Elden Ring is in almost every gamer’s news these days. As a result, tons of new players join the FromSoftware Inc family regularly. While the game is as challenging as it can get, still almost 90% of the players keep playing as they get addicted to it. In the deadly terrains of the Lands Between, everything that you see or feel is ready to kill you.
However, the deadly enemies and overpowered bosses aren’t the only threat here; even other players can attack you without giving a notice in Elden Ring online mode. As a matter of fact, the PVP battles in the game are really trendy these days. What if you can ambush other players without any formalities? This article explains all you need to know about the invasions and the best place to invade in Elden Ring.
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How to invade other worlds?

The invasion or PvP battle system is a bit different in Elden Ring as compared to the previous games. For instance, in Dark Souls, you could invade other players by visiting the designated spots. However, no such area is defined in Elden Ring, and the whole world is your battle arena. Furthermore, you can also ambush other players in their worlds near enemies. So, the in-game enemies would assist you in defeating the ambushed players. The only problem is that you need a special item known as the Festering Bloody Finger to initiate an invasion.
The Festering Bloody Fingers are rare and expensive items. Moreover, each finger can only be used once to initiate an invasion, regardless of the outcome. So, you must carefully choose an area for the invasion to minimize your losses. Once you have a Finger, you can visit any well-known invasion area and consume the finger to Places to Invade in Elden Ring an available world. Moreover, there’s also a special item that you can acquire to initiate as many invasions as you like. However, to get this special Bloody Finger, you must complete Varré’s quest of giving him a blood-soaked cloth.
Top 11 best places to invade in Elden Ring
Though the whole world is your PvP battle arena in Elden Ring, you still need to know where to find perfect matches. FromSoftware Inc introduced a new concept in which your enemies scale with your Rune level. So, it is less likely that you will find a level 10 player if you are at level 100. This system ensures a balanced gameplay experience for both experienced players and newcomers. Still, if you have good skills and stay at a lower level, you can get a few easy fights for yourself. Here are the best locations Places to Invade in Elden Ring based on the player frequency and difficulty levels:
11. Caelid

Caelid is the perfect place with a high player frequency and multiple locations to initiate an invasion. According to the Reddit community, most players have had a ton of fun when trying out the Blood Finger in Caelid. The best part is that you don’t need to be in a specific area for a perfect match. There are several key locations where you can initiate your invasion and have the same amount of fun every time. For instance, the Cathedral of Dragon Communion, Bestial Sanctum, Dragonbarrow West, Fort Faroth, and Redmane Castle are among the well-known places to invade in Elden Ring in Caelid.
10. The First Step Site of Grace

Everyone who has played Elden Ring has visited The First Step Site of Grace at least once. It is the first area that you open in the game before traveling to the dungeons. Based on this fact, the chances of finding a low-level opponent in this area are very high. The problem is that many players are familiar with the frequency of this area, so you might end up invading someone far greater than your size.
The second thing that makes this area least liked is that there are no enemies around the corner. As mentioned earlier, the in-game enemies will help you defeat other players in the PvP mode. So, you are pretty much on your own to face a high-level enemy or even a group of co-op dudes. Still, if you are looking for an area that guarantees an invasion every time, I suggest that you visit The First Step Site of Grace to use the Festering Bloody Finger.
9. Siofra River

The Siofra River is among the early hidden locations of Elden Ring. So, the chances of finding new players with little to no idea of their surroundings are very high. Moreover, there are quite a few Ancestral Archers hiding in the walls around the area. These archers are in-game enemies who will help you in defeating other Tarnished. Moreover, the area is a vast field with little to no cover to hide from the arrows. So, even if you invade a difficult player, you can always rely on the brilliant archers to get the job done for you.
Still, I suggest that you get a good grip on dodging before invading in the Siofra River. Secondly, it would be best to find a hiding spot before starting the invasion. This way, you can wait for the archers to finish off your enemy or enemies or come out of hiding at the last minute to lay the final blow.
8. Liurnia of The Lakes

The major problem with the new matching system is that other players can finish you off with a single blow. It is true in most cases, as the game has been around for almost a year now. So, the best places to Invade in Elden Ring is to remain at a lower level, especially in Liurnia of the Lakes. The special feature of this area is that it resembles The First Step Site of Grace in many ways, with a few improvements.
Firstly, the Flat Lake portion is where most new players arrive after unlocking Liurnia. So, the player frequency is pretty high to increase the chance of a battle. Secondly, there are no enemies around this section to help you out in defeating other players. So, without a plan and proper skills, your game is pretty much over if you match against a high level player. Fortunately, there are several natural obstacles around in the Flat Lake region. You can use these obstacles to dodge arrows and spells while your enemy is out in the open.
7. Stormveil Castle

