Among the different types of builds and characters that make up this TFT, many players chose to make builds composed mostly of Yordles. According to League of Legends lore, Yordles are small mystical creatures that reside in Bandle City. There are several combinations that can be made based on them, but before we tell you what they are, we will tell you a little more about how to play TFT.
Table of Contents
Things to keep in mind about TFT

Their classes and synergies: each Champion class has special characteristics, and knowing how their synergies work will allow you to get bonuses that make combat easier.
Their origin: you should not confuse origins with classes. There are also synergy bonuses when you have several Champions of the same origin.
Which are the best Champions: by “best” we mean the best result in terms of quality-price ratio. Keep in mind that this is not definitive, they are simply the ones recognized as the most effective at the best price in the meta of the game.
Probabilities: the champion that will appear when you buy is random, but the probability that they will be of one rank or another takes into account your level. It is a complicated system and we want to explain it calmly, so you don’t despair if you don’t get what you are looking for.
Taking all this into account, these are the most popular combinations that can be made with Yordles.
The best Yordle Builds for each situation
Yordle Sorcerer build
The Yordle’s evasion synergy combined with spell damage make this build spectacular against basic-attack and assassin-based builds.
When should I use this build?
When you have the items for Kennen (Morellonomicon, Guardian Angel) and you get lots of Poppy, Lulu, and Tristana before level 5.
Early Game
Focus on crafting Guardian Angel and Morellonomicon first. Tristana with Lucian and Knights like Darius and Garen.
Mid Game
At Level 6 you can play 2 Knights + 3 Yordle + 3 wizards and survive until you get your 6 Yordle.
Additional Tips
Nobles or Knights is a good start as you can place the Items on Lucian and then sell him.
You can replace Morgana with Ahri, it is also a good option.
Yordle (6):
Yordle gains a 60% chance to evade attacks. Also, dodge effects on hit.
Wild (2):
Wild units only. Each attack generates one Rage per stack (up to 5 accumulations). Each stack of Fury gives 12% attack speed.
Ninja (1):
If you have 1 ninja on the board, +50 Attack Damage, and Ability Power.
Passive: Elementalists generate double mana per basic attack, and double the limit to 20 per attack.
Sorcerer (3): All allies have +40 magic damage. Passive: Sorcerers generate double mana per basic attack, and double the limit to 20 per attack.

Dragon Yordles Dragons build
This composition is based on transforming Shyvana into Yordle where she will be able to dodge the basic attacks of the Carries, the increased life of the Shapeshifters, and the magical defense of the Dragons.
When should I use this build?
When you have a lot of Combat Gloves along with Spatula, and if you love Yordles, especially Kennen.
Early Game
Ideally, you should get 3 Shapeshifters and 2 Demons or Wilds by Level 4.
Mid Game
You should already have 3 Yordle, 3 Shapeshifters, and 3 Yordle, try to find Gnar and Aurelion Sol as soon as possible to complete your composition in the Late Game.
Additional Tips
Upgrade your store to level 7 to make your main units 2 stars. Then upgrade to level 8 to complete the composition.
Remember to use Kennen in the front line when he owns Guardian Angel.
Yordle (6):
Yordle gains a 60% chance to evade attacks. Also, dodge effects on hit.
Wild (2):
Wild units only. Each attack generates one Fury per stack (up to 5 accumulations). Each accumulation of Fury gives 10% attack speed.
Ninja (1):
If you have 1 ninja on the board, +50 Attack Damage, and Ability Power.
Dragon (2):
Dragons have 75% immunity to magic damage.
Passive: Elementalists generate double mana per basic attack, and double the limit to 20 per attack.
Sorcerer (3):
All allies have +40 magic damage. Passive: Sorcerers generate double mana per basic attack, and doubles the limit to 20 per attack.
Shapeshifter (3):
Shapeshifters transform into a stronger form, gaining 60% maximum health.

Demon Yordles build
This composition is based on the area damage of Morgana, Kennen, and Aatrox, it shows that Evelyn and Veigar will kill anyone left standing. It’s a good composition to win ranking points as it assures you to be top 4.
When should I use this build?
It is a composition that can be forced and therefore is very popular in levels higher than Gold in ranked games.
Early Game
You are looking to have Fighters, Nobles, or Knights for the early game and look for the components for the Iron Reliquary in the first carousel.
Mid Game
Don’t be afraid to upgrade your store once you reach level 6 to find your main units. You are looking for Kennen, Morgana and Aatrox.
Additional Tips
It is very important to turn Pyke into a demon to use his ability after the first attack. It will also give you a 4th demon. If you can’t, look for a 4th demon.
Yordle (3):
Yordle gains a 25% chance to evade attacks.
Demons (2/4):
Demon attacks have a 60% chance to burn all the current mana of the target inflicting true damage.
Sorcerer (3):
All allies have +45 magic damage. Passive: Sorcerers generate double mana per basic attack, and doubles the limit to 20 per attack.
Passive: Elementalists generate double mana per basic attack, and double the limit to 20 per attack.

Elementalist Yordles build
This composition uses the frontline and area damage of elementalists and combines it. It combines it with the synergy of Wizards and the mana burn of demons with the luck of Yordle’s synergy. It is a very reliable build at all times of the game.
When should I use this build?
When you find sufficient amounts of Twisted Fate and Kennen in the Early game.
Early Game
Try to obtain items like Ionic Spark, Statikk’s Dagger, Guardian Angel, Morellonomicon, and Luden’s Echo.
Mid Game
This composition is completed in mid-game so look to complete the set of 6 units (3 wizards and 3 elementalists) as soon as possible.
Additional Tips
Twisted Fate is an excellent substitute for Lulu in the early game, giving mana to the team. You can consider Poppy in the mid-game for Yordle synergy.
Make as many Guardian Angel as you can make to cast a lot of area spells.
In late-game, you can consider adding the 2 guardians (Braum and Leona) to have additional defense for your units with a focus on the ones that have area spells.
You can include Statikk’s Dagger or Rapid Fire Cannon to Twisted Fate to generate Blue Card giving Mana to your allied champions.
To get Yordle’s Synergy, you can add Poppy or 2-Star Gnar as your 7th Champion.
In this Composition, you will want to have a Karthus so you can substitute your Weakest Spellcaster for Karthus.
Anivia is Elementalist and Gelid just like Lissandra, you can make the switch for this champion.
Demon (2):
Demon attacks have a 40% chance to burn 20 mana from their target and gain 15 mana.
Yordle (3):
Yordles gain a 35% chance to evade attacks. They also dodge on-hit effects.
Ninja (1):
If you have 1 Ninja on the board, +50 Attack Damage, and Ability Power.
Elementalist (3):
Summons an Elemental at the start of combat. Passive: Elementalists generate double mana per basic attack, and double the limit to 20 per attack.
Sorcerer (3):
All allies have +40 magic damage. Passive: Sorcerers generate double mana per basic attack, and double the limit to 20 per attack.

Final Thoughts
Those are the best Yordle Builds for Teamfight Tactics. These builds will make sure that no matter what style you play, you will always have a game full of Yordles! Which build of these little creatures did you like the most? Tell us in the comments!