Ark Survival Evolved is one of the best adventure and survival games that you can play right now. The game is full of huge creatures that you find nowhere else. Here we are talking about the dinosaurs, yes Ark Survival Evolved lets you play in the world of dinosaurs and other gigantic creatures.
What’s most exciting here is that you can even tame these creatures and have a tremendous flying experience. I’m gonna list up some of the best flyers in Ark Survival Evolved. If you are finding the best flyers in Ark Survival Evolved then you have just arrived at the right place.
Now, without any further due let’s take a look at the best flyers. More significantly the best flying dinosaurs that you can tame right now.
Table of Contents
Best Flyers in Ark Survival Evolved
Ark Survival Evolved has a bunch of different flyers that can be tamed. However, some of them cannot be tamed but still, you can ride them.
The list of flyers is based on the stats which make them superior to others. These stats are mainly based on the health, stamina, and oxygen of the flyer. These are the basic and important factors you should look at when choosing a flying creature in Ark Survival Evolved.
Quetzal is holding the top place in best flyers of Ark Survival Evolved. It has the following attribute levels:
- Base Health points: 1200
- Base Stamina points: 800
- Base Food points: 1200
It’s the largest flying animal that can be tamed and bred as well. Quetzal falls under the reptiles group and mainly lives on the carnivore diet. It can be identified as a long-neck huge Pterosaur.
Wyvern comes in second place on our list. This is because you cannot tame this creature. Although, you can ride it and it can be bred as well. Here are the attributes of Wyvern:
- Base Health points: 1295
- Base Stamina points: 315
- Base Food points: 1800
Wyvern can be identified as a typical huge-sized dragon. It has 5 types, and each one of them is having different abilities and colors. Wyvern has the following species Poison Wyverns, Fire Wyverns, Lighting Wyverns, Ice Wyverns, and Forest Wyverns.
Griffin is sitting in third place in our list of best flyers in Ark Survival Evolved. This one can be considered one of the most attractive creatures in Ark. Let’s see some attributes of Griffin.
- Base Health points: 950
- Base Stamina points: 225
- Base Food points: 1600
What’s the more great thing about Griffin is that it can be tamed but you cannot breed it. The creature falls under the following group Fantasy Creatures, Birds, and Mammals. Well, there is a reason why Griffin is grouped in three different categories. This is because its overall body structure is based on Lion and an Eagle.
The mighty creature Phoenix is holding fourth place. This beautiful firebird has some decent attributes that can be helpful on long flights. Let’s take a look at them.
- Base Health points: 640
- Base Stamina points: 352
- Base Food points: 1500
The Phoenix can be identified with a flame on the back of its head, wings, and tail. It has mostly white feathers all over its body with a touch of orange flame.
This flyer in Ark Survival Evolved comes on fifth place on our list. The reason here is its attributes that are a bit low than the previous ones. Here are the attributes.
- Base Health points: 365
- Base Stamina points: 400
- Base Food points: 2000
This flying creature resembles an Eagle and a Vulture. But, it’s much more gigantic than a Vulture. Argentavis is the biggest flying creature of any other that you can find on the island.
Snow Owl
A beautiful White Owl that is ten times bigger than the regular Owl. Snow Owl is in sixth place in our list based on the attributes. The bird can be easily tamed and bred as well. It is being categorized under Fantasy Creatures and Birds. Here are its attributes:
- Base Health points: 325
- Base Stamina points: 350
- Base Food points: 2000
The Snow Owl can be identified in mostly Gray or Black color with the ends of their wings tipped in a darker color. This creature loves to hunt in high-altitude areas. So, you can easily find them in the mountain region.
Tapejara comes in seventh place on the best flyer list. It is having kind of similar attributes to the Snow Owl. Here are its stats:
- Base Health points: 325
- Base Stamina points: 250
- Base Food points: 1600
We can call Tapejara a bigger and bigger version of Petadron. It looks much similar to a Petadron and can be sometimes identified as Petadron. It is categorized as a reptile and can be tamed with a knockout method.
Next up, on number eight we have Lymantria. This one is different from all the other flyers in Ark. The major reason that makes it different from others is its body structure. It won’t be wrong if we call this creature an insect because it is identified as a giant moth that is 10 times bigger than the player. Now, let’s take a look at its stats.
- Base Health points: 260
- Base Stamina points: 150
- Base Food points: 2000
Lymantria has another variant which is named VR Lymantria. It can be tamed with a knockout method. The creature lives on a herbivore diet and falls under the invertebrates group.
On number nine we have Pelagornis. It’s kind of similar to the Seagulls but of course a lot bigger than a normal Seagull. It can be tamed and bred as well. The creature lives on the Piscivore diet as it is a sea animal. Now, let’s move towards its stats.
- Base Health points: 240
- Base Stamina points: 180
- Base Food points: 1200
Pelagornis can be tamed with a knockout method and it mainly feeds on Raw Prime Fish Meat.
The last flyer in Ark Survival Evolved on our list is Pteranodon. It is much more similar to regular flying dinosaurs like we have seen normally in movies. This one has a long beak that is full of sharp teeth used to grab its target. Pteranodon has the lowest stats in our list of best flyers in Ark Survival Evolved. Let’s see its attributes.
- Base Health points: 210
- Base Stamina points: 150
- Base Food points: 1200
This wraps up our best flyers list that you can own to travel around the map in Ark Survival Evolved. You can either tame a flyer based on its stats or its body structure whichever you find more attractive.
What Is the Fastest Flying Animal in Ark Survival Evolved?

The fastest flying animal in Ark Survival Evolved is definitely the Wyvern. It is not only the fastest flying creature but also the most powerful and gigantic one that you can find. Unfortunately, you cannot tame its adult dragon but you can obtain a wild egg and tame the baby dragon.
Wyvern has a base flying sprinting speed of 2310 which is much higher than any other dragon. It can be a bit difficult for you to find its egg in the wild. If you try to grab the egg in the presence of wild Wyvern then they will surely attack you.
What is the Best PVP Flyer in Ark

No doubt, the best flyer for PVP is Wyvern. This is because of its unmatchable stats to any other dragon out there. It has the highest bite attack damage rating of 80. Moreover, the Fire Breath attack does a maximum of 450 damage in a single attack.
We know that Wyvern has five different variants but the most powerful one is the Fire variant. It can blow a powerful fire attack for 6 seconds straight. You can use this after every 2.5 seconds.
That’s all about the best flyer in Ark Survival Evolved. I have discussed not just one but ten of the best flyers in this guide. Now, it will be much easier for you to pick the best one for yourself. The list is based on the stats which makes it easier for you to choose the right one.
Also, this guide covers the fastest flying animal in Ark Survival Evolved. And yes of course the best PVP flyer in Ark Survival Evolved as well. Hopefully, it answers most of your queries regarding the best flyer.