There are a total of 48 talents in Hogwarts Legacy. Some of these are incredibly potent, must-get talents, while others are… lackluster. Sadly, you can’t get every talent because the max level is only 40.
Also, you can’t respec your talents at any point. Making the proper talent choices for your build is incredibly important. So, we will be listing the best talents in Hogwarts Legacy and some of the builds these talents might be good for.
Best Talents in Hogwarts Legacy

Here are some of the BEST talents in Hogwarts Legacy overall:
- Swift – Holding down dodge allows you to vanish and quickly reappear nearby
- Spell Knowledge 1 – Gives you another spell set you can swap to
- Basic Cast Mastery – Basic cast impact reduces spell cooldowns
These three spells can be used in any build and are very good.
Swift gives you a longer dodge roll that gives you a short invincibility period.
Spell Knowledge gives you an extra spell set, so you don’t have to constantly drag and drop spells in the middle of fights or puzzles.
And Basic Cast Mastery reduces cooldowns on all spells when hitting enemies with your basic cast. This allows you to chain combos more effectively.
I would consider these core talents in any build. Ironically, they are all from the core talent tree, and you can get them quite early.
Now, there are some really good talents you should pick up, but they are more dependent on what you want your build to be. For example, you need a fire spell throughout the game to fight Inferi and get through certain areas. But there are multiple fire spells. So you need to choose which one to upgrade.
So here are those.
Best Fire Spell Talents

There are two main fire spell talents for any potential fire wizards. You can choose either Confringo Mastery or Incendio Mastery. Getting both wastes skill points unless you are specifically going for a fire build; even then, it is questionable.

Incendio mastery will give you an AOE circle around you when you cast Incendio. This is a short-range spell, so I don’t usually use it, but when fighting large packs of enemies that get close (like Inferni), the AOE is perfect.
Confringo mastery also adds AOE. It makes the Confringo impact spawn enemy-seeking fire bolts. That means you can still light multiple enemies on fire with a longer-range spell.
Best Spell Talents

When choosing the best spell talents in Hogwarts Legacy, you need to focus on one of each type of spell in your rotation. Those are damage spells (red), force spells (purple), and control spells (yellow). These spells combo together well. Levioso and Descendo, for example, and are required for fighting wizards because of their multi-colored shields.
With that in mind, here are some of the best spell talents:
- Transformation Mastery – Enemies struck with the transformation spell transform into explosive objects
- Confringo Mastery – Impact produces fiery bolts that seek out enemies
- Accio or Levioso Mastery – Both give them AOEs when casting the spell
Transformation Mastery is by far the best talent in the spell tree. Not only does it insta-defeat the enemy who gets transformed (if they explode), but you also get MASSIVE damage from throwing the explosive barrel at other enemies. I always use this talent.
Confringo Mastery is good for all the reasons I outlined in the fire spell section.
Accio/Levioso Mastery is good for AOE controlling enemies. You don’t really need both, but having at least one would be good.
Best Dark Art Talents

The Dark Art talents can be incredibly powerful but are super situational. If you decide not to learn any of the unforgivable curses, the entire tree is useless. However, with the right talents, you can instantly beat bosses, trolls, and high-level enemies, and you can do it in an AOE.
Here are the best Dark Arts talents:
- Stunning Curse – Stupefy applies curse to enemies
- Enduring Curse – curses last longer
- Crucio Mastery – casting Crucio releases a projectile that curses a nearby enemy
- Curse Sapper – defeating a cursed enemy restores some of your health
- Disarming/Knockback/Slowing Curse – using one of the regular spells (Expelliarmus, Flipendom, or Arresto Momentum, respectively)
- Avada Kedavra Mastery – Defeating an enemy with Avada Kedavra defeats all cursed enemies
So, if you didn’t notice already, the whole build/talent setup is about cursing as many people as possible and then using Avada Kedavra to defeat all of them instantly.
The great thing about Avada Kedavra is it defeats everyone in one-shot, even bosses. Although, if a boss has multiple phases, they just go to the next phase instead of being defeated. But everyone else is gonezo.
This is often called the “Voldemort build.” Although, if done right, you’ll do way more damage than he ever did.
Best Core Talents

I’ve already gone over some of the best core talents in the Core talent tree above. However, here are a few more:
- Protego Mastery – a perfect Protego will cause an AOE blast that destroys shields
- Basic Cast Airborne Absorption – Basic casts on airborne enemies contribute more to Ancient Magic
- Protego Expertise – a perfect Protego will send two projectiles at enemies
- Evasion Absorption – dodging an unblockable projectile will contribute to the Ancient Magic meter
On top of the previously mentioned, these are some of the best talents in the core talent tree.
Protego Mastery and Protego Expertise combine well if you’re good at timing your Protego. Every time you block a spell, you will knock back almost the entire room.
Basic Cast Airborne Absorption and Evasion Absorption are great for building up Ancient Magic. Ancient Magic is super broken and does insane damage that will one-shot most non-boss enemies. This talent combo is a must-have if you’re going for an Ancient Magic build.
Best Stealth Talents

For the Stealth talent tree, there are only four talents. That makes it pretty easy to see which ones are good and which ones aren’t.
- Petrificus Totalus Mastery – makes the Petrificus Totalus have an AOE effect (quite large)
- Sense of Secrecy (1 and 2) – decreases enemy detection capabilities
- Human Demiguise – allows you to sprint while using Disillusionment
If you plan on going a stealth build in Hogwarts Legacy, just get all of them. Otherwise, I would just grab Human Demiguise, as it allows you to sprint while using Disillusionment, a massive QOL improvement.
Best Room of Requirement Talents

Room of Requirement talents all revolves around either plants or potions. Therefore, you should decide whether you want to play as a potion-focused character or a plant-focused character. Although, there isn’t anything stopping you from playing both if you want.
Here are the best talents in the Room of Requirement tree:
- Fertiliser – throwing a Chinese Chomping Cabbage spawns two instead of one
- Maxima Potion Potency – Maxima Potions cause your attacks to do more damage and break shields
- Focus Potion Proficiency – Using spells from the spell set that was active when you used the Focus Potion will extend its duration
- Noxious – Venomous Tentactual do more damage and break shields
Fertiliser, the talent that spawns multiple Chinese Chomping Cabbages, is one of the stronger talents in the entire game because of how much damage they can do and the traits you can equip on your gear that give you extra damage with plants. These things will chew through enemies like nobody’s business with the proper plant build. Herbology wizards and witches for the win!
Maxima Potion Potency is also great because you can use it to ignore enemy shields. Then, you can equip any spell combo you want without having to worry about breaking shields with the correct spells.
Focus Potion allows you to extend spell combos almost indefinitely. And Noxious allows Venomous Tentactula to break shields, effectively doing the same thing as Maxima potions, albeit you can’t control which enemy they attack.
Those are the best talents in Hogwarts Legacy for every tree, and a rough explanation about what all of them do. You obviously don’t have to follow my recommendations, but there is a pretty general consensus about the strongest talents in the game.
And, if you take anything from this article, make sure to take the Chinese Chomping Cabbage talent. That build is BROKEN!
Good luck!