If you’ve chosen the Hunter class for your WoW Classic gameplay, you can enjoy the advantage of taming Pets and using them for assistance in battles. To get a Pet, however, you must reach level 10 first. Once you do that, you can go to a Hunter Trainer and pick up a quest from them that requires you to learn how to tame a Pet.
Pets come in many varieties with different abilities and effectiveness, ranging from an array of Pet families with unique appearances. You will find information about tamable creatures in Beast Lore — including their skills and preferred food.
Your Pets will take in all kinds of damage like direct hits and AoE, so you must assign them a position that protects them from an instant kill. They have a separate health bar and cooldown time from your character. You also need to regularly feed the Pets to keep them happy and make sure they don’t run away from you. If you want to learn more about Hunter Pets in WoW Classic, you’ve come to the right place.
Table of Contents
Hunter Pets in WoW Classic Taming

You can only tame the creatures from the Beast family which are the same level as you or lower. Beasts that are higher than your level are untameable. The Tame Pet skill takes a while to cast and makes you forfeit 100% of your armor, thus leaving you susceptible to damage.
You can set up a Freezing Trap before the battle or use the Concussive Shot ability before casting Tame Pet to freeze or slow down the beast. Also, you can also use Wyvern Sting, Aspect of the Monkey, and ask for help from a Druid or Mage Class friend as they can Polymorph or Hibernate the beast.
Finally, can carry only one Pet at a time and store two more in the Stable with the help of Stable Master NPCs. If you’re taming Pets only to access their abilities without needing them, always keep one slot empty. You can continue taming and releasing the Pets in that empty slot, and your main Pets will be safe.
Types of Hunter Pets in WoW Classic
The Hunter Pets in WoW Classic fall under three different groups. They are:
Offense Pets: Offense Pets dish out more damage than other Pets and have high attack speed. However, the downside is that they don’t have much armor or HP. These Pets are great for PvP situations.
There are six families of Hunter Pets in WoW Classic that classify as Offense Pets. All of these Pet families have medium health, low armor, and high DPS except for the Raptor, which has low health, medium armor, and high DPS. These are:
1. Cat

2. Owl

3. Bat

4. Wind Serpent

5. Raptor

6. Spider

Defense Pets: Defense Pets have a good bit of health and adequate armor to protect from heavy damage. The downside of these Pets is that their attack speed is low and the amount of damage they do measly. This makes them bad choices for DPS builds, except for boars in PvP gameplay.
There are eight families of Hunter Pets in WoW Classic that classify as Defense Pets. They are:
1. Boar- Has medium-high health and armor and low DPS.

2. Bear- Has high health, medium armor, and low DPS.

3. Gorilla- Has high health, low armor, and medium DPS.

4. Crab – Has low health, high armor, and medium DPS.

5. Crocolisk – Has low health, high armor, and medium DPS.

6. Tallstrider – Has high health, low armor, and medium DPS.

7. Turtle – Has medium health, high armor, and low DPS.

8. Scorpid – Has medium health, high armor, and low DPS.

General Pets: You get an adequate amount of offense and defense in these Pets; the best of both worlds. However, these Pets aren’t masters in either offense or defense. These Pets are perfect for raiding — especially Wolves.
There are three families of Hunter Pets in WoW Classic that classify as General Pets. All of their health, armor, and DPS stats are average. They are:
1. Wolf

2. Hyena

3. Carrion Bird

Even though there are different groups of Pets, that doesn’t restrict you from gearing up an Offense Pet with great defense items or training a Defense Pet for an attacking build on your character. Just make sure the amount of damage taken or dealt is balanced out as per your type of Pet. Choosing a Pet is finding out which ones match your play style and build and preparing them for upcoming battles.
What is the Best Pet for a Hunter in Classic Wow?
The best pets for a Hunter in WoW Classic are Broken Tooth, Son of Hakkar, and pets from the Wolf family. Broken Tooth makes it to this list as it has the highest attack speed among all the pets in the game, with an ability that lets him dish out one attack per second.
Wolves from Lower Blackrock Spire are included as they are useful in all kinds of raids and Dungeon exploration. Lastly, Sons of Hakkar are extremely useful for leveling and have a powerful ranged attack at Level 6.
Cat Family
Cats are arguably the best choice for WoW Classic, including the endgame content. They have high attack speed and deal a lot of damage, with the high attack speed making it easier for them to interrupt enemy spell casting. You can use them for PvP and PvE alike. However, don’t use them in raids and dungeons because they can die quickly from traps.
The best Pet from the Cat family is Broken Tooth.

