Elden Ring is undoubtedly one of the hardest games to ever conquer the industry. The long battles, surprising ambushes, and tough boss fights bring some kind of satisfaction to every player. So, no matter how hard it is, you will want to play more and more till you get bored. However, when planning to explore the Lands Between, you will need every piece of protection you can get. The armor sets, protection spells, and dodging mechanics can be fruitful, but they do require some mastering on your end. So, what if you need some protection while learning these skills?
That’s where shields come into the picture. You can’t completely rely on the shields for the whole gameplay. However, they do offer some extra protection when you don’t have any other option to save your precious HP. So, which shield should you choose from the huge collection? This article provides a list of the top 10 best shields in Elden Ring so that you know what to expect from the Lands Between.
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Top 10 Best Shields in Elden Ring
Shields offer an extra layer of protection from your foes. However, it would be wise to rely on other modes as well because blocking with a shield will drain your stamina. Still, when you need to choose between HP and stamina, the latter seems like a confident choice. The problem is that there are numerous shields in the game, and it is up to you to choose the best one for your build. Here are the top 10 best shields that, in my opinion, will serve you well till the very end:
Please note these shields aren’t ranked in any order. So, it would be best to read the whole list of the best shields in Elden Ring before making your final decision.
1. Banished Knight’s Shield

- Strength 14
- Strength: D
Weapon Skill:
The Banished Knight’s Shield is a well-balanced medium shield that you can acquire quite early on in the game. Some players avoid it because it is easily available but trust me, you won’t find a better shield for your pure Strength build. It is a lightweight shield that can parry almost any physical or magical attack without draining your stamina to the end. Overall, this shield will be a great addition to complete your medieval Knight character build.
Unfortunately, the Banished Knight’s Shield doesn’t come with any special skill. This can either be good or bad news for you. For instance, the Weapon Art of the weapon in your other hand will be used instead. On the contrary, you can also infuse the shield with your own Ash of War to customize it according to your needs. Lastly, I suggest that you should upgrade the shield as much as possible to make full use of it.
How to get it?
The Banished Knight’s Shield is wielded by the Banished Knights. So, the only way to get your hands on one is to kill a Knight and search his corpse. Beware, not every Banished Knight drops a shield. So, you may have to kill a couple of them to finally get one. The most common farming ground for the Banished Knight’s Shield is the Stormveil Castle (the one in the wine cellar will definitely drop a shield and a Greatsword).
2. Beast Crest Heater Shield

- Strength 10
- Strength: D
Weapon Skill:
The Beast Crest Heater Shield is the most common shield that you will see in Online multiplayer. Players prefer it over the Banished Knight’s Shield because it has lower stat requirements and is easy to get early on in the game. Moreover, you don’t have to fight a couple of fierce Knights to acquire the shield. So, it is the perfect early game shield for all Strength character builds.
The Beast Crest Heater Shield comes with a special parry skill. You can trigger the Parry sequence right when the opponent is about to strike to deflect the attack and open a window to counterattack. Moreover, you can also customize the shield with your own Ash of War. So, it is a pretty good early game shield if you are looking for some protection in Limgrave.
How to get it?
The Beast Crest Heater Shield is found in an early-game location in Limgrave. However, you must either sneak past the guards protecting the chest or kill them if you have confidence in your skills. Start at the Stormhill and head east on your Torrent till you reach the Saintsbridge Site of Grace. Next, you must head west till you reach the entrance of Deathtouched Catacombs. Here, you will find a Godrick Foot Soldiers, Godrick Soldiers, and a Godrick Knight protecting a special chest. Deal with the guards and loot the chest to claim your Beast Crest Heater Shield.
3. Blue-Gold Kite Shield

