Best Dragon Incantations Elden Ring - Nerd Lodge
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Best Dragon Incantations Elden Ring

Incantations in Elden Ring are extremely powerful as they can help you quickly defeat your enemies. Some of them focus on single targets, while others can be even used against a large group of enemies. As for Dragon Incantations, they happen to be one of the strongest ones. Today, to help you get the best Dragon Incantations in Elden Ring, we are going to list down the top 5. 

5 Best Dragon Incantations in Elden Ring 

There are two types of Dragon Incantations in Elden Ring. The first one is Dragon Communion Incantations, and the other one is Dragon Cult Incantations. The main difference between the two is that the first one focuses on breath attacks, while the second one offers lightning attacks. We will be listing Incantations from both categories. 

Greyroll’s Roar

The first Dragon Incantation we would like to mention is the Greyroll’s Roar. A lot of players don’t know about this Incantation, and this is mainly because it can be acquired by slaying the sleeping Dragon. This Incantation can send out a powerful shriek which reduces the attack power and defense of all nearby enemies. In other words, you will be provided with an opportunity to eliminate your opponents quickly.

The Incantation not only reduces the amount of damage done by enemy attacks by 20% but also increases your attack power by 10%. The effect lasts for 60 seconds, so make sure to be quick with the attacks. The Incantation can take a while to cast, so make sure you don’t use it against quick bosses. Furthermore, to use it, you will need 28 Faith and 17 Arcane. As for its Stamina cost, it’s 72.

To get your hands on the Greyroll’s Roar Incantation, you will need to go to Forth Faroth, where you’ll find a sleeping Dragon nearby. The Dragon will not attack you no matter what you do, so you can kill it with ease. After you eliminate it, it will drop 50,000 Runes and 5 Dragon Hearts. Furthermore, defeating it will also unlock the Greyroll’s Roar at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion, from where you can purchase it for 3 Dragon Hearts. 

Fortissax’s Lightning Spear

The first Dragon Cult Incantation on our best Dragon Incantations in Elden Ring list is the Fortissax’s Lightning Spear. As its name suggests, it is a lightning-based incantation that lets the user hit the ground with two red lightning spears. The spears also send out a shockwave, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.

Before patch 1.04, this Dragon Incantation wasn’t considered useful due to multiple reasons. But after the patch, its recovery animation and casting speed increased significantly, making it a popular choice among players. The Incantation is considered ideal to use during times when multiple enemies are trying to surround you.

Best Dragon Incantations in Elden Ring - Fortissax’s Lightning Spear

To use this Incantation, you will need 46 Faith. Furthermore, its Stamina cost is 52. An important thing to remember is that the lightning spears will do more damage to enemies close to you and less damage to those at the back. Your main goal should be to hit your main targets with the spear and let the waves handle the rest of the enemies.

To get the Fortissax’s Lightning Spear in Elden Ring, you will need to defeat the Lichdragon Fortissax. To fight him, you will need to give Fia the Cursemark of Death after she arrives a the Price of Death’s Throne. She will then allow you to enter the Deathbed Dream, where you’ll be able to fight this Dragon. 

Defeating Lichdragon Fortissax will help you get 90,000 Runes along with the Remembrance of the Lichdragon, which you can later trade with Enia at the Roundtable Hold for the Fortissax’s Lightning Spear.

Agheel’s Flame

The Flying Dragon Agheel is one of the first Dragon most players encounter in Elden Ring. This is mainly because he’s found east of the game’s first Site of Grace. This is a reason why Agheel’s Flame might be one of the first Dragon Incantations you’ll get in the game.

Even though Ahgeel’s Flame is an Incantation that can be acquired during the early parts of the game, it is still extremely powerful. In fact, you can even trust it against enemies that you’ll face after making significant progress in the game. Using it, you can set the ground in front of you on fire, which will damage anyone who gets hit by it.

Dragon Incantations in Elden Ring

To use Agheel’s Flame, you will need 23 Faith and 15 Arcane. Its Stamina cost stands at 60. The only downside about Agheel’s Flame is its slow buildup. However, it has a good range, so you can use it while staying at a safe distance.

To get Agheel’s Flame in Elden Ring, you will need to go to Dragon-Burnt Ruins in Limgrave and defeat Flying Dragon Agheel. When killed, the Dragon will drop 5,000 Runes and a Dragon Heart. Furthermore, Agheel’s Flame will get unlocked at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion. But to purchase it, you will need to get another Dragon Heart as this Incantation has a price tag of two Dragon Hearts. 

Ekzykes’s Decay

Ekzykes’s Decay is easily one of the best Dragon Incantations in Elden Ring. It is an extremely powerful Incantation that can annihilate your targets quickly. 

When used, the Incantation summons a Dragon that sends out a rotten breath that not only deals damage upon hitting the target but also inflicts Scarlet Rot. Because of this, it can deplete a significant amount of the target’s health quickly. 

The best part about Ekzykes’s Decay is that it can also be used in mid-air. However, keep in mind that it won’t protect you from fall damage. Therefore, make sure not to jump from high ground to use it, as it will do more harm than good.

Ekzykes's Decay

To use it, you need 23 Faith and 15 Aracne. As for its Stamina cost, it’s 60. This Dragon Incantation is somewhat similar to the Rotten Breath Incantation, as this one also sends out rotten breaths. However, compared to it, Ekzykes’s Decay deals 30% more damage and has more range. 

To get Ekzykes’s Decay in Elden Ring, you need to first defeat Decaying Ekzykes, who can be found in Caelid. After you defeat this Dragon, you’ll get 38,000 Runes and a Dragon Heart. You can then go to the Cathedral of Dragon Communion to purchase Ekzykes’s Decay for two Dragon Hearts. 

Borealis’ Mist

If you’re looking for a Dragon Incantation that can help you deal Frost damage, you need to get the Borealis’ Mist. It is, by far, the best Dragon Incantation in Elden Ring, and you can use it to target multiple enemies at once.

When used, the Incantation will summon a Dragon head that will send ice breath towards the target. This can prove to be extremely useful against enemies that are weak against Frost damage. Furthermore, as it covers a wide area, you can target around three to four enemies with it. The best part is that you can hold down the skill button to increase the range and the duration of the ice breath, which will result in dealing more damage.

Best Dragon Incantations Elden Ring
 - Borealis’ Mist

To use Borealis’ Mist, you need 23 Faith and 15 Arcane. It will cost you 60 Stamina to use it, so make sure not to use it carelessly. Some of you might compare it with Dragonice Incantation as it also sends out icy breath. However, Borealis’ Mist can deal 18% more damage than it. 

To get this Incantation, you will need to go to the Mountaintops of the Giants and visit the Freezing Lake. There, you will find Borealis, the Freezing Fog boss. Defeating this Dragon will reward you with 100,000 Runes and a Dragon Heart. The Borealis’ Mist will also get unlocked at Catherdral of Dragon Communion, and you will be able to purchase it for two Dragon Hearts. 


These were some of the best Dragon Incantations in Elden Ring. There are plenty more available in the game, but we find these ones to be better than the others. Before fighting the Dragons, make sure you’re properly equipped for the fight. Getting the Mimic Summon Spirit Ash and wearing some of the best armors will make the fights easier.