Today we are going to be discussing the best FL4K build in Borderlands 3. You can use this FL4K build for solo and group play and is extremely easy to level with too. Let’s hop into it!
IMPORTANT NOTE: JAKOBS ARE GOOD FOR ALL FL4K BUILDS. The crit build absolutely loves Jakobs (because of the ricochet) but FL4K is one of the better Jakobs users. Thank you, NEXT.
Table of Contents
FL4K Buffs and Nerfs
Before we dive into FL4K’s builds, let’s talk about the patches that have changed him a bit.
Although FL4K received some nerfs to his best build (Crit FL4K) it is still viable and quite strong.
However, FL4K’s pets were buffed by a lot, and I mean a lot.
It added pet damage to a whole bunch of his abilities that didn’t have it before and buffed the scaling damage of the pets as well. Even Lick the Wounds got a buff, adding damage to the pet after they revive you.
Does this make the pet build more viable? Yes. But the patch wasn’t just to buff the pet build specifically. Instead, they were trying to buff the overall damage of the pets with any build so you didn’t feel like the pet was useless. So play what you’re comfortable with.
Crit Machine FL4K Build (Still Good)
Time to cl4p some cheeks.
Note: This build isn’t as strong as it used to be, but it is still viable.
In this FL4K build by Admiral Bahroo, you will be focusing on maxing out your critical hit damage on FL4K. As what many would call the Borderlands 3 equivalent of Zer0, FL4K has been mainly theory crafted as a sniper. Thanks to this beautiful build, not only will you be piping and sniping, but you will also be doming and boning (it rhymes me swear).
One of the craziest parts of this build is the fact YOU CAN CRIT EVEN BY SHOOTING PEOPLES TOES. If you want to know why this is… read on.
Update Please Read
The new patch has buffed this build without really buffing this build. Lots of passives in the Hunter tree now give bonuses to FL4K’s pet, which ends up giving him some decent DPS boosts.
Grim Harvest, The Most Dangerous Game, and Interplanetary Stalker all give bonuses to FL4K’s pets now. This was done to increase the pets viability in Mayhem mode, as they were kinda weak.
Because the pets scaling damage was also buffed, the percent buffs to his passives might make his pets super strong. Guess we will see.
Key Abilities

- Fade Away – This Action Skill ability allows FL4K to go invisible. The real magic comes from the fact he can shoot three times while cloaked, and all of them are automatic crits, regardless of what you hit.
- Guerillas in the Mist – Technically not a skill but an Action Skill Augment that buffs his Fade Away. Instead of Fade Away ending after the three shots, it now only ends after 8 seconds. That means you can pump as many shots as you want into someone for 8 seconds. WEW.
- Megavore – The ability that makes this build BONKERS. This gives FL4K a chance to proc a critical hit no matter where you hit them. Shoot a foot? Crit. Shoot em in the pooper? Crit.
Why this FL4K Build is Strong
Do I need to say it? CRITS!!! This build is dumb strong because you are doing insane crit damage without needing the skill to hit any of the shots. It is one of the easiest builds for FL4K and Borderlands 3 characters in general.
There are other things about this build as well. You get massive amounts of gun damage, which is a nice bonus considering you will be multiplying whatever damage you do by roughly 200%.
You are also going to be running the Jabber for this build. That shouldn’t be a problem considering how cute and cuddly the little guy is (who’s a little savage? You are. *kissy noises*).
Best Weapons for this Build

Every Borderlands 2 fan out there is probably like, damn, Moxxi guns sound killer for this build. And you are all right. If there are Moxxi guns in Borderlands 3 that are similar to their BL2 counterparts, they are probably best with this build.
Of course, I can’t forget to mention snipers. Jakob’s snipers in BL2 had an innate 160% crit damage bonus, so if the same holds true for BL3 Jakob’s snipers are going to be the best weapons for FL4K players hands down.
The best legendary weapon for Cr1t FL4K is the end game legendaries King/Queen’s Call. We have a post here on how to get them.
FL4K Solo Build
This FL4K build is focused mainly on soloing content by having some damage and some survivability but not a lot of both. It is an extremely good FL4K build to level with, but you might prefer a different build if you are doing group content.
Your main focus in this solo FL4K build will be being beefy and having constant regeneration up, very little sniping to be had in this build. The Jabber will also be your companion of choice because it can buff your max health and do a bit of damage itself.
Key Abilities
- Hidden Machine – With this ability, you do increased damage when something is not hitting/targeting you. Aka they are hitting your pet or you are cloaked.
- Fade Away – This not only works in conjunction with Hidden Machine, but it also gives you health regeneration while cloaked.
- The Power Inside – This gives both FL4K and his pet 25% damage increase when FL4K uses an Action Skill which is then doubled if FL4K is at full health.
- The Fast and the Furryous – Gives you another 25% damage bonus if FL4K is above half health.
- Two Fang – Gives you a chance to shoot twice. Guess I never miss HUH.
Why this FL4K Build is Strong
This FL4K build is incredibly strong for solo content/leveling because you have loads of regeneration and a very hefty amount of damage to back it up. Friends? WHO NEEDS EM?!?
Now, I’m not very good at math but I am fairly certain that the exact damage numbers are somewhere in the gazillions. Health regeneration is also close to babillion, so write that down.
In all seriousness, you probably won’t find yourself dying at all using this build and there are a few modifications that you can make to it if you need to. Lick the Wounds is a good pickup if you feel like you need your pet to revive you. Not the greatest, but it can help if you are dying a lot.
Again, this is more of a solo build for FL4K so some of these abilities can be swapped out.
Best Weapons for this Build
Please don’t snipe with this build.
They aren’t that bad if I’m being honest, I mean, half of you are bunny looking ass snipers anyway. But think of all the FL4K you’ll catch (HAH) if your friends find out you are p**sy footing in the back with a sniper while your Jabber is doing all the real work.
Shotguns and AR’s or GTFO.
Pet Solo Build for FL4K
No need to waste time here when I could be showing you the real solo build for FL4K. Since the recent buff to his pet damage has just come this build is far more viable especially in Mayhem mode.
Check out our pet build for FL4K.
[…] FL4K Builds […]
[…] FL4K Builds […]
[…] baby. If you check out the Cr1t build for FL4K you will notice that one of your skills has a chance to not consume ammo if you crit. A 36% chance […]
[…] Most notable is that they both return three bullets every time you crit, and consumes three bullets per shot. In other words, you get free shots if you crit. This is the main reason the King’s Call goes so well with a Cr1t FL4K build. […]
[…] FL4K Builds […]
[…] can easily solo Borderlands 3 without much of an issue. While it isn’t the boss destroying FL4K crit build, it can perform […]
[…] FL4K Builds […]