Today I am going to be showing you where to find all the legendaries in this Borderlands 3 Legendaries list and locations guide. Most of these legendaries are the best guns you can get in Borderlands 3 and will be extremely important for most builds. Let’s begin.
Note: I am continually adding to the list. Expect to see every legendary shield, grenade, relics, class mods, and weapons in Borderlands 3.
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Legendary Special Effects
For those new to the Borderlands 3 community let me explain legendaries real quick. Every legendary in Borderlands 3 has a special effect that makes it unique. These effects can range from your gun shooting twice, to your gun not consuming ammo.
Legendary Varying Stats/Prefix
Legendaries also have varying stats/prefixes that make them better. Not all legendaries seem to have a prefix in borderlands 3. The One Pump Chump for example (if it does have one I’ve never seen it).
But for those that do have prefixes, it is important to get the right one. For example, the Unkempt Harold from BL2 was a really good weapon but was incredibly powerful when someone got the Double prefix. The DPUH, double penetrated unkempt Harold, shot two streams of bullets effectively doubling its damage. See what I mean?
Stats are also important. Take the Sham from Borderlands 2 for example. It had a chance to absorb ammo, but it had a varying stat for it. 94% was the ideal Sham percentage and people farmed bosses for hours to get that perfect percent. Every percent matters.
One Pump Chump

The one pump chump is a legendary shotgun made by Jakobs. As the name suggests, it is one of those shotguns that shoot once and then needs to reload. Usually, I’m not a fan of this kind of weapon, however, the one pump chump has a special effect on it that gives it a chance of not consuming ammo.
One Pump Chump Stats/Effects
Some of the One Pump Chump stats vary, such as the weapon damage which I’ve seen go from 1300% to 1800%, and the crit damage. The legendary effect
One Pump Chump Location

The one pump chump can be found in Promethea (Lectra City) and is dropped by One Punch. An obvious reference to One Punch Man, the popular anime.

You will need to solve a puzzle to get One Punch to spawn. All you need to do is do the following sequence: lever, lever, wheel. After that, all the televisions should light up and One Punch will come out of his room. It’s murdering time.
Which Character is the One Pump Chump Best for?
FL4K, baby. If you check out the Cr1t build for FL4K you will notice that one of your skills has a chance to not consume ammo if you crit. A 36% chance to be exact. So not only are you getting ammo back for crits, but also from the special effect on the gun. Imagine shooting a weapon with 1000+% damage bonus 5+ times.
One pump chump? More like twenty pump champ!
The Butcher Borderlands 3

The Butcher is a shotgun made by Hyperion (they still around?). This gun has been in Borderlands 2 as well and they seem to be quite similar. In Borderlands 3 the Butcher still gives a free shot and has an increased fire rate to boot. It seems more like a big ass SMG than a shotgun.
The Butcher Stats/Effects
You might notice the red text, “Fresh Meat”, is a reference to the Diablo boss that yells that exact line right after you meat him (heh).
The Butcher is also one of the legendaries in Borderlands 3 with a prefix. An example is the one pictured above which has the “Redundant” prefix. That prefix makes it consume two shots but doubles the damage.
Stat-wise the Butcher seems to have crits, weapon shield, decreased accuracy, and increased fire rate. Accuracy is one of the most variable stats, as I have seen a nearly 200% decrease in accuracy on some drops.
How to get the Butcher BL3
From what I can tell it is a world drop. BUT, there is another way to get it. Credit goes to Joltzdude for finding this. The key is getting Loot-O-Grams and turning them in to Crazy Earl. He might drop a couple of white items at first but he will eventually give you The Butcher, so stay strong and keep farming those Loot Grams!
P.S. for those who didn’t watch the video, the Dinklebot from Promethea Skywell-27 is the enemy that drops the Loot-O-Grams.

Which Character is The Butcher Best for?
I’ve seen loads of people saying Moze and her bottomless mag build is the best character to use it on. Honestly, most characters can do well with this shotgun. It shreds enemies regardless, but Moze might be the top performer with it.
The Psycho Stabber

Next on our Borderlands 3 legendaries list is the Pscyo Stabber. The Psycho Stabber is a COV gun, which means it needs to be “repaired” after a certain amount of use (really it just means reloading).
This is a must-have pistol for any melee build in Borderlands 3. Read on to find out why.
The Psycho Stabber Stats/Effects
What this special little fella does is shoot knives. Yes, shoot knives. Now, I don’t think this does anything but look cool, but damn, does it look cool.
The Psycho Stabber’s red text is also a reference to the song Psycho killer by talking heads. The whole gun is a reference to the Hitchcock classic Pscyho, but we will get into that later.
As far as stats go, the Psycho killer seems to always have a melee damage bonus. Hence why I said it was so good for melee builds. It also commonly has a weapon damage bonus, although, nobody really cares about that when you could be stabbing.
How to get the Psycho Stabber

To get the Psycho Stabber legendary in Borderlands 3 you are going to have to kill Borman Nates. Yes, you heard that correctly. This is an obvious reference to the character from Psycho Norman Bates.
Borman is located in Promethea at the Meridian Outskirts. For the precise location look at the image above.
Because you can get to Promethea super early in the game, you can end up with this high tier legendary at a fairly low level.
Which Character is The Psycho Stabber Best for?
The Psycho Stabber legendary is always good for melee builds and is best used by Amara. We have our own Amara melee build that is incredibly strong with this legendary so check it out.
Deathless Relic

This entry into the list is a relic/artifact rather than a legendary weapon. The Deathless Relic is a unique legendary artifact that cleverly references the popular tv show “Game of Thrones” (so sad they ended it at 7 seasons). Read on for the full breakdown.
Deathless Relic Stats/Effect
The Deathless Relic is one of the legendary artifacts you have that you don’t always want to equip. It actually has a fairly negative effect of reducing your health to 1 while boosting your shields by 100% and reducing shield recharge delay as well as increasing recharge rate.
Note: Your health isn’t capped at 1. Max health bonuses can increase your health past 1.
However, for certain characters, this is extremely powerful, albeit situational. For example, our Moze Grenade build relies on this relic to give Moze a huge damage boost using her skill desperate measures.
Deathless Relic Location

From what I can tell, the Deathless relic is a world drop. Although, it does seem to drop commonly from General Traunt. So just murder the older Traunt for this powerful artifact!
Borderlands 3 Ogre

The Ogre is a strong legendary Assault Rifle in Borderlands 3. This is one of the best Assault Rifles in the game for Moze, especially Moze’s that use the Demolition Woman tree build, as it rewards splash damage effects.
Also, funny to note is the fact that the red text references the All Ogre Now Shrek meme. “It’s all Ogre now”.
Ogre Stats/Effect
Basically, all the Ogre does is shoot missiles instead of bullets. This might not seem that powerful, but because it is a Vladof and not a Torgue, it shoots incredibly fast making it a superior combination.
The one negative is that it can’t spawn with elemental damage.
Ogre Location
The only way to get the Ogre in Borderlands 3 is for it to drop randomly from all sources. For the greatest chance to get it, try and set your difficulty to Mayhem Four where the chance to drop legendaries is much higher.
[…] electric weapons to this fight, regardless of how good they are. I personally recommend getting the One Pump Chump before fighting […]
[…] that, the One Pump Chump is a f**cking brilliant addition to the Grenade Zane build. It goes perfectly with Zane’s […]