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What is Fish Pond in Stardew Valley?

One of the basic activities, in order to progress in Stardew Valley, is fishing. By catching different types of fish, you will get to earn money, cook sumptuous meals, gift villagers, and complete collection bundles.
It is a quite-known fact that some of the fish in Stardew Valley prove to be difficult to obtain. Some are seasonal while, some are just really rare. To compensate for the scarce supply of such kinds of fish, a Fish Pond in Stardew Valley could be built.
By putting the fish caught into a pond, you would be able to reproduce them although the rate of spawning a new fish would be depending on the kind of fish. On top of that, by putting fish into your fish pond, you are guaranteed to produce roe. Which, on the other hand, could also be a source of income.
Since you are taking care of them, they might request some items from you. Then, after a while, they can also drop other items that are surely valuable but also vary depending on the fish. On that matter, meticulous consideration and decision-making should be taken when picking which fish would be the best for your fish pond in Stardew Valley.
What is the Best Fish for Fish pond in Stardew Valley?

In choosing what would be the best fish to inhabit your fish pond, some of the deciding factors are, undoubtedly, first, its ability to be a good income source; while another one would be the quality and quantity of items it will drop over time.
It could be deemed that the rarity of something equates to its appraisal and monetary value. That being the case, it could be inferred that the more rare a fish, the higher will be its selling price and the greater will be the value of its drops.
Despite being one of the most difficult fish to obtain in Stardew Valley–since you can only fish for Blobfish during the Night Market while riding the submarine–it is worth a space in your fish pond in Stardew Valley. Although this may sound too assertive, Blobfish is the best fish to place in your fish pond.
As mentioned earlier, placing fish in a fish pond induces their reproduction. The Blobfish itself, at most, could be sold at 1,500 gold, assuming that you have the Angler Profession. That, itself is a good reason to put your mind into obtaining a Blobfish and let it have its own pond.
Also, the roes it produces, when aged amounts to 560 gold and upon having an Artisan Profession, it could go up to 784 gold. As time passes, there will be 50% of Blobfish giving 2 roes.
After some time, upon fulfilling its request in order to increase population, though the chances are quite low. Also, there is a possibility for a Blobfish to drop either a Pearl or a Warp Totem. Pearl, as a luxurious item in the game, could be sold for a very great price or could be used for gifting as it is a universally loved gift. This lot proves that Blobfish is the best fish to put in your fish pond in Stardew Valley.
Best Fish for Making Caviar

Aside from looking for a way to earn more money, there could be other reasons for players to keep fish in a pond. One of these reasons is to produce Artisan Goods such as Caviar.
Among the fishes in Stardew Valley, Sturgeons, when kept in a fish pond, can only give you roe. Nonetheless, Sturgeons remain one of the fish in the game that you should have in a pond. How so? This is because Sturgeons produce a distinct kind of roe hence being named after them–the Sturgeon Roe. Roes given by Sturgeons are the only roe that could be turned into a Caviar.
As you might already know, Caviar is also one of the premium products in Stardew Valley with a base price of 500 gold which could escalate up to 700 gold if you have an Artisan Profession.
Like any other fish, you could also sell Sturgeon at most by 600 gold with Angler Profession. However, it might not be too wise to sell them. What’s the catch is, if you don’t sell them and you successfully bred and maintained up to 10 Sturgeons, they can leave up to 2 roes on a daily basis. Ultimately, this would be more Caviar production and more profit.
Best Fish for Profiting
Lava Eels
When talking about reproducing fish for profit, Lava Eels could also be a good choice. Yes, it catching Lava Eels is somehow a difficult task but, it is certainly worth it.
Lava eels’ selling price is slightly better than a Blobfish’s. It has a base price of 700 gold, and if you have an Angler Profession, an iridium-quality Lava eel’s price could hike up to an incredulous amount of 2,100 gold.
Reaching a lava eel population of 9 enables them to produce up to 3 roes that could be sold for 380 gold each. When aged, you could trade it for 760 gold and 1,064 with an Artisan Profession. Just imagine the profit these eels could bring you. It is also a bonus that lava eels can change your fish pond color into red.
Now, talking about the items it could drop, it has of dropping 5 gold ores, 5 spicy eels, and either 5 or 10 magma geodes on rare occasions. For your information, magma geodes have a possibility of having iridium ores inside.
Best Fish for Collecting Precious Items
Besides being a source of income, fish ponds are also a great source of invaluable items. That being said, it would be advisable to place use them in breeding fishes that drop premium and treasured items.
Ice Pips
Indeed, Ice Pips could be sold for a decent price. But, the items it drops as its population progress makes it quite unreasonable to sell them at once.
First of all, as expected, they drop roe. Eventually, they could also drop 5 iron ores, up to 5 frozen geodes, and 5 frozen tears. Most of all, by having at least 9 ice pips, you have a chance of gathering a diamond from them. May it be in the real world or in Stardew Valley, diamonds come with an exorbitant price and are loved by many.
Rainbow Trout
Rainbow Trouts are sold for a relatively lower price, so selling them, as a way of earning money, might have a long way to go. But, its drops are good. Aside from row, with atleast 9 populations, they could drop rainbow shells or a prismatic shard.
Spook Fish
Like Blobfish, Spook Fish could only be acquired during the Night Market. If you happen to catch one, make sure to breed it in a fish pond in Stardew Valley. Their aged roe is sold for a fair amount of gold but what’s really interesting with keeping Spook Fish is their ability to drop a treasure chest, upon reaching a population of 9.