Ark has hundreds of creatures that you can tame and ride around the map. These creatures are grouped into various categories such as birds, dinosaurs, fantasy creatures, reptiles, and others. But today we are discussing the dinosaurs. This guide covers the best dinos in Ark. If you are not sure which dinosaurs to try then this guide will help in choosing the right one.
Some dinosaurs are deadly because of their huge size which gives them supernatural biting force. Having one of them by your side can give you control over other creatures as well. Dinosaurs not only help you in combats but some of them can be useful to gather stuff.
Here we have a top 10 list of best dinos in Ark that you can own and experience their different capabilities. Let’s get into it.
Table of Contents
Top 10 Dinos to Tame in Ark
Dinosaurs are no doubt the most powerful creatures in Ark. However, some of them are small in size but they have other useful abilities. Throughout your journey in Ark, you will encounter dozens of different of best dinos in Ark. You might want to tame some of these or kill them to obtain various useful materials.

Here is the mighty dinosaur that you can find in Ark. Titanosaur is on the top place of our list with an immense amount of 230000 health points and an extremely powerful attacking force of 1000 points.
Titanosaur has three melee attacks including the front melee, back melee, and swimming melee. Yes, it can even attack opponents while it is swimming. Each of the attacking techniques is capable of doing 1000 damage.
It’s an entirely difficult task to tame a Titanosaur. Basic weapons such as Crossbow or Rifles are of no use. It has enough power to damage the structures around it easily whether it’s metal or wood. You will need weapons that shoot canons, rockets, or boulders. These weapons will surely knock out one of these creatures.

Giganotosaurus is the most powerful dinosaur that you can tame in Ark. With its huge size Giganotosaurus is capable of tearing its enemy into pieces. This creature is not only best for combats but it also has a great health stat of 80000 points.
It has two different attacking techniques and each of them can do 500 damage easily. Having a large jaw full of sharp teeth makes it simple for Giganotosaurus to bite its opponent. Additionally, it can perform a Gnash attack.
Giga can be tamed using a KO strategy. However, it’s not as simple as you might be thinking. You can try different strategies including the weapon or another tamed creature. As far as the weapon is concerned then a Crossbow won’t help you much. I would suggest you use a Longneck Rifle without missing any shot.

Next up we have Rex. A well-known dinosaur not only in the world of Ark but also in movies. This creature has a Tek variant as well which is a robotic creature. But, it is an extremely powerful and gigantic creature.
The standard Rex has 1100 base health points. The Rex is slow but they have an immense amount of power that can destroy the foe. Its powerful jaw can damage the opponent by 62 points in a single attempt. A Rex can also use a Roar attack that can stun an enemy for a short time. This gives you the advantage to attack the opponent easily.
The best strategy to tame a Rex is using Tranquilizers. This can be done easily by finding a high cliff near Rex spawn and trying to make him follow you near the cliff using a flyer. Now, use tranquilizers to knock it down.

On number 4, we have Megalosaurus. An incredibly strong dinosaur that looks similar to Rex but has lower stats. It has 1025 base health points. What’s interesting about it is that its capability of doing damage gets doubled at night.
At night, a Megalosaurus can do 94 damage to its opponent by using a bite attack. And it can do a total of 240 damage using the Shake Prey attack. These attacking techniques make Megalosaurus an extremely dangerous creature.
The best time to tame a Megalosaurus is the daytime. During the day their attacking abilities are cut down by half which makes it easier for you to knock it down. Try using Tranquilizers, instead of a heavy weapon. Because a powerful weapon such as Rocket Launcher can kill this creature.

Next, we have Therizinosaur which is a mid-level combat dinosaur. This creature is generally used to harvest various items such as Berries, Fiber, Seeds, Rare Flowers, and others. Therizinosaur has a base health stat of 870.
It can attack foes with its claws that can do damage of 52 points. If you are looking to collect items from trees then Therizinosaur is going to be the choice for this job. It can use its sharp claws to collect Wood and Thatch from trees. Moreover, using a bite attack can collect berries, seeds, and flowers from bushes.
The best way to tame a Therizinosaur is using a trap to capture it. You should have a leveled-up mounted tame with you or else it can unmount you. It can knock out low-level opponents in a few attacks.