- Strength 12
- Strength: D
Weapon Skill:
The Blue-Gold Kite Shield is a perfect alternative for those who aren’t looking for some early-game action. It offers pretty much the same level of protection as the first two candidates, but it is easily accessible without any fighting. However, you must first explore Limgrave to purchase this shield. Accessibility plays an important role, especially when you are new to the Lands Between. Therefore, knowing where to easily find some protection can save your life.
Secondly, like all common medium shields, the Blue-Gold Kite Shield comes with the Parry skill. So, if you are not in the mood to dodge, you can Parry as your foe attempts to attack you. Moreover, you can customize the shield with Ash of War, consumables, and even magic spells. So, if you only want something to protect yourself, this beautiful shield may just fill the spot for you.
How to get it?
Getting the Blue-Gold Kite Shield won’t be a problem if you have the coin and know where to look for it. The only problem is that most players are so focused on the main story that they forget to explore Limgrave and thus miss out on this shield. To find the shield’s merchant, start at the Minor Erdtree and head south till you find a Nomadic merchant. Alternatively, you can explore Eastern Limgrave to find the merchant on your own. The merchant will sell you the Blue-Gold Kite Shield for 1,000 Runes.
4. Brass Shield

- Strength 16
- Strength: D
Weapon Skill:
No Skill
The Brass Shield isn’t really Captain America’s shield. Moreover, you can get one of these shields from up to three locations in Elden Ring. Still, it is one of the rarest common shields in the game. According to the community, the drop chances of the Brass Shield are below 0.8%, even lower than the rare weapons. However, players who did manage to find one say that it’s the best early-game shield ever. The shield offers better damage negation than the Banished Knight’s Shield and costs half the stamina.
Brass Shield is undoubtedly one of the strongest medium shields in the game. The only drawback is that its weight is higher than all others. Moreover, the shield doesn’t come with a default skill. So, you can infuse it with any Ash of War or use the skill from your primary weapon. Lastly, don’t forget to upgrade the shield enough to enjoy an extra guard boost and zero stamina cost.
How to get it?
The Brass Shield is the signature armament of Godrick’s Soldiers and the Raya Lucarian Soldiers. So, the only way to get your hands on one is to try your luck with one of them. However, you may need to slay a couple of them as the dropping percentage is pretty low. In my opinion, the Godrick’s Soldiers are your best shot if you want to get the shield early on in the game. You can find a couple of them near the Gatefront Site of Grace. Start at the Site and travel north from the forest till you spot a few enemies just before Stormgate. Kill a few of these soldiers, and you will definitely drop a Brass Shield. Alternatively, you can also try your luck outside the Raya Lucaria Academy.
5. Carian Knight’s Shield

- Strength 10
- Dexterity 10
- Intelligence 15
- Strength: D
- Intelligence D
Weapon Skill:
No Skill
Most players think that shields are only suitable for Strength characters. However, Elden Ring is a versatile game that allows you to shape your character the way you like. For instance, even after choosing a class, you aren’t limited to using the prescribed weapons only. So, what if you want a shield for your Magician or Philosopher? Well, that’s where the Carian Knight’s Shield steps forward. It is a beautiful shield in the shape of a teardrop that can deflect almost any attack that your opponent throws at you.
Moreover, all shield lovers know the challenge of stamina management in Elden Ring. Fortunately, the Carian Knight’s Shield helps you out with that problem as well. The guard boost skill comes by default with the shield. So, you will lose less and less stamina as you upgrade this mighty shield. In short, if you are looking for the perfect shield for your magic build, I suggest that you should try this one out.
How to get it?
The Carian Knight’s Shield is only wielded by the Mighty Carian Knights. So, you can only get it by slaying one of those. Unfortunately, they are a dying specie and the only one around lives inside the Raya Lucaria Academy. Once you unlock the Academy, look for Moongrum, the Carian Knight. However, he can be a challenging enemy, especially if you didn’t come well-prepared. So, make sure you study his weaknesses before trying out your luck. After defeating the Knight, search his corpse to claim your new favorite shield.
6. Erdtree Greatshield

