As we all know, League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBAs today. With more than 140 champions, this game built a world where all characters have their own lives, personalities, and motivations.
Mid is one of the most complicated lanes to play. Like the ADC, the characters are usually very fragile, but with a large amount of damage. From mages to assassins, there are a lot of Mids to choose from with totally different play styles, but which ones are the best? To answer this, as we have already done with the champions in Top, today we will see which are the strongest characters for mid-lane.
Table of Contents

After her rework in the patch to make her more “fun to play”, the nine-tailed fox is a real winner in Summoner’s Rift. Her CC can change the course of fights as well as her mobility all over the map. The [Q] is a very good way to wear down the enemy and clean up waves, and with the [W] we can give the finishing touch to our opponent.
– Domination: Electrocute: 2-3-3
– Sorcery: 2-1-0
Eternal Frost for the burst along with Llamasombría and Rabbadon to boost your attacks. If you need to go more defensive Zhonya and Veil of the Fairy.
– Level 3: [W] >[Q] > [E].
– Skill priority: [Q] >[E] > [W].

Although he entered League of Legends quite weak the last patches improved the champion quite a lot. His ability to revive allies and the poke of his [Q] keep him at the top of the table. Also, do not forget that he is very good against melee champions.
– Accuracy: Intensified Attack +2+3+1
– Resolve: 3+3-0
The Intensified Attack on the key rune gives extra damage to the champion as it combines with his [Passive]. As for items, don’t hesitate to use the Executioner of Krakens combined with the Reclaimer and the Infinite Edge. If you have a Final Wizard of Ingenuity in front of you it’s a great option.
– Level 3: [Q] >[E] > [Q].
– Skill Priority: [Q] >[E] > [W].

A great pick to do an immense amount of damage in a very short time. However, you have to be careful with the enemy’s CC and always keep an eye on where the blade lands to be able to escape quickly. Keep in mind that you can quickly eliminate the enemy team, especially the softer ones.
Use the assassin with Electrocute and the Hextech Belt. Similarly, as is the case with LeBlanc, keep Zhonyas in mind for defensive use and Rabadon’s deadly hat to sweep your combo.
– Domination: Electrocute + 2+3+3
– Sorcery: 0-1-1
– Level 3: [Q] >[E] > [W].
– Skill Priority: [Q] >[E] > [W].

If you’re looking for a physical damage killer, with Zed you can’t go wrong. The learning curve of the skill kit is a bit tricky, but the moment you understand and master it you can make incredible plays. Playing with the enemy’s mind is fundamental as he won’t know what has hit him. Also, his movement is very good along with his explosive damage.
– Domination: Electrocute + 2+3+3
– Sorcery: 0-1-1
As for Draktharr items next to the Yomuu and Serylda. If the enemies have a lot of shields Snake Fang.
– Level 3: [Q] >[W] > [E].
– Skill priority: [Q] >[E] > [W].

Veigar is a pure scaling champion. Even if you have a bad start to the game at minute 25 you will do hysterical laughable damage. For this reason, he is one of the best champions for mid in League of Legends, so focus on hitting your opponents with your skills to accumulate damage. Despite this, it is very soft so do not hesitate to cast [E] on yourself if you have an assassin in front of you, and move around the map if you see that you can not do anything in line.
– Domination: Predator + 2+3+2
– Sorcery: 2+1+0
In the item composition Eternal Frost to help you with CC, Rabadon, and Zhonya to hold up in fights.
– Level 3: [Q] >[W] > [E] or [Q] > [E] > [W] depending on who you face in the line.
– Skill priority: [Q] > [E] > [W].

Final Thoughts
In this list, you will not only see the strongest champions of the moment, but between mages, tanks, and assassins, you will have a great variety to choose from. Do you agree with our best Mid-Champions in League of Legends list? Tell us which are your favorite mid champions to use in the summoner’s rift.