Whether you’re an active player, a veteran, or a newbie, choosing the best solo weapon for each monster is always a hassle. Every MH player knows that every weapon is and can be a solo weapon, but is it really the best for every situation? Is it an all-rounder or just another weapon to use because the monster is weak to it? Well, really, it doesn’t matter. The weapons in this list are based on popularity, effective raw damage, and total versatility when pitted against various species and subspecies of monsters.
Note: We have updated this to be more current, although much of the info stays the same.
Currently, there are 14 types of weapons that are in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Each weapon class has its own uses and availability for each kind of monster. However, there are weapons that are far better solo than the other weapon types in all cases. Not every weapon is superior to each other since there are various factors that can determine whether this weapon is better for the monster even if the damage output is low or this weapon is better because the raw damage is far better than what you currently have right now.
It is also worth noting that some weapons are also incredibly powerful when mixed with various sets, augmentations, and charms that increase their damage output, as well as buff to your character.
Here is the popularity rating for each weapons in the game:
Weapon Type | User Percentage |
Longsword | 19% |
Great Sword | 11% |
Bow | 10% |
Charge Blade | 8% |
Light Bowgun | 8% |
Dual Blades | 7% |
Insect Glaive | 7% |
Heavy Bowgun | 7% |
Hammer | 6% |
Switch Axe | 5% |
Gunlance | 4% |
Sword and Shield | 3% |
Lance | 3% |
Hunting Horn | 2% |
(Source: Reddit)
Although Longswords are pretty popular, it is, however, outperformed by harder hitting weapons such as Greatswords, Hammers, and Bows. Wide-shelling gun lances are also part of the explosive meta. But as regular gamers, we aren’t speedrunners. From time to time, we have to change our sets to fit the monsters’ weaknesses. Back in World, Kulve Taroth weapons are the pinnacle of weapon tiers. Anything from the golden bastard is a surefire weapon of mass extinction (of Great Jagras, being the most hunted monster).
The clutch-claw introduction allowed many Hunters to mix their moves with the weapons’ movesets to perform even more damage. One of the best clutch-claw mechanics, probably, is from the Sword and Shield’s Perfect Rush. It is still subpar compared to most weapons, but if you like being stylish while dealing heavy damage for tapping at the correct time, well, it is definitely a pick.
Over the last few months, there have been several updates. Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang gave one of the best weapons in the list. Of course, there’s the grandiose set from Safi’jiiva sieges, as well as the new addition from the Master Rank Kulve Taroth Siege, but this time around, you get to kill her.
Without further ado, here are the top 10 best solo weapons in Monster Hunter World, both for beginners and veterans (based on popularity and damage output):
Table of Contents
10. Lance (Cut)
Lance is, by far, the most effective solo weapon against tough bosses who like to move around and hit harder each time you try to bounce them off by poking them. Lance isn’t one of the most difficult weapons to use in the game. In fact, it is one of the easiest weapons to get into. It offers safety, nice damage, and a counterattack whenever monsters are trying to cart you. You might be wondering why the lance is so far off the list. Well, back in World, lances didn’t have any kind of counter mechanics that would immediately help you in dealing a tremendous amount of damage.
With the introduction of the clutch claw, lances gained the ability to counter-claw and poke even harder. It’s impossible for lance users to move around the battlefield the same way a bow, light bowgun, longsword, and generally, light weapons do. Yes, it’s true that lances have their charges to move around the battlefield faster than any weapons, but this charge alone puts the hunter at risk of losing precious damage from the distance where they are charging to the monster, when most classes can just sheathe and run then clutch-claw.
Both gunlances and lances are known for having long sheathe time, almost the same with a heavy bowgun and switch axe, which tremendously lowers your outgoing DPS overall.
Although as stated earlier, most gamers aren’t speedrunners, but if you’re pitted against tougher bosses, especially with the limited mobility in small spaces, you’re better off with another weapon. But lances aren’t generally weak in comparison to any other weapons. Most bosses in the game can be soloed with lances because of the tough defense and the move set they give the players to punish monsters for attacking (via counterblock, counter-claw, and mid to high pokes) you.
All in all, lance isn’t the best weapon to solo most monsters in the game. Maybe for sieges like Safi, and 4-party hunts like Behemoth, sure. But for solo hunts where outgoing damage is important, there are better options than the lance. It’s not like we don’t know how to use the lance efficiently, the numbers don’t lie. The meta in the lance always needed to be accompanied with better armors and augmentations to be more punishing than its base stats. Definitely not something you’d like to start with.
But if you’re on limited time in the game, for example, hunting tempered monsters, you might as well get a better weapon. Follow this guide here for a better overview of the lance moves and how to use it properly. For the Iceborne DLC, visit the same channel.
9. Gunlance (Cut, Special) and Hunting Horn (Blunt)
You’d be surprised why Gunlance and Hunting Horn are in the same spot. Gunlance is the explosive cousin of lance. Better damage, variety of attack options, and combos, but the one thing gunlance lacks is mobility, which is bestowed by Capcom to the lance. Gunlance is a better choice and the most bold one to use against monsters who don’t know their place in the game. When you’re done banging their head with the aerial head masher, you can pop their body parts with the Wyrmstake Blast. This new addition makes every hunt enjoyable, especially if you managed to stick one of these bomb injections to a monster. Not only does it increase your damage output each time you shell the parts, it also allows you to cut more time, especially if you’re rushing against a 15-minute timer.
Gunlance isn’t that bad. Actually, it is even better than its cousin, the lance. The weapon is relatively good for newbies looking for a mix of offensive and defensive capabilities that they can’t get from the lance, due to the lance lacking in possible combos for more damage. For the most part, lance is a defensive weapon. I’m sure a lot of people remember AT Nergigante and how he simply carts you every single time. But there is still a takeaway when it comes to the gunlance’s usefulness. The fact that you can’t rush or charge the same with lance is a bit awful, but that’s okay, so long as you weld a monster’s face and blow them to next year, it’s fine.
Gunlance is for players who want to meme their hunts and are looking for enjoyment by bombing docile and aggressive creatures alike. TSC, a TA wiki rules speedrunner, mashed Kushala’s head for 2 minutes straight. Fun to watch since Kushala’s known for being an annoying bastard. Again, most of us aren’t speedrunners, but by watching speedruns, we learn a little better on how to utilize our weapons properly. With that being said, gunlance deserves a spot here simply for being entertaining to use, not to mention the moderate increase in DPS when compared to the lance in most cases. Positioning is important in gunlance since you can’t move so much with it, you better get the optimal position to shoot your shells.
The Gunlance is explained even further here.
Hunting Horn on the other hand, might be weak in everyone’s, but not really. You are terribly wrong if you think that Hunting Horn is for noobs. Hunting Horn boasts so many buffs that it is considered an essential for every Guiding Lands, siege, or tempered hunts.
Hunting Horn isn’t necessarily a “support” weapon. It is, on its own, a solo weapon that you can bring essentially to any kind of battle. Is it good, though? Yes, it is. With the right melody, you can even outperform most weapons in this list, provided that you maximize your buffs to the extreme. It isn’t even hard to use Hunting Horn, although some might say that the Hunting Horn is complex and too difficult to use, especially with the melody to perform every once in a while. But no, the real strength of the weapon itself is in the ability of the user to keep track of the melody whilst hitting the monster for tremendous amounts of damage plus the buffs that help you land even more damage than usual.
Hunting Horn is definitely something you’ll want to use whenever there’s a tough boss fight you can’t simply solo with other weapons, although it’ll take longer than just, for example, using a charge blade. It’s even better because not only you’ll have a support weapon to buff yourself, you can even stun monsters whenever you can since it primarily deals blunt damage.
It’s a package, really. Sadly ,this weapon suffers from a lot of drawbacks from keeping your melodies up, even with enough buffing items such as Mega Demondrugs, you’ll still lack more damage than base weapons in the list. Hunting Horn is a good mix of solo weapon and party-oriented weapon. It’s one of the best weapons and definitely a pick, especially for veteran players.
See it for yourself. What how this youtuber beat the crap outta not one, but two Rajangs.
8. Dual Blades (Cut)
Dual blades, the DPS dreams of light weapons users. DBs are one of the best light weapons in the game. Flurry of attacks, stylish move set, a Demon mode that unleashes even more attacks, and the just the incredibly satisfying Heavenly Blades attack. If you watched Attack on Titan and saw how Levi made a flurry of attacks against the beast Titan, you’ll know how satisfying it is to do the blade dance.
Dual blades are the definition of DPS. Multiple damages, light and nimble attacks. It’s perfect for every hunter who wants to kill monsters with their edginess. Dual blades offer a lot of attacks that deal more damage when you complete the entire sequence than relying on random button mashing. Dual blades are one of the top picks if you want to run like Naruto and hit like one of the Survey Corps.
Since dual blades are part of the light weapons category, it doesn’t dish out much damage per hit, but compensates for the tremendous attack speed it can offer when you manage to corner a monster where you can focus on their body and rain down tons of elemental damages, considering their weaknesses.. There’s almost no drawback when using the dual blades except the Stamina. Dual blade users need to have a huge stamina gauge if they want to continue delivering multiple sets of attacks.
The fact that dual blades is one of the most mobile weapons available and the fastest one out there is good enough to experience the delicious damage it can deal in a matter of seconds. It is one of easiest one to get into, but the Stamina management can be a bit of an issue. If you can get around it, then Dual Blades is the perfect choice for you.
Watch the Dual Blades review here.
7. Sword and Shield (Cut)
Sword and shield has always been the most mobile weapon type in Monster Hunter games. It is one of the best weapons against agile monsters and bosses who like to move around the battlefield. It is no surprise that every SnS mains is fond of using SnS as a support-type attacker, when it can get toe-to-toe with heavy hitting weapons such as the switch axe or the extremely mobile Insect Glaive.
The unique aspect of Sword and Shield is the ability of the wielder to use items without sheathing the weapon. It is one of the reasons why probably most of the hunters think that SnS is mainly for healing and buffing through items. It is necessary for everyone to understand that because of the weapon’s mobility, it is one of the best attackers that can fill up the gap when people are charging their special attacks and combos.
It is possible to even hit more damage using Sword and Shield mechanics, which is the claw-uppercut. It’s one of the best examples of weapon innovation, especially now that you can just dodge an incoming attack and clutch while setting the monster to bang against the wall.
Aside from the claw uppercut mechanics, Capcom decided to up their game by giving Sword and Shield the ability to have one of the best combos in the game, featuring the Perfect Rush combo. This new addition to the game allowed SnS users to dish more damage compared to the World’s dull gameplay of just backhop and then charge. It’s a repetitive aerial move that can be used now to perform a dashing and stylish combo that penetrates the monsters and deals heavy damage when timed correctly.
SnS will still outperform Dual Blades in most cases, but it is also true that Dual Blades can perform better than SnS overall, but that is not true in every monster. Overall, Sword and Shield isn’t a terrible weapon, but don’t expect much heavy damage. It still lags behind heavy weapons, but most of the time, you can solo most monsters with this weapon with ease.
A sword and shield review can be found here.
6. LBG (Ammo, Special) and Insect Glaive (Cut)
Light bowguns are a gunner’s best friend. You can never go wrong with picking up an LBG and shooting a monster’s body parts. Now only it’s good, it’s also one of the best weapons to use that can get you a decent amount of clear time without consuming your cart lives.
LBG offers the ability to hit on the go and maneuver around the battlefield without sweat. It is often used in sieges, as well as monsters with high elemental weaknesses. Basically, you’re going to use LBGs against most of the monsters in the game. The thing about this weapon is that you can play any kind of shooter you want. Do you want to poison a monster and let him die from a plague? Sure. Wanna play support? Shoot your friends with Recover ammos. Want to plant catastrophe instead? Go mine the battlefield with your Wyvernblast. Do you want to decorate a monster’s head with explosives? Go Sticky2 or Sticky3. The choice is yours. LBG offers a lot of gameplay to those who are willing to explore the intricacies of the weapon itself. Not to mention that before Iceborne, Elemental LBGs are top notch in damage. Since the expansion came out, the elemental LBG meta is even more OP when compared to their standard counterpart.
Light bowguns are one of the most mobile weapons in the game, and one of the best range weapons as well. Not only can you move around and shoot, you’re also relatively safe from any kind of melee attack that isn’t in any melee range of regular weapons. This is the best option when you’re fighting annoying monsters such as Kushala Daora, Lunastra, and even Kulve Taroth.
Here’s another LBG tutorial video to watch.
Whether you like it or not, it is an irrefutable fact that the Insect Glaive is one of the best weapons ever that Capcom has given us. You’re launching yourself with your pogo stick and flying whilst popping damage without care for laws of gravitational forces. How can you not love this aerial masterpiece of a weapon?
Insect Glaive is definitely one of the best picks when playing Monster Hunter. It was first introduced in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Back then, the weapon was extremely powerful, it had to be nerfed in the latter titles. It was thrashing the Great Sword in speedrun records. Although IG isn’t necessarily an OP weapon, it was probably one of the most fun and more forgiving weapons to use. There’s almost no drawbacks when playing IG. You can be airborne almost every single time, deal a moderately good amount of damage and avoid being attacked almost every time.
Insect Glaive users can mount monsters pretty much every time. In comparison, most weapons can only mount a monster for about 2-3 times because they need to break the threshold of the monster’s mount damage. IG users will often get 4-5 mounts, than with most weapons.. When there is more down time for a monster, it also allows the window for more DPS.
Insect Glaive is a weapon used for cutting tails as well as various elemental damages. In a single weapon, you can customize your own damage type. Kinsects can be anything, from buffing your attacks, giving a head trauma, attacking a monster with blast powders you can pop every time, and many more. IG isn’t a heavy hitting weapon. It’s meant to kite and glide around monsters and deliver attacks without being hit.
With that being said, Insect Glaive is the best choice if you’re looking for a fun way to play, with the combination of both agility and style.
An Insect Glaive mechanics and tutorials can be found here.
5. Switchaxe (Cut)
Switchaxe is the prime example of a weapon combination that is well-made and its intended use is quite often observed.. The Switchaxe is a devastating weapon that offers nothing but offense. The weapon itself isn’t meant to be used defensively, it’s there to be wielded by the most powerful hunters. They say that the best defense is the best offense, that is true.
Many speedrunners and pros use this weapon efficiently, but to regular players, this may prove to be difficult to use. The switchaxe is a positioning-oriented weapon. You do not go around the battlefield trying to hit and run. SA will lock you in a place for you to deliver your flurry of attacks, however, the greatest drawback to this weapon is its inability to maneuver more. Since this weapon requires you to position better to get the most out of your attacks, it can prove fatal when you try to hit a monster and it moves around or attacks you instead.
There are several bosses in the game wherein it is difficult to use this weapon to deliver the massive damage it can offer, however it is quite satisfactory to use this weapon when you morph into the sword mode where you can dish out large chunks of damage in a few seconds the gauge is active. It’s even better now that the switchaxe is quite fun to use since the latch-discharge amped state is quite powerful and explosive.
This channel explained switchaxe detail by detail.
4. Hammer (Blunt)
Hammer is the very definition of raw power and brain damage combined into one weapon. You’ll be surprised how mobile this weapon is, considering that is also a heavy-hitting weapon. If anything, the Hammer is the best weapon to use when you’re sick of being pummeled to the ground by large monsters who think they are the boss. It’s time for you to hunt their head and mash them like potatoes.
The Hammer is a blunt weapon, obviously. It’s very simple to use. You unsheathe, you charge, you hit the monster on the head, if possible. Your main focus as a Hammer user is to bonk a monster into oblivion, and stunlock them for the rest of the hunt. Can you use this as a solo weapon? Absolutely! In many speedruns, because of the Hammer’s innate ability to induce brain injury, it is often used to aerial smash, stunlocking monsters in place and allowing more DPS to come on their faces. And because the Hammer is a simple weapon to use, it isn’t packed with any kind of complex moves. It’s easy to learn, and hunting with this weapon is relatively easier.
Although, you should keep in mind that the hammer is, whilst being an easy weapon to use, it isn’t favoured with the large reach most weapons have. You need to get closer to your target, and that always puts you at risk of being hit. Hammer is a headhunting weapon. It’s made to crush heads, but it’s also a short range melee that you need to close the gap between you and your prey. It is highly recommended to practice dodging more to use this blunt king.
Clutchclaw’s introduction made it easier for you to latch on a monster and maneuver on their heads when you charge on the second level and use the clutchclaw command to put your claw on the target’s body like a grappling hook and pull you through the body part it hit, which is oddly satisfying.
For more information about the Hammer, visit here.
3. Charge Blade (Cut)
The Charge Blade is probably one of the hardest weapons to master in terms of move complexity. The move set this weapon has to maximize your damage output is hard for a newbie, might be even for veterans since most of the time, you’re stuck charging your phials, shield, and sword before doing a Super Amped Elemental Discharge, which is its most powerful attack when executed correctly.
Charge Blade is a weapon of both defense, offense, and mobility. You take three packages in one all because you get a sword and shield (which is large enough to block most attacks) and a powerful axe mode that discharges all the stacks you have on the weapon. No wonder why so many pros are in love with this weapon. The beauty of being able to discharge all your power in one blow is incredibly satisfying, if you don’t mind doing a micro on the weapon itself, which can overwhelm you if you’re still new to the game.
The weapon suffers from long windups of its powerful ability, which kind of drags the DPS output you can deal in those time frames. It is not required, but highly-recommended to practice this weapon in the training and the small monsters first before using it in high level and endgame bosses. It
Charge Blade is a high risk, high reward weapon. When you manage to complete your sequence of attacks and are able to fulfill all the necessary requirements to maximize your outgoing damage, you will be looking for more. The CB is one of the best weapons to use in almost every fight, especially those large targets such as Uragaan, Deviljho, and even Behemoth.
A good charge blade guide can be found here.
2. Bow (Ammo, Special) and Longsword (Cut)
The Bow is the perfect weapon for dashing fighting style (literally) and a sustained DPS. Bow users are blessed with the ability to supply an incredible amount of damage per hit, especially when they’re “bow dancing”. The Bow is a range weapon and is considered one of the most mobile weapons in the game. Not only that, it can give the user various coatings to match the elemental weaknesses of any monsters in the game.
The Bow is by far, the best and most optimal weapon for every hunt. It’s versatility and high survival rate in most cases is why the bow is in this place in the list. You don’t need to be a veteran when you’re playing a bow. Any rookies can play with this weapon and be a master with it in a matter of 10 hunts or so. The Bow is one of the few weapons that can pierce, stun, and deal more status effects in one go. It isn’t an all-around weapon, but definitely a pick for every type of boss.
Since Iceborne’s release, the Bow is favoured even further since the elemental damages were buffed and its usefulness for almost every type of situation has been improved (yes, even sieges).
The Bow’s only enemy is the Stamina. Constitution is an essential skill to keep up with the stamina consumption that can hinder your progress in dealing sustained damage, but your sky rocks, or Caltrop Rain will give you the ample amount of time to recover whenever a monster’s down. Its signature move, Dragon Piercer packs even more damage when fused with the slinger ammo to do a Thousand Arrows shot that will deal a large amount of burst damage. The addition plus the Bow Charge Plus skill will prove useful to every aspiring Bow mains.
A Bow guide can be found here.

High damage, good attack speed and mobility, counter skills, and style. You’ll never wish for a better weapon than the Longsword. This light weapon is meant to trip monsters and teammates alike. The Longsword is meant to cut through flesh in a flash. Truly, it is one of the best weapons for every hunt.
The weapon itself is easy to use and is beginner friendly. If you look up speedruns, this weapon is almost always filled with a tremendous amount of content. It is the most popular weapon in the game, and only lagging behind the Greatsword and HBG in terms of dishing damage. The Longsword is very easy to use. Just fill up the 3 levels of Spirit Gauge and once you’re on the third level, unleash your full potential by doing the signature Helmbreaker or the the newly-added, samurai-inspired Iai Spirit Slash dash makes your Hunter dash through the field, slicing through the monster’s body.
The Longsword is an efficient weapon choice for every type of fight. One could say that it is an all-rounder, considering that it also has a longer reach for a melee weapon. Not to mention the huge iframe it has whenever you anticipate an attack and dodged correctly.
Even though this weapon had been blessed with almost all of the qualities of a good weapon for every hunt, it still suffers from the lack of defensive moves. The dodge that it offers is good and can give you a distance between you and your prey, but the moment you predict the wrong time to initiate a dodge, it’ll punish you dearly.
All in all, the Longsword is the best choice for beginners who want to get into the Monster Hunter franchise without having too much trouble learning the curves. It is also a good practice for iframe dodges and learning monster patterns.
A Longsword guide is made even clearer here.
1. Best Solo Weapon MHW
Greatsword (Cut)
The Greatsword is considered the best melee weapon in the game. It can deal 3000 HP damage in less than 20 seconds, which most weapons will have a hard time reaching out. With its great reach and high damage output, it is considered the big daddy of melee. It is the weapon with the highest damage per hit.
The Greatsword is a large weapon that deals high damage each time you charge your attack. If you manage to charge ‘til the third level, you’re always guaranteed that it will be a large number compared when using other weapons. Due to its large size, it can also be used to block certain attacks where most weapons cannot. Its size is also the reason why it will slow the Hunter when attacking with their charge attacks. Although the Greatsword itself is a high risk, high reward weapon, it isn’t as punishing as using a Charge Blade. What’s more, the Greatsword is one of the easiest weapons to use. The simple controls allow the wielders to learn monster patterns and attack when the chance comes.
In most speedruns, you can always see one of these weapons being used to kill elder dragons sub 3 minutes compared to other weapons that can do it in 5+ minutes. The Aerial GS before that was being used quite often in World, has been nerfed in Iceborne due to its kill potential that sometimes ruin a good fight and scripts the whole hunt with the Hunters winning.
To sum up, Greatsword is the best choice for Hunters who are patient and smart enough to wait for their chance to come and charge their way up to use their powerful True Charge Blade.
A GS guide is also available here.
Heavy Bowgun (Ammo, Special)
Heavy bowguns are the Chad brothers of LBG. It is a powerful range weapon that can deal tons of damage without even having to step close to the monsters. It is one of the best damage-per-shot and can even outperform Greatswords. When an HBG user joins your party, you can pretty much chill and relax knowing that these guys will do their job properly.
The HBG is a powerful range weapon with vast amounts of ammo types available and the best specials in the game: which is Wyvernsnipe and Wyvernheart. With the right equipment and mods, this weapon can clear almost every hunt in less than 20 minutes, regardless of difficulty. It is one of the best weapons for all hunts since its Shield mods allows the users to block fatal monsters attacks that can usually cart you, especially when it is paired with Guard Up skill. It is essentially, one of the best damage-dealers in the game that offers safety, high damage, crowd control, and status effects as well as elemental damage through its elemental ammo types.
With this weapon, most bosses will be relatively safer and easier. You don’t even need to SOS or join player quests. You can pretty much solo every hunt using this weapon.
But with its great strength, this weapon is slow and the sheathing time will put you in danger if you’re not careful enough, especially if your build is for a glass cannon. Most of the time, when using this weapon, you’ll maximize and prioritize your outgoing damage potential rather survivability, so you’ll almost always be assured that you’ll end up carting if you try and play aggressively. Although most players will play aggressively when equipping this weapon because of the mods aforementioned.
This weapon is also a high risk, high reward, but will cost you your cart lives if you make the wrong move. Preferred by veterans and rookies who are trying to distance themselves from the monsters. It’s a shoot-to-win with this weapon.
More information about the weapon here
In conclusion, solo weapons in the game is a subjective choice. It can be anything. The criteria in the best solo weapons in this list is based solely on damage output and their potential. Any weapon is a solo weapon in the game so long as it finishes the hunt and gets the job done.
Sources: Reddit, Youtube, Wiki
Image sources in order of appearance:
- https://www.siliconera.com/monster-hunter-world-iceborne-trailers-demonstrates-new-moves-from-the-lance-and-gunlance/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1HZGBLVUNA
- https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/monster-hunter-world-best-gunlance-build
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42GkPacLkEk&t=67s
- https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/eazuja/hunting_horn_looks_dope_af/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOg5DHDYs6U
- https://www.siliconera.com/monster-hunter-world-iceborne-slices-and-dices-with-sword-shield-and-dual-blades-trailers/
- https://gamecrate.com/sites/default/files/MHWLunastra8.jpg
- https://static.fandomspot.com/images/09/2632/00-featured-sword-shield-battle-mhw-build.jpg
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- https://zakattackvghome.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/ebony_odogaron.jpg
- https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/2531/60839386-1581858434.png
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- https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8NwFksmGROA/maxresdefault.jpg
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