Elden Ring is currently the trending game for all explorers out there. It offers a vast world with complex systems, intriguing puzzles, and beautiful creatures roaming all over the Lands Between. The Walking Mausoleums are among the most sought-after creatures in the game. These mythical beasts roam at various locations across the land, and it is up to the players to find and down them all.
You must be wondering why is everyone so crazy about these creatures, right? The answer is simple the Walking Mausoleums carry a special structure on their backs that can replicate your Remembrance Runes. So, where are Walking Mausoleum locations in Elden Ring? This article will guide you to find them all without wasting any time.
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What Do the Walking Mausoleums Offer?

The Remembrance Runes are special items in the game that you can only acquire after defeating the deadly bosses in Elden Ring. You can then use these Runes to purchase legendary and mythical weapons and armor sets from different NPCs.
In some cases, you must choose between two valuable items as you only have one Remembrance Rune for it. Similarly, sometimes you can only transform a Remembrance into a powerful weapon. But what if you want twice the power? Well, that’s where the Walking Mausoleums come into the picture.
These mystical creatures roam throughout the Lands Between. Once you down one of them, you can enter the special Mausoleum that they carry on their backs. After entering the structure, you can duplicate any Remembrance and double the power.
For example, you can exchange the Remembrance of the Grafted for either the Axe of Godrick or the Grafted Dragon. However, you can acquire both these legendary weapons by visiting a Walking Mausoleum in the nearby area.
Where to Find the Elden Ring Walking Mausoleum Locations?
The Walking Mausoleums are strange creatures that roam freely around in their designated areas. However, these locations are often so remote that the players are less likely to just stumble upon a Walking Mausoleum on their journey. In other words, if you are looking for a way to duplicate your precious Remembrance, it is of utmost importance to know the Walking Mausoleum locations in Elden Ring; here are all of them:
1 Weeping Peninsula

You can find the first Walking Mausoleum just south of Limgrave, the starting area in Elden Ring. Start in the Weeping Peninsula and head west on your Torrent till you reach a vast open field. Explore the field to find the creature roaming around this field.
2 Liurnia
The Walking Mausoleums are strategically spread across the Lands Between. So, you can always visit one in the nearby location after defeating a difficult boss in the game. For instance, you can find the next three creatures in Liurnia of the Lake, near the Stormveil Castle.

- For the first Walking Mausoleum, head northeast from the Raya Lucaria Academy till you reach the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel site of Grace. From here, explore the area for a while till you find the bridge that leads to the academy. Instead of walking over the bridge, go underneath it to find the second Walking Mausoleum.
- The next two Walking Mausoleums can be found very close to each other. So, if you are looking for a way to duplicate two Remembrances, I suggest that you visit both these sites. However, these two creatures will only replicate the Remembrances of Non-Shardbearer Bosses.
- Head towards the Church of Vows from Liurnia of the Lakes. Continue north to reach the Uld Palace Ruins and visit the Mausoleum Compound site of Grace. You can find the third and fourth Walking Mausoleums in this area.
3 Deeproot Depths

For this Walking Mausoleum, you must first unlock Nokron, the Eternal City. Head towards the site of Grace in the Nameless Eternal City. Explore the nearby area for a while till you find a mysterious creature roaming around the area.
4 Mountaintop of the Giants

You can access the Mountaintop of the Giants by activating the Grand Lift of Rold after accessing the Leyndell, Royal Capital. Head north from the Mountaintop of the Giants entrance till you reach Castle Sol. Alternatively, you can complete the quests till you reach the Castle eventually. Similarly, you can also find Castle Sol by traveling eastwards from Ordina. A Walking Mausoleum will be waiting for you just outside the Castle; down him to access the special Mausoleum.
5 Consecrated Snowfield

The final Walking Mausoleum is also located in the Mountaintop of the Giants. It means that you must activate the Grand Lift of Rold by using both halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion. After reaching the Mountaintop of the Giants, head towards Ordina, Liturgical Town. From here, continue northwest on your Torrent to reach the Consecrated Snowfield. A Walking Mausoleum will be waiting for you in this vast field.
Where to find two Walking Mausoleums at once?
In most cases, the Walking Mausoleums in Elden Ring are spread throughout the Lands Between. However, there is an exception where you can find two Walking Mausoleums in the same area. For this, you must visit the Mausoleum Compound site of Grace in Liurnia of the Lakes. It would be best to keep in mind that these creatures can only be used for the Remembrances of Non-Shardbearer Bosses.
How to get two Remembrances of the same boss?
The only way to acquire Remembrances is to defeat the corresponding bosses. However, each boss only drops a single Remembrance, so you can only exchange it for one special ornament. Fortunately, you can replicate a Remembrance by visiting a special Mausoleum that the Walking creatures carry on their backs. Once you find a Walking Mausoleums, down him and enter the structure to replicate the Remembrance.
How many times can I use a Walking Mausoleum?
You can only use a Walking Mausoleum to replicate a Remembrance once. In other words, if you previously used the Mausoleum, it will be no use to visit the same location again. Fortunately, if you find another Remembrance worth duplicating, I suggest that you visit another Walking Mausoleum in Elden Ring.
Walking Mausoleums are very important creatures in Elden Ring, especially if you are a hunter of powerful ornaments. Once you find a Walking Mausoleum, down him and enter the structure on his back. There you will get the option to duplicate any Remembrance in your inventory. So, what are the Elden Ring Walking Mausoleum locations? This article will guide you in every step you take.