These are the best Risk of Rain 2 mods currently released. Of course, this is a somewhat subjective list and I haven’t played every mod out there yet, so I will likely be adding more to this list as time goes on. If you’re looking for how to install mods check out our ror2 mod install guide.
Now, you are probably wondering which is the BEST risk of rain 2 mod. Here is the simple answer.
R2modman is, without a doubt, the best ror2 mod that you can download. It should be the first mod you download (as it is a mod manager), and it will make downloading mods and even sharing mods with your friends as easy as humanly possible.
Table of Contents

So, I explained in very simple detail above that r2modman is the best mod you can download. Well, let me explain a little bit more as to why and how it works.
First off, if you’ve never downloaded mods before you might not know what a mod manager is. Simply put, a mod manager helps you manage mods. This means you can easily install them through the client without having to manual move mod files into folders, instead, r2modman takes care of that for you (so you don’t end up breaking anything).
Secondly, r2modman allows you to enable/disable mods on the fly AND you can even run risk of rain 2 unmodded if you decide you want the vanilla experience for a bit. Better yet, if you feel like you want to get rid of a mod all you have to do is click a single button to uninstall! Way easier than going through your file system.
And finally, r2modman allows you to share profiles with your friends (and you can even create custom profiles with certain mods). If you’ve ever played minecraft you might be familar with modpacks. This is basically what I’m describing. A group of mods that you package together to create a better gameplay experience which can then be shared freely.
If you want to download r2modman go here. Highly recommended.

ItemStats is the god mod for Risk of Rain 2. With vanilla Risk of Rain 2 all you get is some utter nonsense text that hardly explains what the item does or how it stacks. ItemStats, on the other hand, gives you the actual stats, allowing you to see how good an item is and whether it is worth stacking. A+ in my opinion.
Also, if you end up with a clover (an item that increases proc chance) the itemstats mod will actually update the new proc chance for you. So no more in your head wild calculations, just hurr durr hover over the item.
Get it here.
SteamBuildID is a mod that allows you to host modded lobbies for your less technically savvy friends. With this mod downloaded you can download any mod you want without worrying about your friends having to install it as well. This helps, considering my friends (if I had any) are lazy.
Get it here.
Have you ever looted a chest, ran around the map looking for another, finally find one and walk up to find out it is the same chest you just looted? Yes? Well, EmptyChestsBeGone is the mod for you. This takes all the Risk of Rain 2 chests and makes them disappear when you are done looting them. Litterers are quitterers, as they say.
Get this mod here.

StatsDisplay displays your character’s stats. This includes your crit chance, damage, move speed, attack speed, and plenty more. The image above doesn’t do it 100 percent justice but it gives you a basic idea of what to expect.
StatsDisplay also works really well with other mods (like itemstats) and won’t freak out if you have both installed. And, if you’re someone who loves customization, there is plenty of that. You can choose where the stats are displayed on the screen, the stats that end up displayed (so you can remove certain stats like jumps), and a whole bunch of other cool things by using the config file.
Without configuring some things my screen tends to be a bit hectic with all of the things going on, so I recommend actually configuring some settings before going into a game, but obviously that’s personal preference.
Download it here.
Another straightforward mod. BuffPlus adds timers to buffs in Risk of Rain 2. Works well with statsdisplay and actually allows you to see when certain buffs are going away (like brainstalks or berserker pauldrons). Quite useful once you get used to it.
Get it here.
Oh you thought I’d give you an image here didn’t you? BONK
As always we save the best for last. Thiccify is a once in a lifetime chance to experience the thiccness of Artificer and Huntress without their skirt and scarf respectively. THICC BOI.
Best Gameplay Mod – StarStorm2

StarStorm2 is the absolute must-have mod when it comes to gameplay changes. This is the sequel to the original StarStorm mod from the first Risk of Rain and continues to be one of the best things about the game.
It features two new survivors, over 20 new items, and equipment. There are also two new game modes that are insanely difficult (much harder than even eclipse!) and plenty of new challenges to face.
I don’t want to spoil everything about the mod, I’d rather you experience it yourself, so go over to Thundestore and download it yourself!
That’s it for the list right now. Got any you’d recommend?