Today I am going to be showing you the best teachable perks in Dead by Daylight for killers. These are perks that make the game much easier for killers and can come from any killer DLC or not.
A quick explanation of teachables. All specific killer perks in Dead by Daylight can be taught to other killers, these are referred to as teachables. Once you hit a certain level requirement on that killer (let’s say level 30 on Pig) you will unlock that teachable (in this case Hangman’s Trick).
Table of Contents
The Best Killer Teachable Perks in DBD
The best teachable killer perks in Dead by Daylight are Ruin, BBQ and Chilli, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Devour Hope, Nurse’s Calling, Pop Goes the Weasel, Corrupt Intervention, and Save The Best For Last. These are the perks you will see most often and are considered the best killer perks in the game.
Next, I will explain why each perk is so good and how to unlock them.
Hex: Ruin – The Hag
You get the teachable version of Hex: Ruin from the Hag at level 35, after which you can learn it on any killer.
Ruin is one of the best slow-down perks in Dead by Daylight, even after it got nerfed. Basically, it makes all generators regress automatically if they aren’t being worked on, which forces survivors to either complete the generator in one go or risk having their progress reset.
The notable downside to Ruin is the fact that survivors can cleanse the totem and render Ruin useless. Even so, Ruin is the de-facto slow-down perk for killers and a must-pick-up if you have the Hag unlocked.
BBQ and Chilli – The Cannibal

You can unlock the teachable version of BBQ and Chilli at level 35 on the Cannibal, after which any killer can learn it.
BBQ and Chilli is considered a tracking perk, meaning it gives information regarding the whereabouts of the survivors. But, more importantly, it is the best bloodpoint farming perk for killers in Dead by Daylight. Because of this, Leatherface, aka, The Cannibal, is usually the first DLC killer people purchase.
Because of the information that BBQ and Chilli gives, paired with the fact it is the BP farming perk for killers, makes it one of the best teachables in DBD, hands down.
Enduring – Hillbilly
Enduring is unlocked once you reach level 30 on the Hillbilly.
Enduring is a really simple killer perk, all it does is reduces the duration of pallet stuns. While this might seem fairly underwhelming, it is normally paired with pallet-breaking perks like Brutal Strength or my personal favorite, Spirit Fury. With this perk, you never have to respect pallets again.
Spirit Fury – The Spirit
Spirit Fury is a teachable Unique Spirit Perk. It can be unlocked for all other Characters from Level 30 onwards.

Spirit Fury is a perk that allows you to automatically break pallets with your face. After breaking a certain number of pallets (2 at max level) the next pallet that stuns you will be instantly broken. Pair this with Enduring (which reduces pallet stuns) and you can get free hits on survivors.
This is one of the most hated combos in the game and is commonly paired with crack-billy. Prepare for the salt if you run this build.
Hex: Devour Hope – The Hag
Hex: Devour Hope is a teachable Unique Hag perk. It can be unlocked on all other killers at level 40.
Devour Hope is a hex perk that grows in power as the game goes on. Every time a survivor is unhooked while you are 32m away from the hook you gain a stack of Devour Hope. Three stacks mean you can one-shot any survivor and five stacks mean you can Mori every survivor.
This perk is extremely strong because of how it can catch survivors by surprise. They only know that it exists after they get insta-downed (aka you are at 3 stacks) which means you normally get a tremendous amount of value from it.
That being said, it is a Hex perk so it could be cleansed before it even gets one stack let alone 3.
Nurse’s Calling – The Nurse
Nurse’s Calling is a Nurse teachable that can be unlocked at level 40.
Nurse’s Calling is another tracking perk. This allows you to see any survivor healing or being healed regardless of what health state they are in. Normally, you run this with another Nurse perk, Thanatophobia, which slows down survivors’ action speeds when injured.
Although Nurse’s Calling isn’t great on all killers (Plague, for example), it is one of the game’s most used and best-tracking perks.
Pop Goes The Weasel – The Clown
Pop Goes The Weasel is a Clown teachable unlocked at level 40.
Pop is a slow-down perk that rivals Ruin. Once you hook a survivor Pop Goes The Weasel activates for a short duration. While active, the next generator you kick is regressed by an extra 25%, making it more effective than Ruin in some situations.
Pop is typically used over Ruin now that Ruin has been nerfed because of how good it is and how much control you have over the generators. If survivors won’t stop going on one generator there isn’t much you can do if you use Ruin, but if you use Pop Goes The Weasel you can regress that generator by 25% every time you hook someone, which is far more valuable.
Corrupt Intervention – The Plague
Corrupt Intervention is a Plague teachable that is unlocked at level 30.
Corrupt is another slowdown perk that blocks off the farthest generators from the killer for (80/100/120) seconds. This allows certain killers, like Trapper, time to get things ready without two generators popping immediately.
The downside of Corrupt is that it is only activated at the beginning of the game, meaning after the initial effect, the perk does nothing. But for some killers, it is vital to get that extra minute before gens start flying.
Save The Best For Last – The Shape
Save The Best For Last is a teachable perk for The Shape (Michael Myers), which can be unlocked at level 30.
STBFL is a charged-based perk that relies on obsession. Every time you hit someone who isn’t your obsession, you gain a charge, alternatively, every time you hit someone who is your obsession, you lose several charges. Each charge decreases the CD on successful attacks by 5%.
This is good for M1 killers as it reduces the time between hitting a survivor and standing still looking like a goofball.
And those are all of the best teachables for killers in Dead by Daylight. There are plenty more teachables out there, but these are by far the best you can get.