Best V Rising PvP Build - Nerd Lodge
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Best V Rising PvP Build

Due to V Rising‘s rising fame, it has a sizable fan base, and its PvP component is growing into a viable community on its own. With so many players devoting their time to this survival game and engaging in combat with one another, they have mastered several techniques for producing a variety of constructs that completely destroy their opponents.

The Chaos skill tree and the use of Chaos Barrage are heavily emphasized in most builds. However, there are other methods to assemble a build that players typically overlook. Here, we’ll talk about certain underutilized builds that, when used properly, turn out to be rather great. These are the best PvP Build in V Rising in no particular order.

Brawler Build

Best V Rising PvP Build - Brawler Build
Skill SetDuel Skill Set
Veil of ChaosVeil of Frost
Power Surge~
Mist TranceChaos Barrier
Heart Strike~

This Brawler build emphasizes melee combat. With this build, you may approach PvP engagements in V Rising fairly aggressively.

Normally, PvP build in V Rising center around maintaining distance and doing poke damage. The plan is to activate your Power Surge, which protects you while increasing your mobility and attack speeds. And then, close in on your opponent while brandishing the Axe. Doing so will greatly enhance your attack speed while also preventing you from losing health.

If you know the target has a barrier or counter-up, be careful and don’t engage in combat like this. If you do, be ready to cancel your strikes or use your Sword spin attack, which bypasses barriers and counters.

The only spells that increase your mobility are Power Surge and Mist Trance, which may be a big help in open-world battles to track down enemies or even flee in perilous circumstances.

This build doesn’t have any ranged spells, so you have to poke with your weapon skills. If you don’t want to engage head-on with your shields raised and escape with Mist Trance, you can use your Axe boomerang or your Sword to poke.

The Heart Strike ultimately allows for more mobility, escape, and may also be utilized to swiftly punish and eliminate a target with low health.

Glass Cannon Build

PvP Build in V Rising - glass cannon build
Skill SetDuel Skill Set
Veil of Chaos~
Chaos VolleyFrost Bat
VoidIce Nova
Heart Strike~

The Glass Cannon build has a high reward/risk ratio. You can go between the Chaos form with strong DPS or the Chill effect-focused variation with the Frost spells.

Here, the strategy mostly entails standing back and casting spells at foes. When you are aware that someone has a counteractive, you can pretend to fire a projectile spell, such as your Chaos Volley or Frost Bat, only to cancel it and then immediately cast a ground target spell, such as Ice Nova or Void, since these spells bypass counters, and Void even interrupts counters.

However, you must exercise extreme caution because you lack any protective spells and must rely only on the defensive capabilities of your weapon. Although other weapons, such as the knockback on the Scythe or the Mace, might have good defensive qualities, slashers are often fantastic for defense thanks to the dash and the stealth.

Due to the overpowering benefits of high-quality Scholar blood, this construct works best with it. This blood would allow you to avoid the fight and avoid engaging in direct combat because your spells’ cooldowns would keep resetting, which is very useful for this build.

You may just keep casting spells against foes while your lifesteal damage spells restore your health thanks to the decreased cooldown. The synergy of this construction truly comes through when everything is operating just as it should.

Ice Queen Build

Ice Queen Build
Skill SetDuel Skill Set
Veil of Frost~
Frost Bat~
Frost Barrier~
Arctic Leap~

The Ice Queen build is a strong and adaptable setup that performs well in most circumstances. The goal is to knock a frozen bat onto a Chill victim, which will cause them to freeze and become immobile, allowing you to go closer and deal huge damage with a Spear combination. 

Alternatively, you could utilize the Axe into a Spear combo or perhaps the Axe into Arctic Leap ultimate, which would be followed by a very damaging Spear attack.

You may experiment with a wide variety of combination permutations in the build. You should be aware that you have two stacks of the Frozen Bat ability, and you should use them wisely to cause your opponent to get chilled. When battling, you should typically use your other spells and attempt to keep at least one stack of Frozen Bats for times when you can chill an opponent.

It is easy to achieve a Chill effect with a Frozen Barrier to start a combination, but you may also utilize the Frozen Dash to strike your opponent with an enhanced basic attack.

The empowered attack disappears if you switch weapons after dashing, but if you switch to your Spear before dashing, the long-range basic attack of the Spear will make it much easier for you to hit the empowered attack, allowing you to then combo up and get a Freeze on the target, giving you plenty of room to follow up with an even more potent combo.

Bloodsucker Build

Bloodsucker Build
Skill SetDuel Skill Set
Veil of Chaos~
Unstable Mosquito~
Chaos Barrier~
Heart Strike~

A distinctive trolling construct is the Bloodsucker build. The Unstable Mosquito is a potent spell with a short effective range, but once it locks onto you, you cannot escape. As a result, your opponent must employ some sort of maneuver to either kill the insect or escape it in order to avoid taking significant damage.

Additionally, this spell bypasses counters and shields. When an opponent is within range and unable to flee, their counter abilities won’t be able to stop this spell, and the damage combined with the Amplification effect will increase their damage taken by 25%. This spell can become even more lethal if you are aware that your opponent has used up their dash ability or if they dash towards you.

If someone is going to perform a ranged spell like Chaos Volley on you and you lack any defensive skills, you can swiftly activate this spell and the bug will absorb up to 2 Chaos Volley strikes for you. The mosquito can also block assaults for you.

As you may link up or freeze your target before casting the Unstable Mosquito spell, you can then combo them with a Spear ability while the insect bursts and applies the Amplification for additional damage. Chaining these strikes together can be catastrophic. This construction is strange and amazing.

Priest Build

Priest Build
Skill SetDuel Skill Set
Veil of Chaos~
Sanguine CoilPurgatory
Heart StrikeArctic Leap

The Priest build is easy to use yet essential. You will effectively take on the role of the team’s support healer, and topping off your teammates before they drop their maximum HP may be quite effective.

You can switch the healing spells in any way you wish; for example, you could use Sanguine Coil and Purgatory simultaneously, or you might use one healing spell together with a protective skill like Frost barrier or Mist Trance.

The self-healing skills of this build allow you to progressively wear down your opponents while healing yourself repeatedly. However, at some point in the fight, you will need to completely commit to dealing the final blow to the target.

If you are using the double healing spell version, you must be cautious with your defense and avoid going overboard because you are highly susceptible if you don’t have a counter or a shield, especially against strong opponents.


Instead of only depending on the Chaos skill tree, you may employ some of these incredible setups. These builds might provide you a tactical edge and the element of surprise when facing the same old opponent in PvP Build in V Rising because so many players use the same, boring methods.

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