Baldur’s Gate 3 is more popular among gamers due to its unique gameplay. As we all know the game allows us to use spells whenever we need them. But, this comes with a cost. If you have been casting spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 then you must have seen the spell slots although you might not know how these slots work.
That’s what we are going to cover in today’s Baldur’s Gate 3 guide. Learning spells and preparing them is not only the thing but having the spell slots is also mandatory. Once you run out of spell slots, they need to recharge using the best option. Spell slots work as the charges required to cast a spell.
The number of spell slots depends on the class and level of your character. The higher-level characters have the highest number of spell slots. This means they can cast more spells before they need to recharge their spell slots.
Let’s dive into today’s guide and learn more about the spell slots. So, let’s get started.
Table of Contents
How Do Spell Slots Work in Baldur’s Gate 3: Explained!
Are you facing a problem with your spellcasting? Are you unable to understand the spell slots? Well, the problem is with your expanded spell slots. Each spellcaster has several number of spell slots based on their level.
The expanded spell slots need to be recharged once they are used for spell casting. Simply, the spell slots must be available at the time you are casting spells. If you don’t have the specific amount of spell slots required to cast a certain spell then there is nothing that you can do except recharge the spell slots.
Let’s discuss in a much simpler way to understand deeply about spell slots. For instance, we have Wizard Class. Here’s how many spell slots a wizard can have.
- 1st Level Wizard has access to 2 1st Level spell slots.
- 2nd Level Wizard has access to 3 1st Level spell slots.
- 3rd Level Wizard has access to 4 1st Level spell slots and 2 2nd Level spell slots.
- 4th Level Wizard has access to 4 1st Level spell slots and 3 2nd Level spell slots.
- 5th Level Wizard has access to 4 1st Level spell slots, 3 2nd Level spell slots, and 2 3rd level spell slots.
So, you see the Level 5 Wizard can cast a total of 9 spells before he needs to recharge all of his spell slots. This he has the ability to cast 4 level 1 spells, 3 level 2 spells, and 2 level 3 spells. In the same manner, when your character levels up he will be granted more spell slots.
The spell slot level also tells the power of a certain spell. Let’s say you are using a level 5 spell slot. This means that you are gonna cast a spell that is of level 5. A level 5 spell is much more powerful than a level 1 spell. So, a spell slot also divides the spells into different levels which helps you identify the power of a certain spell.
Upcasting Spells
Upcasting a spell is a unique feature when it comes to casting spells. With this option, you can simply cast lower-level spells by using higher-level spell slots. But this feature is only limited to certain spells. Not all the spells come with an option to cast with higher-level spell slots.
To check whether a spell can be upcasted, simply just select a spell and you will see the option only if it can be upcasted. Now, this feature has pros and cons at the same time.
The first advantage is you can use higher-level spell slots to cast lower-level spells in case you run out of lower-level spell slots. Another advantage that comes with upcasting is that certain spells deal bonus effects or bonus damage when cast using the upcasting feature.
Now, coming to the cons of upcasting. We know that upcasting requires higher-level spell slots to cast lower-level spells. This means that using this feature won’t leave any spell slots that you can use to cast higher-level spells. So, you must use the upcasting feature wisely.
Best Spells in Baldur’s Gate 3

We have hundreds of spells out there in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3. Each one of those spells is designed in a way that aids in different scenarios. Some spells are of best use during the combats, while some can help in off-combat situations such as clearing the path, moving objects, becoming invisible, and so on.
It gets hard and becomes a time-consuming job when it comes to choosing the best spells. Keeping that in mind we have prepared a list of the best spells that you should add to your collection.
Here are those spells.
Misty Step
Until now you must have been to a place that became a hurdle in your journey. Some spots are challenging to clear them. Most of the time you will come across broken wooden steps and even fallen cliffs. That’s where Misty Steps arrives for your help.
With the Misty Step, you can teleport your character to any spot that you can see. Now, it doesn’t if there is a path or not. Your character will be magically transported to the spot you want.
Is it getting hard for you to win a fight against your enemies? Well, no more because we have a spell, especially for hard-to-win battles. Fireball is one of those powerful spells that burns down your enemy almost at an instant.
This spell throws a huge fireball at your target that burns down the enemy and causes massive damage. The max damage from this spell can go up to 8d6 which is a lot.
Healing Word
It’s obvious that your character gets damaged during fights. And we need something to get them to heal. Now, you can either use a spell to heal or simply perform a rest. When it comes to spells we have a spell called Healing Word.
It’s a beginner healing spell that can heal your ally quickly. This is not the best one out there but at least it gets the job done. If you are looking for a powerful healing spell then you should go for spell Mass Healing Word.
Cloud of Daggers
Now, come to one of the spells that works on the targeted area. Cloud of Daggers is a spell that spawns a cloud of daggers on a targeted spot. Whoever gets caught in the cloud will receive heavy damage. It can deal a damage of 4d4 which is quite huge.
Be attentive when casting Cloud of Daggers. Keep an eye on all of your allies, as this cloud can damage even your party members if they get caught in it.
In Baldur’s Gate 3, you not only need spells to get through certain situations. You also need to perform ability checks to pass at various spots. We have a spell called Guidance that grants you a bonus to ability checks.
Ultimately, passing the ability checks will become a lot easier for you after casting Guidance.
Magic Missile
Magic Missile is another spell that causes heavy damage to the target. But the thing that makes it different from the rest of the spells is it never misses the target. Also, a single cast of Magic Missile gets split and it deals with three targets at once.
Eldritch Blast
Eldritch Blast is one of the best spells used by Warlocks. This spell causes a decent amount of damage to the target. And not only that but it doesn’t need any spell slot. This means you can use it without worrying about running out of spell slots.
These are the best spells from our side in Baldur’s Gate 3. As we mentioned earlier, the game has dozens of spells that you can learn. You may find much better spells than the ones we have listed. It’s all about the playing style and preferences of each player.
How Do You Use Spell Slots in BG3?
Each time you cast a spell a spell slot gets consumed. The spell slots are divided into several levels. Each of these spell slots level is used to cast a same-level spell. Such as a level 3 spell slot is used to cast a level 3 spell.
The higher the level of your character the higher number of spell slots you will have. Having more spell slots lets you cast more spells easily. For instance, a level 5 wizard can have 4 level 1 spell slots, 3 level 2 spell slots, and 2 level 1 spell slots.
How Do You Replenish Spell Slots Baldur’s Gate 3?
Spell slots get exhausted once you have used them to cast a spell. Let’s say you have 4 level 1 spell slots and use them to cast level 1 spells four times. This will make you run out of spell slots. At this point, you are going to replenish the spell slots with the help of a rest or by using a certain recovery spell.
The spell slots are not required for each and every spell in Baldur’s Gate 3. There are certain spells that don’t need spell slots at all. Now, this means you can use those spells as much as you want without running out of spell slots.
That’s everything for this Baldur’s Gate 3 How Do Spell Slots Work guide. Now, you know that spell slots work as the energy required to cast certain spells. And most importantly, the spell slots are of different levels. Each level of spell slot allows you to cast a corresponding level of spell.
Let’s you want to cast a level 5 spell, for this, you will need to use the level 5 spell slot. Similarly, for a level 1 spell, you will need a level 1 spell slot. One more thing to notice here is that these slots become exhausted once you have used them.
So, to use them again you must need to perform a short or long rest. This will recover the spell slots. Also, some spells don’t require the spell slots to cast them.
Hopefully, this guide has helped you out in learning about the spell slots. Stay connected with us for more exciting and fun guides.
See you guys in the next one!!