- Strength 30
- Faith 12
- Strength: D
- Faith D
Weapon Skill:
Golden Retaliation
The Erdtree is very highly regarded by the inhabitants of the Lands Between. So, naturally, anything that has its name must be equally powerful and valuable. The Erdtree Greatshield is one of the most powerful, robust, and unique shields in the entire game. However, you can only get the shield after spending countless hours in the game. The reward that you will receive will pay off for all your efforts.
Firstly, the Erdtree Greatshield deflects all forms of attacks without any problem. Moreover, the Golden Retaliation skill can also be exploited in other ways. Some players have reported that using a self-harming spell like the Fire’s Deadly Sin causes massive destruction in the surrounding area without harming the Tarnished. So, you can use this power to deal with multiple enemies without losing your HP. To sum it up, if you are looking for a shield to hold against the Elden Beast, I suggest that you should get the Erdtree Greatshield.
How to get it?
The Erdtree Greatshield is a Legendary shield that you can only claim after defeating the Tree Sentinel Duo. For those who don’t know, one Tree Sentinel is enough to bring you down within a few seconds. To get the shield, you must fight two of them simultaneously. So, don’t even think about trying your luck unless you are fully prepared (skill wise and level wise). You can meet the Tree Sentinel Duo on the outskirts of the Outer Wall Phantom Tree grace near the Altus Plateau. Once you defeat the optional boss, search the corpse to claim your mighty shield.
7. Inverted Hawk-Heater Shield

- Strength 10
- Strength: D
Weapon Skill:
The Inverted Hawk-Heater Shield needs no introduction for those who know the lore or follow the Elden Ring community. The shield was first found by a player who decided to explore the underground sections of the Lands Between. After him, countless others followed in his footsteps and immediately fell in love with this amazing shield. It is often known as the perfect shield with little requirements. That is true for the reason that the Inverted Hawk-Heater Shield can block and parry almost any form of attack.
According to a legend, the Inverted Hawk-Heater Shield is wielded by the company of slaves who explored the Eternal City. So, they had to carry a shield that protected them from the unknown. For instance, this shield can negate physical, magical, and even Holy damage. Moreover, the Parry skill deflects the same and offers you a chance to retaliate. Lastly, the 50 guard boost cuts down the stamina cost by half, and you can further improve it by upgrading the shield.
How to get it?
The Company of Slaves who found the Eternal City is long gone. So, you can only get the Inverted Hawk-Heater Shield if you find the remains of one. That’s why you shouldn’t fast-travel as soon as you descend down the Grand Lift. Instead, take your time to explore the Southeast from the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace. Here you will find three enemies guarding something. Deal with the weak enemies to claim the Inverted Hawk-Heater Shield from the corpse that they were guarding.
8. Jellyfish Shield

- Strength 20
- Dexterity 14
- Strength: D
Weapon Skill:
Contagious Fury
Shields usually don’t come with special skills like the sword in Elden Ring. Even the Legendary Pro Max shields seldom have anything unique other than damage negation. So, any shield that brings something unique naturally becomes special and valuable for the players. In this regard, the Jellyfish is a special, unique, and powerful shield of all time. It is said to be formed from the head of the Jellyfish that floats above the Sacred Ground. Moreover, it is also one of the most elegant shields that you can get in Elden Ring.
The Jellyfish Shield provides protection from all forms of damage. Even though the description doesn’t add, the shield is also resistant to piercing damage. So, feel free to take this shield against the toughest boss you can find. Similarly, the Contagious Fury skill adds more value to your build than any other shield. When you activate the skill, the shield raises your attack power for some time. In short, if you are looking for an elegant and powerful shield, this is exactly the answer to your prayers.
How to get it?
As good as it sounds, the Jellyfish Shield must be really hard to get, right? Well, you are in luck! All you need to do is to roam in a strange land, and you will eventually find the shield. To get it, start at the Four Belfries Site of Grace and head north till you spot a few Jellyfish spirits. Deal with the spirits to see a broken wagon behind them. You will also find a corpse near the wagon; search it to claim your Jellyfish shield.
9. Kite Shield

