Best Land Mount Ark - Nerd Lodge
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Best Land Mount Ark

What is even better in Ark than having one of the greatest dinos with you? Yes, there is nothing better than that. But wait, these dinos fall into different categories. For instance, we can take flyers and land mounts. 

Land mounts can help you in combats, transferring stuff, traveling, and doing lots of other things. You may not know about the best land mounts in Ark. That is why we came up with this guide which is going to help you in getting the best one. 

Land dinos are a great way to travel quickly around the map. Moreover, they can be used for different tasks such as for gathering various items and hunting other creatures. So, it generally depends on what you are looking to do with your mount. 

Best Land Mount in Ark

Here we have made a list of Top 10 land mounts that you can tame. They can prove to be the best land mounts based on their abilities. 

Let’s jump into the list and check out the dinos. 

1. Triceratops

Best Land Mount Ark - Triceratops

A fast-moving dino that has powerful attacking stats. It won’t be wrong if we call Triceratops an all-rounder dino. Mainly because it can help in gathering tons of useful items and is a lot easier to tame. 

Moreover, Triceratops can cover long distances without losing much stamina. And that’s not it, they are great combatants as well. When in a fight, they take less damage and fight aggressively resulting in damaging more to their opponent. 

Triceratops can be used to gather Berries, Thatch, Cactus Sap, Rare Flower, Rare Mushroom, and Wood. They can play different roles in the game including Transport, Travelling, Gatherer, Battle Mount, Guardian, Protector, Tank, and PvP Turret Soaker. 

2. T-Rex


This is the most wanted dino in Ark. Everyone loves to own a Rex due to its size and powerful attacks. Being a huge dangerous creature, it can run way too fast and is a highly aggressive dino. Although, it won’t help much in gathering items. 

So, you can mainly use it in traveling and combats. This can be the best fighter in any combat. It has only two attacking techniques but they are enough to deal with any opponent. You can either use its powerful Bite attack or you can stun enemies using the Roar attack. 

If we look at the roles of Rex then they are a bit different from others. A Rex can play the following roles Tank, Hunter, Damage, Transport, Raid Boss Tank/DPS. 

3. Carnotaurus


It’s a highly aggressive carnivore dino that looks quite similar to a Rex. Carnotaurus is a great fighter with a huge size and fast-moving ability. When Carnotaurus is aggressive it doesn’t get back even if the opponent is twice as big in size. 

Its aggressive nature and attacking techniques are what make it a great land mount. It has the same attacking techniques as the Rex. Carnotaurus uses the Bite and Gore attack. 

We saw that it does have the same attacking skills but not the roles. Here is which roles it will play. It can play roles such as Damage, Cheap Troop, Transport, Hunter, Guardian, Leech Hunter, Cave Hunter, Reaper Killer, Travel, and Hiker. 

4. Raptor

Best Land Mount Ark - Raptor

Now we have Raptor, another great dino for hunting and traveling. This one is best for hunting purposes and exploring the areas quickly. Especially, hard-to-reach spots. 

This is an aggressive creature that can do decent damage when comes in contact with opponents. Although, you should not take it in fights. The best use of this creature is in caves. Due to its small size and quick movements, Raptor can take you to any place. 

It can equip many different roles that include Damage, Hunter, Travel, Light Cavalry Mount, Cave Mount, Early Prime Meat Hunter, Jumping, and Escape Vehicle. 

5. Dire Bear

Best Land Mount Ark - Dire Bear

An extremely wild and powerful bear to tear your enemies in parts. Dire bear has three different attacking techniques and it can also collect various items for you. 

Apart from being a great hunter, Dire Bear can also adapt to different roles. This includes War Mount, Gatherer, All-Purpose Mount, Travel, Transport, Damage, Combatant, and Tank. 

They are a bit slow creatures but they are deadly once tamed. So, you can take them in battles. Additionally, Dire Bears are well-known for gathering Honey. They are the best land mount in Ark for long-distance traveling and gathering useful items such as Fiber and Organic Polymer. 

6. Ankylosaurus

Land Mount in Ark

It is one of the most famous creatures in Ark, quite well-known as a gatherer. No doubt, Ankylosaurus is greatly known for gathering items but it can also adapt new roles to help you out. 

Anky’s can efficiently gather some of the most needed items in the game. They can help you out in gathering Metal, Crystal, Flint, Oil, Berries, and other items. They are quite slow creatures but you can expect a lot of useful skills from these guys.

And yes you can easily evade their attacks as they are slow-moving dinos. But, when they are in battle, they take less damage and some extra damage to the target when tamed. 

7. Baryonyx

Baryonyx - Land Mount in Ark

A perfect dino for fast-riding and combat purposes. Baryonyx has powerful attacking skills and it has some long-lasting stamina levels. It is also a great swimmer and can make long dives. During these dives, it can be in the water for long periods without running out of oxygen. 

Baryonyx has two attacking techniques, each one has different damaging stats. The highest base damage that it can do is 700 points. 

The main reason why you should own Baryonyx is its Tail Spin attack. This attack doesn’t only damage the opponent but stuns them. It affects almost all creatures except a few. Moreover, Baryonyx can adapt to many different roles including Hiker, Island Caver, Whale Tamer, Underwater Miner, and Aquatic Battle Mount. 

8. Parasaur

Land Mount in Ark - Parasaur

A great early-game creature that you can take to even mid-level game. They are great for gathering berries in the early game. Being an early-game dino, this can be taken on long journeys without worrying about running out of oxygen. 

The best thing about the Parasaur is that it can play the role of Bodyguard. This helps in protecting newly tamed creatures with its honk ability. 

9. Megalosaurus

Megalosaurus - Land Mount in Ark

A perfect land mount in Ark for mid to end-level game. This creature gets weakened during the day time and the attacking power also gets reduced. At night time it gets so much more powerful. 

Megalosaurus has different attacking techniques but the most powerful one is Shake Prey. It can do a base damage of 240 points. 

10. Carbonemys


One of the best early game tames. This guy can be your best land mount as well as a swimmer. If leveled up enough you can take it into battles as this gets tough and takes very minor damage. But do remember that it will be good till the mid-game. 

This is a slow dino so it’s not recommended to be used for long-distance journeys. 

These are all the best land mounts that you can have in Ark. This list has the dinos for all the gamers even if you are a beginner. 

What is the Strongest Land Dino in Ark? 

The strongest land dino is probably the Titanosaur but we haven’t added it to our list as it dies after a certain time. Instead, you can have Megalosaurus or a T-Rex, both of them are powerful and strong enough to get into a battle with any opponent. 

What is the Fastest Land Mount in Ark? 

We have so many other dinos in the Ark including the land mounts but those are not on our list due to their skills. Although, the fastest land mount in Ark can be Gallimimus, it’s a herbivore creature that is small in size and the quickest creature you can find in Ark.

If we look at our list then the fastest one here is Baryonyx. After that, we have Triceratops, T-Rex, and Carnotaurus. 

That’s all about Best Land Mount Ark. Not all the dinos can have all the best possible skills. You have to choose one over the other. Some have the best exploring abilities while others are best at gathering and hunting. It is based on your needs and which one you need at the moment. 

If you are looking for the best all-rounder land mount in Ark then it can be Triceratops. This creature is best at moving speed and even combats. I hope you have enjoyed going through our guide.