Dead By Daylight is home to some of the most imposing and dangerous killers in the history of cinema and video games. Among the killers are dangerous biological weapons, legendary immortal beings, and fearsome bounty hunters or creatures from other dimensions. With all these killers, how much damage can a group of angry teenagers do?
To answer this, today we will look at the Best Legion Build in Dead by Daylight, the most underrated group of killers since they joined Dead By Daylight. Not only we will see how with the right build they can do catastrophic damage but also, we will see how with the new rework they have nothing to envy about the most dangerous killers in the game.
Table of Contents
Feral Frenzy

The Legion’s power is Feral Frenzy. This ability will allow them to traverse the map at a high speed for a limited time. Also, they can vault windows and pallets faster than the survivors, which no other killer can do. Wounding a survivor while Feral Frenzy is active resets the skill’s timer and activates their killer instinct, which reveals if there is another survivor nearby. In addition, the survivor is not only wounded but also severely wounded, an effect in which if the survivor does not quickly perform the mend action, he will be in the Dying State. The weakness of The Legion is that this ability only serves to wound survivors and not to knock them down, for this you have to exit Feral Frenzy and wait a few seconds.
The new changes in The Legion make it much more dangerous. Now, every time The Legion hurts a survivor using Feral Frenzy, his speed increases radically. Also, when The Legion hits 4 survivors during the same Feral Frenzy, his next hit can now knock down his next victim.
Tips for using The Legion
Recent changes to The Legion made it more dangerous than ever. Before them, survivors who were attacked by The Legion ignored it, because as long as they had its ability active, it could not take them down. Nowadays, survivors can no longer underestimate them. If they allow The Legion to get to his fourth hit, not only will they all be hurt, but one of them will be knocked down and end up on a hook, which will put a lot of pressure on the game.
The Legion’s strategy should always be to look for large groups of survivors and generate as much pressure as possible. If all the survivors are wounded for as long as possible, it will be very difficult for them to rescue their companions. The only option they will have is to rescue their comrades in exchange for ending up on a hook.
The Legion still suffers when the survivors are spread. But you can counteract this by using The Legion’s ability to go from one generator to another at high speed, hurt the survivors and attack them without Feral Frenzy.
Best Build for The Legion
Here are some of the perks that make up the best Legion build in DBD.
Hex: Ruin (The Hag)

This perk is the most powerful perk you can use in The Legion. As this killer, you will be constantly wounding survivors and forcing them to do the mend action. Each time this happens, they must stop working on the generator and Ruin will take effect, regressing any progress they have made on that generator.
Jolt (Free perk)

Formerly known as Surge, this perk that once belonged to the Demogorgon is a very good perk for killers who rely on its basic attacks. Jolt makes it so every time you take down a survivor, all generators around a range of 32 meters will explode and start to regress. With the pressure that The Legion generates and combined with Ruin and the next one we will see, the survivors will never be able to finish the generators.
Pop Goes the Weasel (The Clown)

Another great perk so that the survivors can’t finish repairing the generators. As soon as they see that Ruin is in play, the first impulse of the survivors will be to look for their totem and clean it. If they try hard enough, sooner or later they will succeed. What they don’t know is that you have Pop Goes the Weasel, which combined with Surge will continue to ruin all their progress on the generator while The Legion continues to lurk.
No Way Out (The Trickster)

If you had a good game but the survivors manage to do all the generators, No Way Out will be the difference between being left empty-handed or getting a few kills. By the time they are opening the doors, the survivors will probably be wounded and some close to death. With No Way Out you can apply a lot of pressure in the End Game and deny them all escape. If you catch just one survivor, you will force the rest to try to get a save, which will generate more and more pressure and you will end up getting more kills than you expected.
Worst Perks for The Legion
Here are the worst perks for the Legion that you should avoid putting in your build.
Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)
Oddly enough, there are killers that do not benefit from Corrupt Intervention. By blocking generators at the beginning of the game, the survivors will disperse looking for generators farther away. This is very bad for The Legion, as it is in their best interest to have their victims running in groups from the beginning of the game, even if they are repairing generators.
Distressing (Free Perk)
In theory, increasing your terror radius with The Legion is a good idea, since as long as you use Feral Frenzy your killer instinct reveals where the survivors are. Well, it isn’t. Increasing your terror radius also means that survivors can hear you coming from farther away and escape. Even if you are in Feral Frenzy, no matter how much you can see them, if they are 32 meters away and decide to escape by hearing this perk, you will never catch them.
Furtive Chase (Ghost Face)
This perk has the opposite effect of Distressing but is just as bad for The Legion. As you don’t want to have a wide terror radius, you also don’t want to have a short one. Remember that your killer instinct reveals survivors within your terror radius, so this perk not only doesn’t work for The Legion, it hurts it.
Sloppy Butcher (Free perk)
Before the rework to The Legion, this perk was quite useful, since it increased the mending time of the survivors. With the new changes, it may not be your best alternative. The Legion needs the survivors to do the Mend Action because if they do it, this killer can attack them again and be closer to make four attacks and with the next one, get a down.
Best Legion Add-ons
Iridescent button
This add-on is still the strongest for The Legion. The ability to break pallets just by flipping them makes it even better than Spirit Fury. Breaking the pallets of survivors allows you to chase them much more effectively when you don’t have Feral Frenzy active. This is like having a fifth perk.
Never Sleeping Pill
Combined with the right Add-ons, this Add-on can be very useful for finishing off survivors. Instead of lasting 10 seconds, Feral Frenzy lasts 20 seconds in exchange for the initial speed of this skill. This can make the first few hits harder to land, but when you do, escaping from The Legion in the last few attacks will be impossible.
This has been our guide to The Legion! Do you still think it’s as weak as it was a few years ago or are you now looking forward to using these angry teenagers? Tell us in the comments how was your experience with them!

And if you are a DBD mobile player, check our list of the best killers here: