In Ark, we always search for ways that can get us items faster and more efficiently. When it comes to collecting the items, there are always a few different ways. The same goes for the Stone. These can be gathered either by hand or with the help of dinos.
The better way is to take dinos with us and allow them to collect stones quickly. Many dinos can be used for this job but only a few can do it quickly. So, which one is the best stone gatherer in ARK? It’s not just one but a few different creatures.
If you choose to do it manually then it’s gonna take a lot of time. Moreover, the efficiency will be way less. So, why not go with the faster way? Below you will get to know all the best dinos for stone gathering.
Table of Contents
Best Stone Gatherer in Ark
Ark has so many stone gatherers but not all of them have the same efficiency. Even there are some dinos that can reduce the weight of Stone in their inventory.
Let’s have a look at the best stone gatherers.
1. Doedicurus

The fastest and most efficient stone gatherer in ARK is Doedicurus. No other creature in Ark can match its speed to gather stone. What makes it different from other gatherers is that it can gather stones autonomously.
Additionally, it has the ability to reduce the weight of Stones in inventory by 75%. So, it can carry a lot of extra Stones easily. Doedicurus is a perfect choice for gathering stones. It can also help you with the collection of other items such as Sand, Thatch, Obsidian, Flint, Cactus Sap, and Wood.
Doedicurus is way too hard to knock down. This is mainly because of their high torpor. They take 90% less torpor and damage when rolled up in their protective shell. So, you are going to need a lot of Tranq Darts in order to knock them down.
Once you successfully knock a Doedicurus, try to use Kibble for taming. This will increase the taming speed and efficiency.
2. Magmasaur

This is the second-best dino for gathering Stones. It has excellent efficiency but is not better than the Doedicurus. It can do the job quickly but with this dino don’t have the ability to reduce weight. Although, it can prove to be one of the fastest gatherers.
Magmasaur helps with Stone gathering and collects Mutagel, Metal, Obsidian, and Wood. You can also bring it in the combats. It’s an excellent fighter due to its different attacking techniques. Definitely, one of the best gatherers and fighters.
Magmasaur is one of those creatures that cannot be tamed while they are in the wild. They can only be hatched from the eggs and raised at your base. The eggs can be found in the Volcano biome. Once you got the eggs they can be hatched and then raised using Ambergris or Sulfur.
3. Dunkleosteus

Next up, we have Dunkleosteus. This creature is another great stone gatherer in ARK as well as a helper for other items. Dunkleosteus is a water creature so it does help with gathering some of the important underwater items as well.
These items include Oil, Crystal, Wood, Metal, and Black Pearl. There is one more useful ability of Dunkleosteus. It can reduce the weight of Stones by 50%. So you can transport the Stones much quicker to your base.
It’s an underwater creature so you will need a separate creature that can take you in there. Frogs will work here. Try to lure the Dunkleosteus into a cave where you can shoot them with Tranq Darts. They are relatively slow-moving creatures and have slow turning speeds. So, you can move them in circles to avoid them from attacking you.
4. Mantis

Now this one is entirely different from the ones we have seen until now. Mantis can be a perfect gatherer as well as a combatant. This will not only help you with stone gathering but it can collect other useful items efficiently and way more quickly.
Besides that, it can hold weapons in its hands and act like a fighter. So, you are getting an all-rounder that can be your best friend. This is one of the fastest-moving creatures as well. So, you can transport things quickly from one place to another.
They are relatively easier to tame as compared to other creatures out there. Most of the creatures require a knock-out method, whereas Mantis can be tamed passively. You need to get close to them and feed with Deathworm Horn or Woolly Rhino Horn one at a time. Feed them until the taming meter is filled.
5. Ankylosaurus

On number five, we have Ankylosaurus. A well-known dino for gathering various items in Ark. Anky is already commonly used for the harvesting of many items such as Metal, Rare Flower, Crystal, Flint, Oil, Berries, and others.
But, here we are discussing the Stone gathering. No doubt, Anky’s are perfect for gathering stones as well. They can gather a lot of stones in a single attack with their tails. Along with the stones, you will notice that they gather other items as well.
These creatures can easily be knocked down. This is generally because of their slow movement. You can use Slingshots or Tranq Darts to knock them down. Once they are down you can feed them with Kibble or other food items to tame them.
6. Phoenix

A mighty creature that everybody wants to own. Phoenix is a firebird that is not only useful in combats but it does help the players in gathering a ton of items. It can gather stones quickly and efficiently. And with that, it will also help you in collecting other important items such as Sulfur, Obsidian, Metal, Crystal, Cactus Sap, and others.
Phoenix will also help you in cooking most of your food including Raw Meat. Despite being a firebird, it can easily take you anywhere on the map even without a saddle. So, its fire body won’t harm you at all.
Now, coming to the taming method. This is by far quite the hardest creature to tame. This is because you will need to fly after it and continuously damage it using a Flamethrower or another creature that can spit fire. Once it has received enough damage from the fire, it will get tamed.
Using Tools to Gather Stone
We have a choice of tools as well that can help us in harvesting stones. Each tool has a different efficiency and harvesting speed.
Let’s take a good look at all of them.
1. Excavation Rig

It’s an automatic tool that can be found in Genesis Part II. The Excavation Rig is a fast and reliable tool that does not require much effort. It can harvest a lot of stone in very little time. And the harvesting rate is also really high.
Besides harvesting stones, it can dig out a ton of other things as well. This can include Metal, Ambergris, Element Shard, Element Dust, Oil, Mutagel, and others.
This Excavation Rig is actually a body part of a mechanical creature which is known as TEK Stryder. This creature only spawns on the Genesis map. So, you cannot have the Excavation Rig on any other map.
2. Metal Hatchet

A Metal Hatchet is one of the most durable manual tools you can have in Ark. This can be helpful in harvesting many items. Most of the time players use it to harvest Wood and Stones. It’s a pretty good tool for harvesting stones with decent efficiency and durability.
You can craft a Metal Hatchet in the early game at the Smithy. You will need the following ingredients to craft one of these 8x Metal Ingots, 1x Wood, and 10x Hide.
3. Metal Pick

Now we have Metal Pick. This is another decent tool that can help us in harvesting stones right from the start of the game. However, its efficiency and durability are not comparable to that of Metal Hatchet but it does the work.
So, you will need the following ingredients to craft this tool. 1x Metal Ingot, 1x Wood, and 10x Hide.
What is Best Dino for Gathering Stone?
Doedicurus is the only best dino that you can have to gather stone efficiently. No other dino has the efficiency same as the Doedicurus. So, you can go for this one without any doubt.
This won’t only help you with the stones but dozens of other items as well.
What is Fastest Way to Gather Stone in Ark?
Manually harvesting stones using tools can be time-consuming. Instead, we can use the creatures that we have discussed above. They are for sure the fastest and the most reliable way of gathering stones.
You can with Doedicurus or Magmasaur to achieve the highest efficiency. However, Doedicurus can harvest the stones autonomously whereas Magmasaur and other dinos will be required to be ridden.
That’s all about the Ark Best Stone Gatherer in ARK. So, you see we have so many dinos that can help us with this job. And some of them can also reduce the weight of stones in their inventory. Doedicurus holds the top place on our list. So, you can go with that one.
Or you can also have others such as a Magmasaur. It can fly so it will be a lot easier for you to travel and transport the stones to your base.