ARK has so variants of dinos and other creatures that you can interact with. They all have different powers and attacking skills. Moreover, these creatures have different categories such as alpha, beta, and gamma. Additionally, there is the strongest group of creatures in the game which is the boss.
ARK has 10 bosses excluding the titans. This number includes 6 main bosses and 4 other creatures from which two can be found on the Genesis map because they are completely different from the normal creatures.
One of the strongest bosses that you can fight with is Broodmother. It’s a giant spider with unexceptional attacking skills including the web attack that slows down the players. This guide has all the details regarding the Broodmother.
Table of Contents
Broodmother Guide ARK Survival Evolved

Broodmother is a mid-level boss in ARK when it comes to difficulty. This is not the hardest one nor the easiest one. Beating this boss requires some skills and a good team of dinos.
Broodmother has three variations and that include gamma, beta, and alpha. By beating each one of the variations you will unlock different items that can be crafted later in the game. Moreover, once you defeat Broodmother it will drop the most useful item in the game which is Element.
Defeating Broodmother
Broodmother is one of those bosses that sends minions into battle. Its minions are known as Araneo. These are the spiders that can be tamed in the normal game. But during the boss battle, they are really annoying because most of the time you lose focus from the actual boss just because of these spiders.
Defeating all the minions at first can be a good move. Once they are finished you can easily focus on Broodmother. The best way to defeat a Broodmother is to allow all your dinos to attack at the same time. This will make it easier to bring down the boss faster.
Where to Find Broodmother?
Broodmother can be found on three maps including The Island, The Center, and Valguero. On each of these maps, you can look for the Supply Crates or Green Obelisk which will allow you to enter the Broodmother arena.
Broodmother has 3 variants that include Gamma, Beta, and Alpha. Gamma requires a minimum player level of 30, Beta requires 30, and Alpha requires 70. Moreover, different items can be used to enter the arena. Here is a list of items that can be used.
- Artifact of Clever
- Artifact of Hunter
- Artifact of Massive
- Argentavis Talon
- Sarcosuchus Skin
- Sauropod Vertebra
- Titanoboa Venom
The amount of required items changes with the variation of Broodmother.
Best Tames for Battle
There are a few recommended tames that can prove to be the best against the Broodmother. Let’s have a look at them.
This dino has some overall great stats with powerful attacks. It is fast and can stand longer against Broodmother. So, definitely, you are gonna need this one.
Megatherium is a great fighter against insect creatures. Broodmother is grouped under the insect creatures so a Megatherium would be much needed in this battle. This will ensure the maximum damage to the boss.
Spinosaurus has a buff that gives them additional power near the water. Since the Broodmother arena has water, it can give extra attacking power to Spinosaurus. So, this one will also be a great choice for this battle.
Lastly, Daeodon should also be included in the team as they are great for healing purposes. Or you can look for another creature that has excellent efficiency in healing the team.
Weaknesses & Dangers of Broodmother
Broodmother being a boss creature has some dangers as well as some weaknesses that can help you defeat it real quickly. Let’s take a look at these.
- Broodmother and its minions both can shoot webs that slow down the player and their tames.
- In the Center Broodmother Arena, Megapithecus can also spawn with its minions along with Broodmother.
- Fighting with Broodmother in Valguero can be difficult sometimes. Because the Broodmother spawns on that map has different levels.
- The best weakness of Broodmother is Megatherium. This dino with insect rage can easily kill a Broodmother. So, this is a must-have dino when you are going on a battle with Broodmother.
- Broodmother has slow movements, you can take advantage of it and use dinos against it that are quick movers.
- Other than Megatherium, there are a few more dinos that cause great damage to Broodmother.
Items Unlocked by Broodmother
All of the bosses in ARK drop items when you beat them. Additionally, they unlock dozens of different items that you can build later and use in other battles.
Each of the variations of Broodmother unlocks different items. The Alpha variation unlocks the most advanced items. These include a few weapons as well and most of these items are TEK items which are extremely advanced. Here are a few of the items.
- TEK Foundation
- TEK Replicator
- TEK Boots
- TEK Ladder
- TEK Wall
- TEK Staircase
- TEK Catwalk
- Mosasaur TEK Saddle
- TEK Helmet
- TEK Turret
- TEK Triangle Roof
So, you see beating a boss can be rewarding if you have the right dinos and equipment.
How do You Prepare for the Broodmother in ARK?
Broodmother is a mid-tier boss that can be tricky to beat if you don’t have the right dinos on your team. To prepare yourself for a battle with Broodmother, you will need to have tames such as Yutrannus, Megatherium, Spinosaurus, and Daeodon.
Next, you will need to collect the required items to enter the arena. Lastly, you need to be at least level 30 to be eligible to fight with the Gamma and Beta variant of Broodmother. Whereas, if you wanna fight with the Alpha variant then you should be at least level 70.
What is Broodmother Weakness?
The best weakness of Broodmother is Megatherium. This dino with its insect rage can cause a lot of damage to Broodmother. Moreover, Broodmother has slow movements which allow you to dodge most of its attacks without any issue.
That’s all for the Survival Broodmother Guide in ARK. We have covered all the possible details regarding the Broodmother that can help you in battle with it. Hopefully, you enjoyed going through the guide.