterskin in the early levels. 

A Waterskin can store a lot of water and you can carry it in your inventory. It is a good choice to stay near the water, but don’t even try to get in there. The Ocean is hiding huge threats, there are some dangerous creatures that can kill you in no time. 

5. Don’t Approach Big Creatures

Ark Beginner Tips - Big Creatures

It is not a good idea to disturb aggressive animals. Most of the big creatures are aggressive and won’t let you escape without giving damage. You should avoid them at all costs until you have reached Level 20 or above. 

Without having proper armor and weapons it will be nearly impossible to kill higher-level creatures. They have much higher health levels and are a lot faster than you, so they can kill you before you even try to hurt them with your bare hands. 

Another important thing to remember here, if you ever encounter a creature that is glowing in an Orange color that is for sure an Alpha creature. They are untamable and highly dangerous. Avoid them at all costs and leave that spot at the earliest. They have extra higher stats and are much stronger than normal creatures. 

Alpha creatures have only one mode and that is to kill whatever they encounter. 

6. Gain a Lot of Experience

Ark Beginner Tips - Dodo

Now, that you can kill small creatures and collect various basic items it’s time to level up. Killing creatures and using Stone Pick to gather items can get you experience points which are essential to hit new levels. 

Try to hunt down as many creatures as you can and level up quickly. New items will be unlocked to craft when you hit certain levels. These items include weapons, tools, utilities, and other important things. 

7. Build a Shelter

Build a shelter

This can be your first base where you can rest at night and protect yourself from dangers. At early levels, you can use Thatch to build a shelter. However, this can be upgraded with Wood or Stone later in the game when you level up. 

Stone walls are strong enough to stand against the creatures trying to damage your base. It’s a good option to upgrade walls as early as possible to avoid losing your base. 

A base can also be used to store your items safely. Any excessive item that is collected can be carried back to your base where you can store it. My suggestion is to build your shelter somewhere that is a bit farther from the beach and is hidden in between the bushes. This way it will be difficult for creatures to ambush it. 

8. Spawn at Safe Spots

Ark Beginner Tips - Safe Spots

Another most important thing to consider as a beginner. No doubt, you will get killed a lot of time when starting as a new player. This is because you have no proper weapons or armor. Don’t worry, you will eventually learn to keep yourself protected. 

Now, whenever you get killed just try to spawn at spots that have fewer predators and a lot of resources for you to collect. You can start with South Zone 1 area on the map which is the safest place and is an excellent choice for beginners. 

Also, you can build a Bed at your shelter which will work as a spawn point whenever you get killed. 

These are all the tips that we have compiled for you. Work your best on each one of them and you will be an experienced player in no time. These Ark beginner tips can help you build a stronger foundation in the game. 

What Should I do First in Ark?

Beginner Tips

As soon as you start the game and spawn you should gather the basic materials including the Stones, Wood, Thatch, Flint, and Fiber. These items do not require to use of any tool and can be collected either by hitting trees and bushes with punches or just gathering from the ground. 

These resources should be your first priority as they serve as ingredients required to craft some useful tools such as Stone Pick, Pickaxe, and others. Then you can start hunting non-aggressive creatures that are slow and easy to kill. They will get you Hide and Raw Meat. 

How do You Get a Good Start in Ark?

Ark Beginner Tips - Good Start in Ark

If you want to get a good start in Ark then you should probably rely on taming small creatures first and gain a lot of experience to hit higher levels. As you reach higher levels, you can craft more powerful weapons that can be used to knock down huge creatures for taming. 

Also, don’t forget to gather useful resources such as Metal and other rocks. They are essential to crafting those upgraded weapons, armor, and other utilities. 

And there you have it, our guide to Ark beginner tips. We have discussed the most important tips that are guaranteed to give you a strong start in your Ark adventure. Remember to follow each tip and you will adapt to the environment in no time. Hopefully, this will help you the way you have expected it to be.