To progress in V rising, it is important to get high-tier items that give you that extra edge against difficult late-game opponents. These high-tier items are crafted at the Athenaeum in V Rising. Athenaeum is a research workstation, and to unlock it, you will need to defeat Raziel the Shepherd. Raziel can be a tough nut to crack. But, there are a few tricks that you can use to make the battle easier. Keep reading to find out everything that you will need to know about beating Raziel, unlocking Athenaeum, and unlocking all of its recipes.
Table of Contents
Raziel the Shepherd Location

Raziel is a priest who resides in the Dunley Monastery, which is a monastery of the Church of Luminance. To no one’s surprise, the priests deal a ton of passive and active holy damage through most of his attacks. So, you might want to equip any armor that you have that provides resistance to holy damage. However, the key item that will help you defeat Raziel is the Holy Resistance Potion. To craft the potion, you will need Scourgestone, which you can easily find in the Church of the Damned.
Clearing Out the Room

Raziel is a level 60 boss. So, you might need to farm for a little bit longer if your level is too low. The boss room contains many low-level enemies and obstacles which you will have to clear out since Raziel is an expert in AoE and long-range attacks. If you have any qualms about killing those poor nuns, remember that they will definitely stab you in the back while you’re trying to dodge Raziel.
Raziel Moveset

Raziel has a few dirty tricks up his sleeve (not what you’d expect from a holy man). He has a standard attack where he throws light on you, which is quite easy to dodge. He can also call down meteors of light on you and around himself. But, you get enough of a warning to dodge out of the way easily. His signature move is the Crimson Beam, a straight beam of light which he rotates towards you. All of these moves can be dodged easily if you took the time to clear the area first. Just roll out of the way of his attacks and you can chip away at his health. He’ll be dead in no time.
Crafting Athenaeum
After you kill Raziel, you will get the blueprints to Athenaeum in V Rising, and you’ll need 40 scrolls, 12 Scourgestone, and 8 reinforced planks to craft it. After you do it, these are the recipes that you will unlock:
Jeweler’s Chamber Room and Flooring

The Jeweler’s Chamber room has a buff that will cut down your crafting times by an appreciable number, and it also buffs your Gem Cutting table and Jewel Crafting table. Of course, you need to build both the room and flooring to get the buffs.

Athenaeum unlocks the Bloodmoon Set, which includes the following items:
- Bloodmoon Chestguard
- Leggings of Bloodmoon
- Bloodmoon Gloves
- Boots of Bloodmoon
Apart from looking dashing, the armor will provide you a 6% increase in movement speed if you wear any two items from the set. If you wear the entire set, it will also increase your attack speed by 6%. To craft any item of the Bloodmoon set, you need 1 Dawnthorn Gloves, 12 Imperial Thread, 8 silk, and 1 Primal Blood Essence.

Athenaeum in V Rising allows you to craft the highest tier of weapons in the game – the Sanguine Weapons. You can craft the Sanguine Sword, Sanguine Crossbow, Sanguine Reaper, Sanguine Slicers, Sanguine Axe, Sanguine Mace, and Sanguine Spear.
To craft a Sanguine weapon, you need 1 Dark Silver Axe, 4 Flawless Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, Emerald, Miststone, or Amethyst depending on weapon type, 4 Primal Blood Essence, and 12 Pristine Leather.
Magical Items

Athenaeum in V Rising lets you craft Nightstone of the Beast, which boosts your magic level and spell damage, Jewel of the Wicked Prophet, which increases movement speed by 5%, spell power by 27.9%, and attack speed by 10%, and Shard of the Frozen Crypt, which increases Spell Power by 27.9%, decreases Ability Cooldowns by 10%, increases Spell Critical Strike Chance by 15%, and increases Spell Critical Strike Damage by 20%. To craft these items, you need 8 Gold Ingots, 1 Corrupted Artefact, and 4 Flawless Amethyst, Sapphire, or Ruby depending on the item type.

Athenaeum unlocks two consumables: Witch Potion and Potion of Rage. Witch Potion boosts the power of spells by 8 for a duration of 20 minutes. Potion of Rage boosts strength by 8 for a duration of 20 minutes. Depending on what type of character you are playing, these potions can come in handy as they give you a temporary boost for boss battles as well as PvP fights.
As you can see, it is absolutely necessary to unlock Athenaeum in V Rising to become the strongest vampire in the land. If you’re really focused on the PvP elements of the game, you need the highest-tier gear to survive the battles and come out as a victor.
And as you can see, the best gear can only be crafted through Athenaeum. So, what are you waiting for? Go beat Raziel and get all those items that will take you to the next level! For more guides, please check out our archive that contains articles ranging from finding and farming different items, to defeating various Blood Bosses.