Stormveil Castle is the first place you visit in the game’s main storyline. As a result, most of the unfamiliar players visit this area without any idea. This place is ideal for invading other worlds due to two big reasons. Firstly, the floors of the castle are crawling with swarms of dangerous enemies. So, even if you match against a powerful player, there’s a high chance that you can defeat him. Secondly, being an early game area, the frequency of players is very high as well.
However, it would be best to fully explore the castle and plan your escape route before invading others. Moreover, the invasion should be close to as many enemies as possible to increase your chances. This way, you get several allies in the battle, and you can escape to another floor with even more enemies to your aid.
6. Volcano Manor

Volcano Manor is the New Haven of invasions in Elden Ring these days. Almost every skilled player visits the area to ambush others for some fun time. The community chose this area for several reasons. Firstly, it is a place where only the skilled players arrive.
So, if you want to see some real PvP action in Elden Ring, I suggest that you try your skills in Volcano Manor. Secondly, there are dozens of deadly in-game enemies in the area. So, even if you are to face someone with a company, you can always rely on the surroundings for your help. Lastly, the player frequency is usually high as the area is the Georgepool of Elden Ring these days. In short, you can play your role as a Recusant to defeat other players while bringing a few summoned friends of your own.
5. Miquella’s Haligtree

Not everyone on the servers is looking for an easy PvP fight. Sometimes, the players get bored of the newcomers getting beaten up by the in-game enemies, so they demand a fair fight. If you are one such Souls veteran, you are really going to love this place. Miquella’s Haligtree is an area with a narrow path and a high fall on the side. Moreover, the area is only open to players who have progressed at least halfway into the storyline.
The player frequency is a bit low in the first section of Miquella’s Haligtree, but the match is worth the wait. There are no enemies in the surroundings to interfere in your legendary fight. The surroundings are deadly; all you need to do is trick your foe into rolling down the edge. Moreover, the narrow path ensures a fair fight even in 2 vs. 1 situation. Lastly, even if you find the match unfair, you can always summon a tough Knight to fight on your side.
4. Mountaintops of The Giants

The Mountaintops of The Giants is a relatively early game area that you can access from the Altus Plateau. However, the scenery and the surrounding area are so pleasing that players tend to revisit it for some peace time. So, you shouldn’t always expect new players with no skills in this section of Elden Ring. Moreover, the snowy fields and scarcity of obstacles make it hard to run away from an invasion. The good news is that the land is still inhabited by a few giants and some dangerous enemies.
You can expect the in-game enemies to take away a good amount of HP from your opponents during the invasion. Still, considering the type of players in the area, it would be best to come equipped with some serious gear. If you are a strength-based player, then bring at least a Katana or if you are a sorcerer, then upgrade your spells.
This way, you will always be prepared if you ever encounter a high level player or, worse, a bunch of them. In any case, if you are looking for an unbalanced yet serious fight, I suggest that you take your fingers to the Mountaintop of the Giants.
3. Crumbling Farum Azula

Crumbling Farum Azula is the place where most of the legendary battles take place. It is a near endgame area where all players have high HP, FP, and a bag full of legendary gear. The majority of the battles are decisive and last only for a minute or two. Still, the hardcore players prefer this battleground as it sieves out the unworthy and only provides someone of your own size.
One thing to keep in mind when fighting in Crumbling Farum Azula is that your level would be around 100 at this point, and your enemies would have pretty much the same experience. So, make sure that you fully understand what you are up against when invading others.
Fortunately, the in-game enemies in Crumbling Farum Azula are pretty hardcore themselves. So, if you encounter a party of players, you should still get a balanced fight as at least one of them would be busy fighting off the enemies. In case of a 1v1 battle, the odds turn in your favor as the other Tarnished will have to fight multiple enemies.
If you bring a friendly summon into the picture, the fight becomes even harder for your opponent. In short, Crumbling Farum Azula is the perfect place to practice your skills before facing the Elden Beast.
2. Leyndell, Royal Capital

Leyndell, the Royal Capital is a magical place in all forms. When you first visit the area, you will be welcomed with huge golden buildings and friendly NPCs. When you visit it near the endgame, it becomes a nightmare that shows the horrors of Elden Ring. Still, even in its Ashen form, the Royal Capital never fails to surprise you.
Fortunately, it is also the perfect place to share the surprise with other players in the form of an invasion. Though pretty less, but the enemies in the capital are dangerous, and the combination of open ground and obstacles make it a perfect arena.
The player frequency is very high in the capital, as most players visit and revisit it throughout the gameplay. Moreover, the arena offers an equal chance to players of all classes. So, the battle would be fully balanced even during a fight between Strength and Sorcery. Lastly, it is a perfect place to challenge your friends and have some fun in the invasion. In my opinion, Lyndell is one of the most beautiful PvP battlegrounds in the whole game.
1. Raya Lucaria Academy

