Beatrice the Tailor Location in V Rising - Nerd Lodge
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Beatrice the Tailor Location in V Rising

In V Rising, Dawnbreak Village, in the Dunley Farmlands, is the location of Beatrice the Tailor, a Level 38 V Blood. Though she may appear unthreatening, the Vampires of Vardoran are rumored to have Dracula’s blood in their veins, making her an interesting target. Beatrice, the most skilled tailor in the nation, is powerless to attack or even react against other player combatants in V Rising. Her boss battle, though, might still be difficult for those who are unprepared. This article will explain how to locate and take down the V Blood Beatrice the Tailor, as well as the prizes you may expect to earn after doing so.

Beatrice the Tailor Location

Beatrice the Tailor Location

To find the location of Beatrice the Tailor, you should look towards the southern part of Dawnbreak Village, a hamlet north of the eastern Dunley Farmlands Waygate and a little southwest of the Abandoned Farm. This is where you will find Beatrice.

She may be found virtually anywhere in the village, so go there and take a look around. You’re seeking a pink-clad, short, round elderly woman. She is clearly distinguished from the other villagers, and her name is written over her head. This fight is more difficult than it would initially seem, despite your initial impressions that it will be a quick and simple kill.

If knowing where Beatrice is in the game’s world isn’t enough, the developers of V Rising have included a feature called the Blood Altar to help gamers out. By providing a trail to follow, the Blood Altar helps find bosses. Unfortunately, you must first complete The Hunt in order to get the Blood Altar, which, once finished, unlocks the Blood Altar Blueprint. Collect 180 Stones and 10 Blood Essence to create the Altar.

Once it is ready, go to it and choose to Track Beatrice the Tailor. Finding this V Blood will be simple with the aid of the map and the fragrance of blood, which the vampire can detect.

Beatrice the Tailor Rewards

Beatrice the Tailor Rewards

After defeating Beatrice the Tailor, your rewards are:

  • Human Form – Transform into a human to move stealthily across urban areas unnoticed. Willfully powerful may see right through your deception. You can also communicate with traders when you’re in human form. Blood intake is significantly increased while in this form
  • Loom – A workstation Structure for tailoring
  • Hunter’s Cloak, Cloth, Cotton Yarn – Recipes

After defeating her, players can transform into a Human by using Human Form. They will now be safe to move around among people without fear of being harmed. They may also communicate with Merchants, which is really useful.

Gamers can also build a Loom in the castle to use as a tailoring station. Items including fabric, cotton yarn, wool thread, ghost yarn, silk, and imperial thread can all be crafted here. From these, one may use an assortment of curtains to adorn the windows and walls within the stronghold. There are several shades to go with the color schemes. To build a loom, 20 planks, 12 copper ingots, and 4 wool threads will be needed.

You will also receive +18 Max Health and +15 Sun, Garlic, and Silver Protection from your new Hunter’s Cloak.

Tips for Beating Beatrice the Tailor

Beatrice the Tailor is written down as a level 38 V Blood, but that is more of a guide for what gear level the player should have when facing her.

Beatrice the Tailor’s capacity to get all surrounding hostile people in the region to fight you is the biggest obstacle while facing her. Every armed guard in the area will be called out as she dashes in whichever way she sees fit. Due to this circumstance, the Dawnbreak Village is transformed into a chaotic battleground where the player must pursue an elderly woman through the streets while being attacked by the townspeople mercilessly.

You will need to defend yourself against attacks from the guards, militia, crossbowmen, and bowmen to continue following her. A prepared vampire must be fully equipped because these enemies are between levels 36 and 40.

Since the V Rising players are required to dismount upon sustaining damage, riding a horse after Beatrice is out of the question. In order to allow users to pursue the Tailor in peace without upsetting the irate villagers, the best-case scenario would be for her to flee beyond the hamlet. In light of this, it is obvious that players should stay away from the northern part of the town, which is home to Christina the Sun Priestess and the elite Nuns.

Beatrice responds poorly to ranged basic abilities like Shadowbolt, Chaos Volley, and Aftershock, abilities gotten from some of these other bosses. She moves quite quickly and will take advantage of the terrain, thus using your travel ability will help you decrease the distance, giving you a chance to end this.


Chase after Beatrice, attack her when you can, and when the onslaught of guards becomes too overwhelming, pause to wipe them out. Just keep an eye on Beatrice. If she runs off the screen, you will have to start looking for her all over again. As much as you can, keep chipping away at her until she finally gives. End any mobs, then draw her blood to get her abilities. Easy.

If you want more V Rising content, also check out how to get through other hard-to-beat V Bloods, like Keely the Frost Archer.