Caves in Ark can be very dangerous places to visit. There are great chances of encountering some of the most dangerous creatures there. So, you have to be prepared before going into the caves and you must have a dino that is fast and not too big in size. Moreover, you should look for great attacking techniques in it as well.
Caves can be rewarding as well as they can be painful to visit due to lots of dangers down there. But with the right dino on your side, these dangers can be easily left behind.
That is why we have made this guide for Ark Best Cave Dinos. In this guide, you will see only the best dinos that you can tame for the caves. And they are not only for the caves but you can use them in other things as well.
Table of Contents
Best Dinos for Caves in Ark
In this guide, you are going to get a look at the best dinos for caves. The dinos that we have picked up are fast and huge in size. This way they can easily travel in the caves easily, even through the narrow pathways.
Here are the Ark Best cave Dinos.
1. Baryonyx

Starting our list with one of the fastest dinos in Ark. This creature can even swim underwater so you are not going to face any hard times in the caves. Moreover, it’s gonna give a tough time to the unwanted creatures in the caves with its aggressive attacks.
Baryonyx usually lives near the ocean and water areas. And for that reason, this beast-looking dino is an excellent swimmer. It can perform long jumps and do excellent damage to the target.
With its Tail Spin attack, Baryonyx can stun most of the creatures including Mantis, Direwolf, Dung Beetle, Dire Bear, Megalodon, Thorny Dragon, and others. It can get you almost through every creature that you encounter in the caves.
2. Thylacoleo

Now this one is a complete beast creature. Thylacoleo is an absolute copy of a Lion that is so much more powerful and aggressive. This can get through narrow passages safely and way more quickly. It can make long jumps from one place to another making it easier to fill gaps that you find in caves.
This beast with its powerful paws and bone-breaking jaws can take down any of the creatures in the caves. So, with this creature on your side, you should not worry about anything that comes your way. Definitely, this one is worth having in Ark, especially for the caves.
3. Sabertooth

Sabertooth is another beast creature in Ark. This looks quite similar to a Thylacoleo. The only differences that you will notice are its color and sharp huge teeth coming out of its jaws. They are so powerful that they can easily damage opponents in a few attacks.
They have lots of stamina so it’s easy for them to sprint for a long time. Sabertooth can quickly make you cross large gaps in the caves. They are also equipped with high damage points so they can hunt down many creatures easily.
4. Megatherium

Megatherium is another great dino in Ark. This one looks similar to a wild bear. But it is a slow creature with huge limbs that can do significant damage to the opponent. They can damage insect creatures massively. It doesn’t matter if the creature is huge or small, Megatherium’s damage to insect creatures increases by 250%.
They can be helpful in the caves because most of the time you will encounter insect creatures there. Megatherium has an excellent ability to deal with this type of creature. So, definitely, this one is also a great addition to your team.
5. Deinonychus

This is another small size creature best for the caves. This small aggressive dino can easily move around in the caves with no issues at all. With its Charge Jump, it can perform huge movements in a single jump. Moreover, Deinonychus has a climbing ability that allows it to climb small cliffs. This can be helpful in the caves.
With all of this, Deinonychus is one of the best creatures for exploring caves. And that’s not only it, this dino has some great attacking stats. So, you are not going to be in danger whenever you encounter a creature.
6. Megalosaurus

Quite a big dino but has great damage stats. This one can take you through most of the caves but not the ones with the tiny entrances. Megalosaurus has the highest base damage which makes it a stronger and more powerful dino in Ark.
What else do we need when we have something that can tackle all the creatures? That’s right, Megalosaurus is enough to help us in the caves.
7. Direwolf

An aggressive huge wolf that is 2x bigger than a human. You can ride on it and it will quickly take you to your destination. Perfect for caves due to their size and ferocious attacking abilities.
They are the best fit for the caves because they can move quickly and dodge your opponents. Moreover, they can perform high jumps which allow them to clear large gaps. Direwolf can easily clear most of the caves.
Direwolf despite being a great cave explorer, can also adapt to some other roles. This includes Battle Mount, Travel Mount, Organic Ploymer Farmer, Companion, and Boss DPS.
8. Ravager

A Ravager is another aggressive creature similar to a Direwolf in most cases. Due to its aggressive nature, it attacks the target with no mercy. And the size doesn’t matter here whether the opponent is of the same size or smaller.
The creature has excellent stamina and speed stats which makes it great for long runs and sprints. So, obviously, it’s a good fit for caves. Plus it will do great damage to the creatures found in there.
9. Megalania

This is a raptor which is almost a big lizard having huge limbs. The best thing about this lizard is that it can climb cliffs at an extremely fast speed. For sure you will see many spots in caves where you will need to climb the cliffs in order to move forward.
Megalania can easily get through these tough spots. It can climb any surface without any issue at all. This creature has some other roles as well including Transport, Travel, Mass Infector, Surface Survivor, Ambushing Mount, and Escape Vehicle.
10. Kaprosuchus

Last but not least, we have Kaprosuchus. Another dino falls in the reptile group. A fast-moving creature that has a short height which makes it easy for it to get through little passages. Also, with its powerful jaws, it can damage most of the creatures in the caves.
This creature has the ability to perform long jumps with its Leap Attack. These movements make Kaprosuchus a perfect dino to use for exploring the caves.
These are Ark best cave Dinos. You might have already one of these, if not then you can try any of these without any doubt. All of them have great abilities that are helpful while you are making it through the caves. Be it combat or crawling on the walls. They can do all of it.
What Should I Bring in a Cave Ark?
You can go with any of the above dinos that we have listed. They are all perfect for exploring caves. But if you are looking for the best one then Baryonyx should be your first priority. As it is fast, aggressive, and powerful.
Although, the other creatures on the list are also a great fit for this job. So, you can go with anyone that you like.
Are Raptors Good for Caves Ark?
Yes, raptors are perfect for the caves. Why? Because they can easily climb any wall which makes it a lot simpler to cross hard-to-pass spots. We have discussed two raptors in our list which are Megalania and Kaprosuchus.
Both of these have the ability to fight with opponents and perform long jumps. So, they are perfect for your caves exploring journey.
Are Dire Wolves Good for Caves Ark?
Direwolf being an aggressive creature and able to perform long jumps is a perfect fit for the caves. So, you should definitely go for it. It might be a little difficult for them to get through some of the narrow passages.
Other than that they are good to go. They have good attacking skills and damage stats.
There you have everything about the Ark best cave dinos. You see we have discussed the best ones that you can take with you on your exploring journey. The first one that you should go for is the Baryonyx, if not choosing this one then you can go with any other that you may like.
Hopefully, you have enjoyed going through our guide and found it helpful.