In this Best Minecraft Pickaxe enchantments guide, I will be showing you all of the Pickaxe enchantments in Minecraft as well as ranking them based on their usefulness. All of these pickaxe enchantments are the same for Minecraft PE, Minecraft PC version, and Minecraft for Xbox One.
I will also be sharing all of the enchantment command IDs for every Pick-Axe enchantment. Here they are:
- Fortune Minecraft ID – 35
- Mending Minecraft ID – 70
- Efficiency Minecraft ID – 32
- Unbreaking Minecraft ID – 34
- Silk Touch Minecraft ID – 33
- Curse of Vanishing Minecraft ID – 71
Now, onto the Pickaxe enchantment list. Here are all six of the best enchantments for Pickaxe in Minecraft.
Table of Contents
What is the Best Enchantment for a Pickaxe in Minecraft?
Fortune is the best enchantment for a pickaxe in Minecraft. It gives you an increased chance of acquiring drops from blocks, which means you can get hundreds of diamonds (or whatever resource you desire) quickly. Fortune outperforms every other pickaxe enchantment.
1. Fortune

Fortune is the best Pick-Axe enchantment in Minecraft. It grants an increased chance of getting block drops. This means you can get lots of diamonds, flint, etc.
How does Fortune work in Minecraft? It will proc when any block which drops an item other than the block itself is mined.
This includes:
- Coal
- Diamond
- Redstone
- Emerald
- Lapis Lazuli
- Nether Quartz
- Melon (capped at 9 melons)
- Clay (Capped at 4, but increases the chance of getting 4)
- Seeds (from tall grass and wheat, but doesn’t increase the actual wheat drop itself)
- Nether Wart
- Glowstone (capped at 4 dust, but increases the chance of getting 4)
- Increases the chance of gravel dropping flint
- Increase of dropping saplings and apples from leaves
How much does Fortune do in Minecraft?
Well, according to the Minecraft wiki:
For coal, diamond, emerald, nether quartz, and lapis lazuli, Fortune I gives a 33% chance to multiply drops by 2 (averaging 33% increase), Fortune II gives a chance to multiply drops by 2 or 3 (25% chance each, averaging 75% increase), and Fortune III gives a chance to multiply drops by 2, 3, or 4 (20% chance each, averaging 120% increase). 1 drop has a weight of 2, and each number of extra drops has a weight of 1.
For redstone, carrots, glowstone, sea lanterns, melons, nether wart, potatoes, sweet berries, beetroots (seeds only) and wheat (seeds only), each level increases the drop maximum by +1 (maximum 4 for glowstone, 5 for sea lanterns, and 9 for melon slices).
One drawback to using Fortune is that you cannot also have Silk Touch, even if you use the enchantment command.
Putting Fortune on your pickaxe is the best way to get loads of extra diamonds, iron, flint, etc in Minecraft.
Fortune can be enchanted on a pickaxe up to three times.
2. Mending
Mending is the second best pickaxe enchantment in Minecraft because it allows you to constantly repair your pickaxe with XP orbs. This makes mending slightly better than Unbreaking because instead of increasing the duration greatly, you are increasing it indefinitely.
The amount that Mending will heal your pickaxe is 2 durability points per XP. You lose out on the XP your pickaxe uses to repair itself, but most of the time you will gain it back.
For example, fishing with a fishing rod costs 1 point of durability but earns 1–6 experience points when reeling in a catch. A damaged fishing rod used this way eventually restores itself to full durability and any excess experience points apply to the player’s experience.
3. Efficiency
Efficiency makes the speed at which you mine with a pickaxe quicker. This only works if you are using the proper tool, however. If you are trying to use your pickaxe with efficiency to cut down a tree it won’t work.
You can instantly mine certain blocks (including stone) if you have haste and efficiency on your pickaxe. This website has the table to see what blocks you can do this too.
A pickaxe with Efficiency V and Haste IV can instantly mine cobblestone in Minecraft.
4. Unbreaking
Unbreaking is a Minecraft pickaxe enchantment that gives it a chance to not take durability damage.
For most items, there is a (100 ÷ (level+1) )%
chance that using the item reduces durability. On average, tools last level+1
times as long.
Unbreaking can be enchanted up to three times on a pickaxe.
5. Silk Touch
Silk Touch is a pickaxe enchantment that allows you to get the block you are mining rather than what it drops. For example, a diamond block drops diamonds, however, with the Silk Touch enchantment, it will drop the diamond block when mined.
Because of this interaction, it doesn’t work with Fortune and is one of the only ways to pick up certain fragile items in Minecraft.
If you want a full list of what Silk Touch can and can’t mine, take a look at the Minecraft wiki.
6. Curse of Vanishing
Curse of Vanishing is the worst pickaxe enchantment in Minecraft because it makes your pickaxe disappear when you die. This could be useful in a PvP world, but most of the time it does more harm than good.
Don’t waste your XP on enchanting this unless you really don’t want other people to get their filthy hands on your precious diamond pickaxe.
And that’s it for our best enchantment for pickaxe list! Hopefully, this helps you figure out what enchantment you’re going to be putting on your tools in Minecraft!
Make sure to check out our best food in Minecraft article as well!