This Pet has an insane attack speed of 1 attack per second, the highest attack speed among all the Pets in the game, making it the most desirable Pet. This rare Pet is available in Badlands and has a strong family ability called Prowl. Its abnormally fast attack speed allows it to interrupt enemy spell casting and delay it, this interruption is known as spell pushback.
What is the Best Hunter Pet for DPS?
DPS depends greatly on attack speed, so if a pet has a high attack speed, it can dole out solid DPS as well. The animal that best fits this criterion is the previously mentioned Broken Tooth from the Cat family. It fires off an attack every second, which makes it an awesome pet for DPS.
Wolf Family:
For endgame raiding, you will eventually need Pets from the Wolf family as most other Pets will die from activating the mechanics in the Dungeons. You need Pets that can deal damage from a passive standing position. Wolves use an ability named Furious Howl which buffs the whole team and keeps the wolf safe from traps. As they are general Pets, both their attack and defense are built up enough to withstand the challenges of the raids.
The best Pets from the Wolf family are the Wolves from Lower Blackrock Spire.

These wolves have the highest rank of Furious Howl, obtainable from Phase 1. You can tame them to get the highest ranking Furious Howl and later train other Pets to use this skill. These wolves are a great choice for PvE and raiding.
Wind Serpent Family:
Wind Serpent Pets are best for ranged attacks, as they are the only Pets that possess the Lightning Breath attack. As an offense Pet that doesn’t have high defense, it’s pretty useful. This is because it can attack from afar without getting close enough to get hit. You can use them against raid bosses too as Lightning Breath can penetrate armor and deal a significant amount of damage. You can also use them for leveling up.
The best Pet from the Wind Serpent family is the Son of Hakkar.

Son of Hakkar has the highest level of Lightning Breath, which is a Rank 6 ability. This is why this Pet is so unique and a must-have for taming other Wind Serpent Pets.
Boar Family:
If you want some added advantage in PvP battles, Boars are the Pets you need. They have sufficient health and resistance, and also do a good amount of damage. This makes them ideal for strategic battles against other people. They use an ability called Charge, which is quite useful and can stop enemies in their tracks, which is a great advantage in PvP.
What is the Best Hunter Pet for Leveling WoW Classic?
While leveling up in WoW Classic, you can trust the Owl, Carrion Bird, and Son of Hakkar as they are great choices for raiding most bosses and defeating enemies. The Screech ability of the Owl and Carrion Bird reduces enemy attack power and their claw attacks also deal good damage. If you like Wind Serpents, Sons of Hakkars’ Rank 6 Lightning Breath can penetrate the armor of most bosses. Meanwhile, cats are also useful for leveling as they are easy to find and deal more damage than other pets. They can use both Claw and Bite attacks and are versatile.
What is the Best Pet for Hunter in WoW?
For a Hunter player, the best pet in WoW should be any pet from the Cat and Wolf family. WoW and WoW Classic might have a few differences but the pets from the Cat and Wolf family are pretty strong in both versions of the game and they all have high attack speed and good defense.
Training Pets in WoW Classic
Pets will have some default skills and abilities according to their families, and learn new skills as they level up just like the player. The abilities are of two types — active and passive.
You will have to find a Pet Trainer to make your Pets learn passive abilities. The Pet Trainers usually stay around Hunter Trainers. To get active abilities, you have to tame the Pets that possess the corresponding abilities. After successfully taming the Pets, you need to make those Pets use their unique abilities before you can teach them to your other Pets. This process isn’t quick or easy.
The fastest way of doing this is to make the newly tamed Pet use their desired skills on enemies continuously. Once the desired ability has been used enough, you will find it in the training menu and can use it on your other Pets. However, you should remember that you can’t make all Pets learn all kinds of skills as there are some limitations as to which Pet can use which ability. For example, Crab Pets can’t use the Bite attack so don’t try to make them learn it.
Therefore, you need to know which abilities are suitable for your Pet before taming another Pet to acquire a random skill. When you want to teach your Pet a new skill, some of its training points will be used. The way to earn training points is to level up your Pet and increase its loyalty. The product of your Pet’s level and loyalty points is the total amount of training points for your Pet.
Keeping Your Pets Happy and Loyal
The secret to keeping your Pets happy is food. Feed your Pets as much as you can. The Pets usually get in three moods, Happy, Content, and Unhappy. Content Pets deal default damage while the happy ones deal +25% and unhappy ones deal -25% damage. So, keep your Pets happy all the time to get that extra damage and be careful not to keep them unhappy for too long as they might run away from you.
You can figure out your Pet’s mood from the face icon beside its health bar. Happy Pets will have a Green smile, content Pets have a yellow face and unhappy Pets have a red angry looking face. Whenever a happy face goes to content, feed your Pet. Also, use the Beast Lore ability to figure out what your Pet should eat.
Loyalty increases when your Pet stays long enough with you to kill a lot of enemies. As mentioned before, you need loyalty to acquire training points for your Pet. The highest Loyalty Level is 6.
Pets are invaluable companions for Hunters in WoW Classic as they assist you in all kinds of battles. This is why you should carefully consider which Pets you should bring along with you in fights and which ones to keep in the inventory for later use. You should also look for the best Pets for specific battles and the best skills to train them with. If you follow this guide, you shouldn’t have any problems with Hunter Pets in WoW Classic.