- Strength 12
- Strength: D
Weapon Skill:
No Skill
The Kite Shield belongs to the family of medium shields. It is better than most common shields as it is made from the pure metal. Moreover, it is the go-to shield for most Souls veterans as it is highly dependable for most occasions. Though it weighs slightly heavier than the Banished Knight’s Shield, the negation it offers while consuming half the stamina makes up for the flaw. Moreover, this sleek and simple-looking shield will go well with any character build.
The Kite Shield doesn’t come with a default skill like other rare shields. However, you can infuse it with magic spells, Ash of War, and consumables to improve its efficiency. Lastly, being an easy-to-get armament, you may as well compare it with the Blue-Gold Kite Shield. So, if you don’t want to fight off deadly enemies to get a shield, I suggest that you should consider getting yourself a Kite Shield.
How to get it?
Getting the Kite Shield is fairly easy and doesn’t require much effort on your end. However, you must first unlock access to Liurnia of the Lakes by defeating Godrick, the Grafted. Once you reach the first Site of Grace in that area, explore a little to find a Nomadic Merchant nearby. You can then purchase the Kite Shield from the merchant for 1,000 Runes.
10. Spiralhorn Shield

- Strength 8
- Dexterity 10
- Strength: E
Weapon Skill:
Most small shields in Elden Ring aren’t strong enough to protect you from all forms of danger. However, there are a few exceptions, like the Spiralhorn Shield, that are both lightweight and get the job done. It is one of the few shields specially designed for the Dexterity character builds. Being light and small, the shield will not get in your way when dodging or jumping during fights. Moreover, the sharp horns on the shield aren’t only for show. Parrying an enemy with the shield will add bleeding buildup to slowly drain his health.
Secondly, the shield comes with a Parry skill by default, a trait often seen only in the medium shields. All you need is to trigger Parry as soon as the enemy is about to launch an attack. The Tarnished will then deflect his attack, knock down his guard, and open a window for you to attack. Moreover, you can further improve the shield by infusing it with Ash of War, consumables, and magic spells. In short, it is the perfect option for Dexterity characters looking for a perfect shield.
How to get it?
The Spiralhorn Shield is rather easy to get if you know where to look for it. Moreover, you don’t need to fight fierce enemies nor spend your hard-earned Runes to get it. To get the shield, you must first reach the Ruined Labyrinth Site of Grace in Uld Palace Ruins, Liurnia of the Lakes. From here, head north till you find a Walking Mausoleum near the lower lake of the Mausoleum Compound. Search the nearby area to claim your Spirahorn Shield from a corpse.
What is the best shield in Elden Ring?
Shields aren’t that important if you master other skills in Elden Ring. However, there are a few shields, like the Erdtree Greatshield, that bring some value to your inventory. It is a large and heavy shield that protects you from all forms of damage. Moreover, you can also launch massive destruction by exploiting its Golden Retaliation ability. In my opinion, the Erdtree Greatshield is the perfect shield that can protect you from the Elden Beast.
How to get the Erdtree Greatshield?
The Erdtree Greatshield is a Legendary shield that you can only claim after defeating the Tree Sentinel Duo. For those who don’t know, one Tree Sentinel is enough to bring you down within a few seconds. To get the shield, you must fight two of them simultaneously. So, don’t even think about trying your luck unless you are fully prepared (skill wise and level wise). You can meet the Tree Sentinel Duo on the outskirts of the Outer Wall Phantom Tree grace near the Altus Plateau. Once you defeat the optional boss, search the corpse to claim your mighty shield.
How to easily get the best shield in Elden Ring?
For those who don’t want to face the Tree Sentinel Duo, you can always try other options. In this regard, the Jellyfish Shield is the second-best shield in Elden Ring. It guards you against all forms of damage, and the Contagious Fury skill raises your attack power for a few seconds. Moreover, you can easily acquire this shield from a corpse north of the Four Belfries Site of Grace.
Shields add an extra layer of protection to your character build in Elden Ring. However, with so many options at hand, it is often confusing to find the perfect shield for your playing style. Moreover, some shields have flaws that can affect your other abilities. So, which shield should you choose for your gameplay? This article provides a list of the top 10 best shields in Elden Ring for every build.