League of Legends is one of the most popular video games within the gaming community, winning the hearts of millions of players around the world. You might be one of those million players wondering what the best champions for every lane are.
Well, today we will answer just that.
Deciding which position to play is difficult, but for now, focus on one role/lane and play that role often. This can’t always be done, so a secondary role is needed, but having just one lane to learn is always easier.
But don’t worry, if you have no idea where to start, we created this post of the best character recommendations for League of Legends players. They are great options to adapt to the title and learn to play with ease.

Currently, there are 5 positions: TOP, JG, MID, ADC, and SUP. Each position has a specific function for the team and for this reason, the champions of these positions are defined, although this may vary depending on the metagame.
Commonly the “ideal formation” is composed of a TOP tank, a JG assassin, a MID mage, and a BOT, without leaving aside a player who occupies the role of the carry (ADC) and the other one of support (SUP).
Each member of the team has an objective to fulfill, so whenever you play a different position the task will vary, this is why many players choose to play only one position or two at most, however, you can play as many times as you want as long as you have fun, but never forget that League of Legends is a video game-like any other, so the fun is the most important thing. Now, without further ado, these are the best champions for newbies according to your preferred lane.
Table of Contents
Best champions for Top Lane

The Top Lane position is dedicated to the top lane of the League of Legends Summoner’s Rift map. It is a lonely and very aggressive position, as this is where the characters that cause the most damage and can withstand long fights go, such as Fighters or Tanks. However, it is a lane that beginner players can try without too many problems (especially because it allows a lot of room for error).
For the top lane position, these are the champions recommended to beginner players:
– Garen: is one of the easiest characters to use, he offers good damage and health regeneration.
– Poppy: a yordle that manages a very good balance between offense and tank. Her skills are quite varied.
– Nasus: his skill set will allow you to endure a lot in combat, although you have to farm him a lot to really scale.
– Singed: a champion that focuses on the use of poison and can give you a lot of play.
If we had to choose the best top laner in the game, it would be Garen. Garen is incredibly strong, super easy to play, and is hard to counter. Be careful, however, as Garen is a super popular champion in League.
Best champions for Jungle

The Jungle position is an incredibly important role. It is also a rather complex role for beginners, it is not one of the most recommended to start and learn since it requires controlling many mechanics and knowing how to read the games well; entering and leaving the jungle, killing monsters, collecting gold, and EXP… There are many things to take into account and it will take time to master them.
For the jungle position, these are the recommended champions for beginner players:
– Warwick: kills camps very easily, heals a lot, is good in 1 vs 1, and life steal.
– Rammus: an ideal champion to move in the jungle because of his speed. This champ is not played often.
– Jax: his abilities are quite easy to understand and can stand up to any champion.
The best champion for the jungle is Warwick. Easy to understand, can kill camps without any issue, and has a strong enough early game to duel other junglers.
Best champions for Mid Lane

The Mid Lane position is dedicated to the mid lane of the League of Legends Summoner’s Rift map. This position is intended for players who are skilled and possess good mechanical skills. It is not an easy position for beginners, as it is one of the most demanding lanes due to its positioning (the most direct way to reach the enemy base) and requires being aware of dangers, which can come from anywhere.
For the mid-lane position, these are the recommended champions for beginner players:
– Annie: a mage with crowd control skills, easy to use, good for farming, and a good burst. On the downside, she lacks some mobility.
– Morgana: one of the most used characters in this position due to her accessibility and multitude of options.
– Karma: another mage, a very useful option as a mid-laner.
Annie is by far the best mid champ on the list. A good stun, decent survivability, good farming, and an easy burst combo. She’s so good (and easy) that Tyler1 was the #2 Annie in the world!
Best champions for AD Carry

The Bot Lane position is also referred to as ADC. Here the characters generate the highest amounts of damage and enter and exit combat continuously. Their weakness is that they are usually weak champions, so you have to control the pace of the game and know when to look for the right opportunities to either fight or farm.
For the bot lane position, these are the champions recommended for beginner players:
– Miss Fortune: very intuitive and easy to handle, with a great burst ultimate.
– Caitlyn: this shooter offers a good attack range and very useful abilities to slow down or immobilize opponents.
– Sivir: a fast character that gains speed throughout the game and attacks from a distance, allowing you to stay out of harm’s way.
– Jinx: can deal a lot of damage, has great crowd control abilities, relatively easy to use.
– Ashe: very good to learn this role, easy to master, and useful for farming.
In terms of ADC’s, Miss Fortune is one of the best, if not the best, champion for the role. She is great in the lane and has one of the best team-fighting ults in the game that can swing games if used correctly.
Best champions to Support

The support position is dedicated to supporting fellow ADCs in the bottom lane of the League of Legends Summoner’s Rift map. Basically, players who take this role must be versatile, they are in charge of annoying the opponent and supporting their teammate in the most difficult moments. Here they can play tank or utility characters (like enchanters).
If you’re wondering what enchanters are, don’t worry, it is kind of a silly name. Enchanters are healing champions that focus more on buffing allies than anything else.
Enchanters are incredibly strong right now and are great at scaling late-game as well.
For the support position, these are the champions recommended to beginner players:
– Soraka: an easy-to-use character, has very useful healing abilities for the team and can apply status effects.
– Janna: offers a lot of healing, shields, good mobility, and good crowd control. In addition, she is easy to use.
– Leona: a good starter, holds a lot, great crowd control.
Soraka is one of the best support champions right now. As an enchanter, she focuses mainly on healing and buffing allies, but also has an incredibly potent map-wide ultimate that heals all allies! You will be the focus of enemy assassins if you pick this champion so be careful.
These are the best champions for each lane in League of Legends. Tell us in the comments which one is your favorite and we’ll see you in the summoner’s rift!