Just like dozens of other useful items in ARK. Rare Flower is also a must-needed item. This is used in the crafting of multiple items such as Re-Fertilizer, Lesser Antidote, and Exceptional Kibble, as we know that during the taming process, we need some sort of taming food.
Rare Flower is one of those taming foods which is required during the taming. But is not used to tame every creature. You can use it while taming Lystrosaurus, Moschops, Microraptor, and Giant Bee.
Now, there are multiple ways of harvesting it. Such as it can be harvested from bushes, mushrooms, and various other plants with the help of different dinos. This guide will tell you everything about the Rare Flower.
ARK: Survival Evolved Where to Get Rare Flowers

The most common area where the Rare Flower gets spawned in the swamp. In the swamps, you can harvest Rare Flower from the cattails which are spawned along the shores of swamps. There is another plant species in the swamp that looks like curly dark brown nettle-like plants. All of these plants can be harvested with the help of creatures such as Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Mammoth, and others.
Gathering Rare Flower on Aberration
On Aberration, Rare Flower is obtained from different plants. Here you can look for Red Hallucinogenic Mushrooms in the fertile areas of the map. These areas are marked as green on the map.
These Red Mushrooms have pointed red caps, which are their mark of identity. These are the poisonous mushrooms that give a hallucination effect when you get close to them. This effect can be avoided when you eat Aggeravic Mushrooms.
Once you find these Red Hallucinogenic Mushrooms, they can be harvested, and you will get Rare Flowers, Rare Mushrooms, and Bio Toxin.
Gathering Rare Flowers on Scorched Earth
In Scorched Earth, Rare Flowers are harvested from Purple and Pink Flowers, which are spawned near the Red and Green Obelisks. Morellatops and Ankylosaurus are the best dinos to harvest from these plants.
Gathering Rare Flowers on Genesis Part I

On Genesis Part I, there is a unique way of harvesting Rare Flowers. You can tame a Megachelon and it will passively produce Rare Flowers in its inventory which you can collect when needed.
The production of Rare Flowers doesn’t get affected by the level or stats of this creature. It will constantly keep producing Rare flowers in its inventory.
These are the possible ways of getting Rare Flowers in ARK. You can check the swamp area of each map, and you will definitely find some Rare Flowers in there. Don’t forget to take a harvester dino with you.
Dinos to Harvest Rare Flower
We have various dinos that can help us with harvesting Rare flowers. These are actually the harvesters of ARK. They are used in the harvesting of different items.
But, for now, we are discussing them to harvest Rare Flower for us. Here is the list of dinos for you.
- Ankylosaurus
- Therizinosaurus
- Mammoth
- Paraceratherium
- Triceratops
These are the recommended dinos for harvesting Rare Flower. Ankylosaurus is the best harvesting dino that you can find in ARK. This one has the highest efficiency of all the dinos when it comes to harvesting Rare Flower. Therizinosaurus comes in second place in efficiency.
What is the Easiest Way to Get Rare Flowers in ARK?
The only fastest way of getting Rare Flowers in ARK is by riding on a harvester dino along the shores of the swamp. This will automatically gather the Rare Flowers in its inventory. And in just a few minutes you will find dozens of Rare Flowers in your inventory without doing much of the effort.
Where Can I Find Rare Flowers on the Island?
On the Island, look for the swamp area, bushes in the mountains, and the Giant Beaver Dams. All of these are the possible places on the Island where Rare Flower can be found. You can take with you an Ankylosaurus or Therizinosaurus to efficiently gather all of the available flowers.
Where Can I Farm Rare Flowers in ARK Lost Island?
Lost Island has various mountains where you can find hundreds of bushes. These bushes have flowers and mushrooms which can easily get you lots of Rare Flowers.
Also, you can explore the snowy mountains to look for short spiky shrubs. These can also get you Rare Flowers in huge quantities.
That’s everything for ARK Where to Get Rare Flowers. The most common Rare Flower spawning areas are the swamp area and the bushes in the mountains. These places have different plants and mushrooms which, upon harvesting, give Rare Flower and other items.
Hopefully, you have found this guide helpful. Stay connected with us for exciting content.