So this is a quick one. A small walkthrough of The Old Neighborhood quest that requires you to board Moara’s ship and clear Moara’s ship of hostiles.
At first, I thought this was bugged (like some of the quests were on release) and searched around to see if it truly was. It wasn’t. Just a case of questionable game design.
So here’s what to do:
How to Clear Moara’s Ship of Hostiles

When you first dock into Moara’s ship, you are facing an empty room. There are some items in here that are useful, including some health items, but nothing too crazy and certainly no hostiles.
Turns out, you spawn facing the wrong direction. Look behind the ladder, and there will be a door that you can enter to fight all the enemies.

There are only five or so enemies inside, so it should be a short fight. Bring a melee weapon if you want, considering it is so close quarters.
Dispatch them, grab the key, and finish up the mission.
And that’s it! I promised it would be short.
If this guide was useful, share it or something. Or just check out any of the other guides. Drop a comment, too, if you got stuck on this lol.
P.S.: Did we wreck that guy’s ship and leave without repairing/rescuing him?