One of the most useful items in ARK is Narco Berries. It is widely used in the game for taming dinos. Narcoberries turn the dinos unconscious so that you can easily tame them. Also, it has some other uses like crafting items.
These berries can be found on the flowers and can be harvested with bare hands. The more efficient way is using a tool or dino. So, you actually have more than one way to get Narcoberries in ARK.
Even the dinos that are capable of harvesting Narcoberries have different efficiencies. So, you have to pick the one with the highest efficiency to collect more berries in a short time. Moreover, Narcoberries can be grown at your base using Crop Plots.
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Ways to Get Narcoberries in ARK

You can get Narcoberries with different methods. It depends on your resources and your level in the game to choose the method. If you have reached the mid-game then you can probably pick any method that we are going to discuss right now.
Using Tools to Get Narcoberries
We have two tools that can help us in getting Narcoberries. It’s a better and a lot faster way to collect this item. Picking them with your bare hands can be definitely time-consuming.
The first tool is Metal Sickle. Along with other berries, it can harvest Narcoberries for you. And for sure it has some great efficiency for this job. Metal Sickle is more commonly used for harvesting Fiber. It gets unlocked at level 30. You can craft this item with the following ingredients.
- 18x Metal Ingot
- 4x Wood
- 16x Hide
This all goes in Smithy which gives you 1x Metal Sickle. But, make sure that you have already crafted Metal Hatchet and Metal Pick.
The next tool is the Excavation Rig. It’s an advanced tool that has the capability to harvest dozens of different items. But the only downside of this tool is that it can only be found in Genesis Part II. The Ecavation Rig is a body part of a mechanical creature which is known as TEK Stryder.
Excavation Rig has high efficiency when it comes to harvesting berries. But, not more than Metal Pickle. An Excavation Rig can also help in collecting the following items.
- Metal
- Thatch
- Element Shard
- Oil
- Element Dust
- Mutagen
- Gem
And dozens of other items.
Using Dino to Get Narcoberries
Taking dinos for collecting berries is a much faster and more efficient method than using tools. You don’t need to do anything special in order to harvest berries. Just get on your tame and ride over the bushes. Your dino will collect Narcoberries on its own.
Some dinos with excellent efficiency are listed below.
- Brontosaurus
- Parasaur
- Chalicotherium
- Maewing
- Triceratops
- Ankylosaurus
- Gigantopithecus
- Mammoth
- Megatherium
- Morellatops
These dinos are known for harvesting berries. And all of them are tamable so you can get along with any one of these. I would suggest taming a Parasaur. Because this one is a fast-moving creature as compared to others out there.
Using Crop Plots to Harvest Narcoberries
The Crop Plot is a farming item in ARK. It can be used to grow different plants using seeds. It has three different sizes including small, medium, and large. A Crop Plot can be crafted through the inventory menu. Here is what you will need to craft a medium-sized Crop Plot.
- 40x Wood
- 20x Thatch
- 30x Fiber
- 50x Stone
Once you have the Crop Plot, you will need the seeds for Narcoberries, water for irrigation, and fertilizer. Just place the seeds in the Crop Plot then use water for irrigation and finally place some fertilizers in there.
Finding Supply Crates to Get Narcoberries
This is the last method that can get you Narcoberries. In ARK, we have three different Supply Crates. White, Green, and Blue. Supply Crates can give you random items. But they can also contain different Berries including Narcoberries.
Supply Crates can be found on all the maps. These crates do not have a specific point where they spawn, but they can be found all over the map in abundance. Sometimes these crates can be rewarding, but other times they don’t contain what we have been looking for. So, it’s not the best way of getting Narcoberries.
Uses of Narcoberries

The main purpose of getting Narcoberries in ARK is to use them during the taming process. As we all know, some creatures are required to be unconscious in order to tame them. Here we can use Narcoberries to make them unconscious.
To make Narcoberries even more effective, you can combine them with Spoiled Meat to craft Narcotics. Other than that, Narcoberries are used in crafting Dyes.
Here is a list of recipes that uses Narcoberries.
- Bug Repellant can be crafted 10x Narcoberries, 4x Citronal, 6x Pelt, 2x Raw Meat, and 4x Rockarrot.
- Fria Curry can be crafted using 10x Narcoberries, 5x Rockarrot, 5x Longrass, 1x Water, 10x Mejoberry, 2x Raw Meat, and 20x Azulberry.
- Lesser Antidote can be crafted using 5x Narcoberries, 10x Rare Flower, 3x Leech Blood, 1x Raw Meat, and 10x Rare Mushroom.
- Medical Brew can be crafted using 10x Narcoberries, 20x Tintoberries, 2x Raw Meat, and 1x Water.
- Poison Grenade can be crafted using 50x Narcoberries, 20x Fiber, 15x Stone, 35x Flint, 5x Crystal, 5x Metal Ingot, 10x Raw Meat, and 26x Wood.
- Shadow Steak Saute can be crafted using 40x Narcoberries, 1x Rockarrot, 1x Water, 2x Rare Mushroom, 1x Savoroot, 20x Majoberry, 8x Raw Meat, and 3x Cooked Prime Meat.
- Tranq Arrow can be crafted using 5x Narcoberries, 1x Flint, 2x Thatch, 2x Fiber, and 1x Raw Meat.
- Tranquilizer Dart can be crafted using 3x Stone, 6x Flint, 6x Wood, 15x Narcoberries, 3x Raw Meat, and 3x Metal Ingot.
- Tripwire Narcotic Trap can be crafted using 75x Narcoberries, 3x Cementing Paste, 6x Hide, 1x Crystal, 35x Fiber, 15x Raw Meat, and 4x Wood.
There you have all the uses of Narcoberries in ARK. The most basic use of this item is turning dinos unconscious by feeding them raw Narcoberries. Whereas, crafting Tranq Arrows and Tranquilizer Dart also need Narcoberries and is also common among most of the players.
What is the Best Animal to Get Narcoberries in ARK?
Parasaur could be the best dino to get Narcoberries in ARK. This dino is the fastest one among all those who can harvest Narcoberries. Another great dino for collecting Narcoberries is Brontosaurus. Because of its huge size, it has the ability to collect more Narcoberries in a single stomp.
Other dinos are also good at harvesting it but if you can tame a Parasaur or Brontosaurus then that would be a perfect tame for this job.
So, there you have everything about the Best Way to Get Narco Berries in ARK. So, we have a total of four ways that can get us Narcoberries. Also, the best one is for sure using your dino. Whereas, looking for Supply Crates can be rewarding sometimes.
Hopefully, the guide has helped you out with what you have been looking for.