Raya Lucaria Academy is the most badass invasion area in Elden Ring. It has a variety of objects that offer an equal chance to both you and the other player. For instance, the tricky boulder in the area is there for the intelligent player to trick the other. If a player gets too close to the boulder, he will get a ton of damage. Similarly, the parrying machine can finish off anyone in a matter of seconds. All you need to do is to fully understand the wonders of the Academy before invading another world.
Secondly, it is the perfect place for an ambush due to the dangerous sorcerers. For instance, you have to find enemies in other areas while here, an NPC enemy is waiting for the Tarnished. You can find the ambushing enemy right next to the boss arena, ensuring at least one deadly enemy to fight on your side. In short, everything about the Academy makes it a perfect Hogwart style battle arena for your invasion.
How to survive an invasion in Elden Ring?
Till now, I have only talked about how you can invade others. There’s a high chance that your world will be invaded every now and then. Moreover, the invader might have read this article as well, knowing all your strategies. So, how to survive an invasion? Your only chance to survive an invasion is to kill or to be killed. Moreover, the in-game enemies in your world wouldn’t attack the invader, further slicing out your odds. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to avoid such mishaps.
Firstly, you don’t have to fight if you aren’t prepared for an invasion just yet. Simply go to the settings of the game and turn off the online multiplayer mode to prevent other players from invading you. However, it also takes away your ability to invade others. Some players only turn on the multiplayer mode when they want to initiate an invasion.
Secondly, you can only rely on your faithful friends to save you from an attack. So, quickly contact your friends if you see a red Tarnished around you. Use the White Cipher Ring paired with the Blue Cipher Ring on your friend to summon him for your aid. This way, you can turn the odds against your opponent by making it a 2v1 battle. Another way to survive the majority of the invasions is to remain at a low level for as long as possible. This way, only the new players with little to no experience in the game would invade you. Thus, you can quickly turn the horrors of an invasion into a nightmare for the invader.
What is the best place to invade in Elden Ring?
The perfect places to invade in Elden Ring depends on several factors like your level, your preferences, your enemies, and your character class. In my opinion, Leyndell, Royal Capital, is the best invading place for a balanced fight between all classes. However, if you are looking to fight against your enemy in a more dramatic environment, I suggest that you try invading the Raya Lucaria Academy.
How to summon other players in an invasion?
The invasion system in Elden Ring also allows you to co-op an invasion. First, your friend must use the Duelist’s Furled finger to initiate an invasive summon. Once it has been used, you can use the Taunter’s tongue to send an invitation. The Small red effigy summons a player to fight against you, while the Small golden effigy summons a player to assist you. Moreover, the level of the summoned is determined by the highest Rune level and the highest weapon affinity in the arena.
Are there any unbalanced fights in Elden Ring?
The developers at FromSoftware.inc have tried their best to ensure a balanced matchmaking system. When you use the Bloody Finger, only players nearing your Rune level will be allowed to invade. Moreover, the in-game enemies also scale with your level. So, it will always be a balanced fight unless you know the area very well and know how to use the surroundings in your favor.
How to avoid invasions in Elden Ring?
Your only chance to survive an invasion in Elden Ring is to kill or be killed. Moreover, if there are enemies in your surroundings, the fight becomes even more challenging unless you summon a friend. So, the best way to avoid unwanted invasions is to open the game settings and turn off the online multiplayer mode until you are ready to invade or be invaded.
How to get unlimited invasions in Elden Ring?
Each invasion consumed one Festering Bloody Finger. It is a rare and expensive item that gets used up regardless of the invasion’s result. Fortunately, you can acquire the Bloody Finger by completing Varré’s quest of giving him a blood-soaked cloth. Once you get the Bloody Finger, you can invade unlimited times without wasting your hard-earned Festering Bloody Fingers. However, there are certain areas like the boss arenas where invasions are unavailable.
The PvP battle system in Elden Ring is very different from the previous FromSoftware.inc games. Instead of designating a battle arena, the whole game world is available for a fight, with a few exceptions. Moreover, the in-game enemies in the surrounding area would also attack the opponent during an invasion.
However, you must learn the surroundings and only invade the areas with maximum player frequency and minimum threats to you. So, what is the best place to invade in Elden Ring? This article provides a detailed guide about the top 11 places considered as the most favorite in Elden Ring community.