Brawlhalla’s popularity has skyrocketed since its release in 2017, with more and more new players coming to the game every day. The game features a large roster of 53 playable characters (sometimes called legends) that have been slowly released over time, giving players lots of choices. But who should you play? Whether you’re a new player, a returning player, or a fan who’s trying to figure out who your next purchase in the in-game shop should be, we’ve got you covered with our updated Brawlhalla tier list.
Note: Recently updated
Table of Contents
Who Is The Strongest Character In Brawlhalla?
The competitive community disagrees somewhat on the exact strongest character, but Val is probably the most common answer. Val makes great use of gauntlets, perhaps the strongest weapon type in the game, and has straightforward, powerful signatures (or sigs) that give her good space control and killing power. Her high speed and defense (7 and 6, respectively) enable her to dart around her opponents’ attacks easily while still being able to survive a few hits here and there. Val has remained near the top of the Brawlhalla tier list for several patches, meaning she’ll probably be a safe investment for the long-term future.
Who is the Fastest Legend in Brawlhalla

Val is the fastest legend in Brawlhalla. There are others with the same speed as her, such as Kaya or Jiro, but none are as strong as Val. So if you want the fastest and strongest legend, go with Val.
How To Use This Brawlhalla Tier List
Brawlhalla is a tightly balanced game that receives regular patches. Characters and weapons that the balance team deems to be too strong or weak are carefully adjusted to ensure that the better player wins each match, regardless of character selection. This means you’re not going to get a huge advantage over your opponents by choosing a ‘better’ character. In some cases, choosing a character that’s ‘stronger’ can actually be a downside, since your opponent will have more experience dealing with that character’s signature moves and weapons.
In other words, except for one exception (Queen Nai, who’s still quite playable at a less competitive level), you should focus more on finding a character whose design, weapons, and playstyle appeal to you rather than one who’s high on this list. That said, when you’re looking for the next character to pick up from the store with a particular weapon, this Brawlhalla tier list can be a great reference to use for choosing between your various options.
S-Tier Legends

S-Tier: Competitively excellent. These characters are uncontestably viable at the highest levels of play and have all of the tools they need to succeed. More than other tiers, these characters can oppress and dominate more mediocre characters in neutral exchanges and kill off of common situations.
Val (Gauntlets / Sword) – See above.
Asuri (Katars / Sword) – Competitively stable, high tier for several patches. Great weapon pairing backed up by excellent stats.
Bodvar (Hammer / Sword) – Sword is an excellent weapon, and hammer covers some of its weaknesses.
Petra (Gauntlets / Orb) – Best gauntlet sigs in the game with a strong second weapon.
Rayman (Gauntlets / Axe) – Absolutely nutty signatures, especially while charged. Can kill from incredible range.
Wu Shang (Gauntlets / Spear) – High dex enables lots of combos. Gauntlet d-sig can close out rounds on its own.
Fait (Scythe / Orb) – Incredible orb signatures backed up by scythe combos.
Ragnir (Katars / Axe) – Very well-rounded kit with incredible axe N-sig. Good weapon pairing that covers weaknesses.
Mordex (Scythe / Gauntlets) – Probably the best scythe user due to stats and signatures. Backed up by the best second weapon in the game.
Sentinel (Hammer / Katars) – Excellent weapon pairing, carried by excellent signatures.
Kor (Gauntlets / Hammer) – Simple signatures with a great weapon pairing. Effective but not flashy.
Nyx (Scythe / Guns) – Difficult weapon pairing without practice. Incredible stats and signatures shine in the right hands.
Koji (Bow / Sword) – Powerful bow signatures supported by the sheer strength of the sword weapon. Flexible stats.
Teros (Axe / Hammer) – Incredible killing power. Only needs a few correct reads to close out a game.
Brynn (Axe / Spear) – Carried by signatures, notably Axe N-sig. Slightly hurt by spear nerfs.
Reno (Guns / Orb) – New, but seems very strong. Strong pairing of weapons with excellent signatures.
Onyx (Gauntlets / Cannon) – Strong gauntlet kit with a unique second weapon.
Mirage (Spear / Scythe) – Spear signatures carry the character, especially d-sig. Solid stats.
Volkov (Axe / Scythe) – Bad speed, but has such incredible side sigs that it doesn’t matter. Two solid weapons.
Artemis (Lance / Scythe) – Amazing stat distribution enables 9-speed scythe play. Incredible signatures.

