Today we are going to be discussing the best Moze builds for Borderlands 3. Each Moze build is different and we will be covering leveling, raiding, and solo builds for Moze. Let’s get into it!
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Recent Moze Buffs
Moze’s buffs focused on her Iron Bear.
Most Moze builds more or less ignored her Iron Bear because it was extremely lackluster in almost every situation. The main problem was, Iron Bear didn’t receive most of Moze’s perk bonuses like Vampyr or Desperate Measures. Thankfully, Gearbox has now rectified that.
Iron bear also received some scaling damage bonus and for some reason now shoots barrels when the player melees them. Weird, but ok.
Not much has changed for Moze’s builds. But you might be able to actually use Iron Bear now, whereas before it was not recommended.
I’ll try to update these builds as I play more Moze.
Glass Cannon Moze Build

Do you want some serious damage out of Moze? Want to hear your friends gasp as you take the boss from full to zer0 in seconds? If so, this is the build for you.
With this build, you end up with absurd amounts of bonus damage and give a small amount of damage to your allies to enjoy as well. Although, you rely pretty heavily on critting enemies, not only for damage but also to survive. Read on to find out why.
Key Abilities
- Full Can of Whoop-Ass (1/1): If and/or when we need to run away in Iron Bear, this makes sure we’re full up off the hob when we get out.
- Experimental Munitions (1/1): MOAR BONUS BURNING!
Desperate Measures (3/3): With only Thin Red Line, this sits at 30.6% damage buff. Even more, if we use a turtle shield and Selfless Vengeance to further reduce HP. - Phalanx Doctrine (5/5): Another stacking damage buff with big potential, and none of Drowning in Brass’s downside.
- Force Feedback (1/1): This is important for using Tenacious Defense. Speaking of which…
- Tenacious Defense (1/1): 12% damage for the duration of a Phalanx stack, and 40% free shields after your shield gets stripped. If we strip it ourselves, that’s good damage to start, then critting enemies will reset this skill via Force Feedback. If we have to run away, Full Can of Whoop-Ass resets this skill instead. Either way, we can take full advantage of the 12% damage buff pretty much always. In theory.
Why this Moze Build is Strong
Insane amounts of damage. Basically every damage/crit buff you could go is in this build. You absolutely melt people. And by melt people, I mean literally melt people because incendiary is key.
We can’t also forget the fact that your peasant friends also get damage/fire buffs too. Gotta spread the love. Or fire at least.
Best Weapons for this Build
SNEEPERS. This Moze damage build was built to be used by snipers. We take a hit to fire rate to increase gun damage and most weapons don’t enjoy shooting slowly. Except for of course snipers and shotguns but we are far too weak to be able to use shotguns (we put the glass in cannon baby).
The elemental type you want is fire weapons. This Moze build buffs fire damage to the point you almost want to use it against resisty bois.
Other weapons can work. But this build wasn’t made for it so stop being so antagonistic and go with the flow, bro.
The best relic you can get for this Moze build is the deathless relic. With this relic, your shields are increased but your health goes to 1, which gives Moze a huge buff to gun damage because of her desperate measures skill (50%).
To get the deathless relic for Moze you should kill the older Traunt on the final planet. He has the best chance to drop it so this is the best location to farm the deathless relic. Some people say it also drops from Lilith’s room, but so far I haven’t gotten one from it.
Moze Solo Build

This is the Moze build for all of you out there that like solo/leveling as Moze. You are still going to do beautiful amounts of damage and lighting people on fire, but you will also be focusing more on survival and using Iron Bear as opposed to the “kill em to they’re dead” Moze build above.
You can use this Moze build in group content as well, I just prefer to use this build for leveling Moze in Borderlands 3. It is also a build that focuses on maxing out Iron Bear on Moze, which is fun.
I guess you could also call this the Iron Bear build for Moze.
Key Abilities
- Grizzled – This skill reduces the cooldown on Iron Bear after killing an enemy. Vital for having maximum IB uptime.
- Deadlines – Killing an enemy while IB is active increases fuel (aka longer duration Iron Bear) and reduces consumption.
- Stainless Steel Bear – More fuel, more armor.
- Auto Bear – Basically a sentry gun that will then maniac rush someone and explode after 15 seconds.
- Some for the Road – After you exit Iron Bear you gain infinite ammo for a short time. Yes, you read that right. INFINITE AMMO.
- Forge – You constantly regenerate ammo as Moze. Better Gunzerker?
Why this Moze Build is Strong
Using this build on Moze makes her incredibly powerful as she can maximize her uptime on Iron Bear and also gives her nigh-infinite ammo, much like Gunzerker from Borderlands 2.
With Grizzled and Deadlines, Moze has a short cooldown on Iron Bear and a longer duration to use him. Stainless Steel Bear adds even more fuel, aka duration, and Auto Bear allows you to still benefit from IB’s damage while putting in some DPS of your own.
Some for the Road and Forge make it so Moze’s never run out of ammo. Like, ever. Add Redistribution on top of that and you’re looking at a Moze build that makes Gunzerker look like a chump. Who needs a Sham when you are an ammo regening machine?
Best Weapons for this Build
Honestly? Any weapon is good with this build. More emphasis is put on Iron Bear in this Moze build than most others so weaponry only matters somewhat.
Moze’s do like weapons that do well with crits. An accurate SMG or AR would be a good choice here. Shotguns are kinda meh, and although snipers are normally recommended for other Moze builds I would avoid them for this one.
In terms of elemental types, go for fire weapons.
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