Today we are going to be looking at the best Amara builds in Borderlands 3. Amara is an incredibly powerful character with great builds for solo/leveling and for doing loads of damage in group content. Let’s begin.
Amara Tank/Melee Build
Most of us out there who want to play Amara *crickets* will be playing a melee build for her. This is the melee/phaseslam build that emphasizes tankiness and gets damage later on in the build. Great for solo content.
We will be going down the brawl tree all the way and putting a couple of points in the other two trees as well. Surprise! The brawler Amara build uses the brawler tree.
Did I mention this build punches people to death? Apologies if I haven’t, let me correct my mistake. THIS AMARA BUILD PUNCHES PEOPLE TO DEATH. As in with your fist.
Key Abilities
- Personal Space – The closer you are to an enemy, the more damage you do with your guns. Shotguns anyone?
- Helping Hands – After using your action skill you get damage reduction for 15 seconds. This goes up to a whopping 40% reduction.
- Find Your Center – Gives you 100% more melee damage and after using an action skill gains melee range as well.
- Guardian Angel – If you go down you are immediately given a second wind and releases a nova that will knock back enemies. FREEEEE!
- Blitz – Akin to Zer0’s old dash ability you will dash a short distance and do elemental melee damage. If you kill someone with it, the cooldown resets. Oh, and it gives you another 100% melee damage.
- Illuminated Fist – 75% melee damage increase and converts melee damage to elemental.
Why this Amara Build is Strong
This Amara build lets you get right up in enemies faces. All those punk Vault Hunters that like to snipe or sit behind cover can freaking eat shotgun pellets.
Also, Amara becomes incredibly tanky with this build. She gets a 40% damage reduction and a 40% health increase to help her withstand the punishing she will take while meleeing every Tink in the game.
Besides that, she also gets a bunch of elemental damage. When you get Illuminated fist, all of your melee damage turns into whatever element her action skill is. Incredibly strong against certain enemies.
Best Weapons for this Build
Hands down best weapon for this build is your fist. You need to be punching people if you go this Amara build. It’s just plain science.
But, if you do need to have a weapon just in case your fist runs out of ammo, shotguns are second best. They go hand in hand with the kiss the ring play style this build promotes.
In laymen, close-range = shotgun.

A must-have for any melee build is the PSYCO STABBER. This weapon gives you increased melee damage, and boy do I mean increased.
Amara Solo Build
For this solo Amara build, we are going to be focusing a lot on survivability but we will still be able to dish out quite a bit of damage. Most Amara builds go down the brawler tree, however, this Amara build uses the Mystical Assault skill tree. Lots of fists, lots of action, lots of power.
Rush stacks are going to be instrumental to this build and we are going to be getting almost every Rush creating ability. Basically, Rush increases various aspects of your action skills, including damage and status effects, so an action skill Amara build would obviously favor the Rush abilities.
This Amara build maximizes Amara’s action skill potential and even lets you use it while it is cooling down. If you’re interested to see how you can do that, keep reading.
Key Abilities
- Do Harm – A rush generating ability that also increases action skill damage when you consume rush stacks. Killing an enemy grants one rush stack.
- Violent Tapestry – Gives you a stack of Rush when applying a status effect on an enemy. Also increases status effect chance when Rush is consumed.
- Ascendant – Improves all of your action skill augments.
- Laid Bare – Enemies hit by your action skill take increased damage from all sources. Good for support Amara builds as well.
- Awakening – Makes Rush better.
- Avatar – The centerpiece of the build. Allows you to use your action skill while it is still cooling down, increases max Rush stacks, and refunds half of your Rush stacks if you get a kill with your action skill. Must have for this build.
Why this Amara Build is Strong
With this Amara build you will be able to solo the entirety of Borderlands 3 with relative ease. Hence why I called it the solo Amara build.
It has a little bit of everything you need. Loads of damage and action skill buffs in the Mystical Assault tree and when you need it, a bit of survivability from the Brawl tree.
The key thing to remember about this build is it is mainly an action skill Amara build. You can still do good damage with weapons, especially if you are smart about it, but your action skill is where most of the DPS you will be doing comes from.
Best Weapons for this Build
Since this Amara build focuses on her action skills it doesn’t matter a whole lot what weapons you go.
You can snipers, SMGs, shotguns, or anything good that dropped for you recently as long as you can spam your action skill. I wouldn’t recommend going into close range as you do lack some survivability.
[…] Amara Builds […]
[…] Psycho Stabber legendary is always good for melee builds and is best used by Amara. We have our own Amara melee build that is incredibly strong with this legendary so check it […]