A-Tier: Competitively viable. These characters might not be the best users of their weapons or might have signatures that aren’t as broken as S-tier legends, but you can still win tournaments at all skill levels with them.
Dusk (Spear / Orb) – Received lots of buffs. Orb is strong.
Thor (Hammer / Orb) – Staggering kill potential with solid weapons.
Sidra (Cannon / Sword) – Excellent sword d-sig and cannon n-sig. Not worth picking over Onyx (for cannon) or Val (for sword)
Cross (Guns / Gauntlets) – Struggles with guns but makes up for it with gauntlet signatures. Can kill incredibly early.
Ember (Katars / Bow) – High dex helps katar kit, bow signatures (especially N-sig) cover lots of ground.
Jaeyun (Sword / Greatsword) – Greatsword is competitively underexplored. Difficult to place.
Mako (Katars / Greatsword) – Greatsword is competitively underexplored. Difficult to place.
Jhala (Sword / Axe) – Fast signatures with great hitboxes and killing power. Low defense.
Hattori (Sword / Spear) – Excellent neutral game but struggles to kill.
Caspian (Gauntlets / Katars) – Redundant weapon pairing, but repeated buffs have made his signature kit quite oppressive.
Vector (Bow / Lance) – Incredible bow kit, great lance n-sig. Hurt by lance’s position in current meta.
Orion (Lance / Spear) – Robust kit with good signatures and stats. Reliable, but not overpowered.
Azoth (Axe / Bow) – Incredible axe signatures backed up by viable stats.
Thatch (Sword / Guns) – Low defense, great offense. A glass cannon.
Diana (Guns/ Bow) – Solid kit with great stats, especially speed.
Jiro (Sword / Scythe) – Great sword signatures. High dex allows easy scythe combos, but his stats aren’t great otherwise.
Zariel (Gauntlets / Bow) – Gauntlets are strong, but better characters with her weapons exist.

B-Tier: Competitively acceptable. While skilled players can win sets with these characters, they’re simply overshadowed by similar characters in the tiers above. Pick them up if you really like the weapon pair, but expect to have to overcome some weaknesses.
Ulgrim (Axe / Lance) – Lance buffs help maintain viability in current meta.
Kaya (Bow / Spear) – Hurt by recent patches. High defense, but has long recovery moves that opponents can exploit.
Gnash (Hammer / Spear) – Powerful sigs with great killing power, but nerfs hurt.
Cassidy (Guns / Hammer) – Too slow to compete with top tiers in 1v1, but has great killing power on signatures.
Yumiko (Bow / Hammer) – Underwhelming bow kit with lackluster stats. Difficult to convert off of bow d-sig.
Sir Roland (Lance / Sword) – Great against katars due to high defense. Sword is a great weapon, but worse than other sword legends.
Xull (Axe / Cannon) – Excellent killing power without sigs, but feels underwhelming when compared to S-tier chars’ killing power.
Lord Vraxx (Lance / Guns) – Requires practice to place laggy sigs properly. Can crush neutral with experience.
Ada (Guns / Spear) – Low defense hurts her staying power, but has great sigs.
Lucien (Katars / Guns) – Held back by guns. Excellent with katars, but struggles to finish off opponents.
Barraza (Axe / Guns) – Signature nerfs hurt kill potential. Guns not great in the current meta.
Scarlet (Hammer / Lance) – Can literally spam signatures at lower ranks, but lacks the tools to compete at a high level.
C-Tier: Competitively questionable. Choosing these characters will put you at a noticeable disadvantage versus a player of your skill level. If you enjoy them, play them, but be willing to lose games to players who might not be as skilled or hard-working as you. Weakest legends on the Brawlhalla tier list.
Magyar (Hammer / Greatsword) – Greatsword is competitively underexplored. Difficult to place. Worse signatures than other greatsword legends.
Lin Fei (Katars / Cannon) – Very low strength. Struggles to kill.
Isaiah (Cannon / Guns) – Cannon and blasters aren’t great, with mediocre stats.
D-Tier: Casually viable. These characters are downright impossible to play in high levels of competition. You can definitely crush players who are worse than you with them at lower levels of play, however, so feel free to beat up your friends with them.
Queen Nai (Spear / Katars) – far too slow to compete in neutral against strong players.
F-Tier: Bad. Brawlhalla doesn’t have any F-tier characters, thankfully, but this category would be reserved for characters that struggle to compete at even a casual level.
Hopefully, this helps you out! If you enjoy this tier list you might want to check out our other tier lists like our AOE2 tier list!