Ankylosaurus comes on number 6 in our list of top 10 dinos in Ark. If you are looking for a creature that can gather various materials then this one is for you. Ankylosaurus can collect materials such as Metal, Crystal, Obsidian, and Flint.
Ankylosaurus is best known for mining these materials in huge quantities. I would suggest you tame at least one of these creatures that can make things easier for you. It can also gather Oil from underwater mines.
Ankylosaurus is relatively easier to tame due to their slow movement speed. You can knock them down using basic weapons or direct use of Tranquilizer.

On number 7, we have Baryonyx. This is another mid-level dinosaur that can gather various items for you. Moreover, it can stun and slow down the movement of many other creatures.
Baryonyx has a base health stat of 440 points and they can do 35 damage to foes using a melee attack. They are capable of collecting underwater resources such as Oil and Silica Pearls. Additionally, they are excellent hikers that can help you in reaching high mountain spots.
They can use the Tail Spin attack that stuns creatures including Griffin, Ankylosaurus, Direwolf, Dodo, Snow Owl, and many others. Baryonyx can be tamed using a trap or a Tranquilizer to knock it down.
Now we have Brontosaurus on number 8. This one is relatively more powerful as compared to Baryonyx due to its humungous size. Brontosaurus has a base health stat of 2070 points and can do basic damage of 60 points using a melee attack.
No doubt, they are slow creatures but can do an incredible amount of damage using their long tail and neck. Brontosaurus is a good choice if you want to clear out someplace from trees, bushes, or other best dinos in Ark.
They are medium-health creatures so it won’t be difficult for you to knock them down using Slingshots or other ranged weapons. Using a trap is also a good idea, but be sure to build a strong trap as they can destroy structures.

Spinosaur comes on number 9 in our list. It is a mid-level dinosaur that has various attacking techniques and some good utilities. The creature has a base health stat of 700 points and can do maximum damage of 60 points. You can use its attacking techniques such as Spino Bite, Spino Swipe Right, and Spino Swipe Left.
They can jump high so you should build a trap that is at least higher than 2 walls or else they might escape. Due to the low base health, they can be easily knocked down to capture and tamed.
They are excellent for transportation that can help you in carrying various items without losing much stamina. Also, while swimming they can reach their maximum speed without draining any stamina.

Lastly, we have Stegosaurus on our list. This is another decent dinosaur that can perform various attacking moves. Moreover, it is useful for other utilities as well. Stegosaurus has a base health stat of 650 points having the capability of doing 42 damage.
Stegosaurus is perfect for harvesting purposes. Using their sharp claws they can gather Berries, Thatch, Wood, Stone, and Crystals. Additionally, they can be an excellent choice to carry items and use them in PVP mode.
Ranged weapons can prove to be the best when it comes to knocking down one of these creatures. But, Crossbows and Slingshots are not enough for them. You should go with Tranquilizer darts or arrows.
And there you have it our top 10 dinos in Ark. You already know that we have a bunch of different dinos in Ark but here we have listed only the best ones that you can try. If you are experienced enough then my suggestion is that you go with taming a Titanosaur or a Rex. This is because they are huge in size and can help you in dozens of activities in the game including combat and transportation.
What Is the Most Powerful Dino in Ark

We have only one dino in Ark that can hold the title of Most Powerful Dino and that is Titanosaur. The creature is having base health stat of 230000 points and an extremely powerful attacking force. It is so strong that it can destroy even the bases that have metal structures.
Due to their incredibly large size, they can serve you to carry various benches. Even you can build an entire base on their back on a saddle.
There is almost no other dino that can take down a Titanosaur. They are best if you are planning to attack an enemy base. Their high health stat can make them stand long-lasting in any combat.
What Is the Best Pvp Dino in Ark

We have two dinos that can fit in the best PVP category. Those two are Titanosaur and Rex. We have added Rex to this group because it can move quicker than a Titanosaur and do heavy damage to other creatures. Titanosaur is a slow-moving creature. However, it can stand against any sort of threat.
If you are planning to raid an enemy base then the best thing you can do is have both of the dinosaurs. Titanosaur and Rex both are perfect combinations to destroy your enemy.
Here we come to the end of this guide which covers the topic of the best dinos in Ark. The guide has a list of top 10 dinos that you can try to tame and make your journey more exciting in the game. Hopefully, the guide helps you in choosing the right dino for your amazing experience in the Ark.