Thick leather is a very important material in Conan Exiles. You need it to craft many valuable recipes, but it isn’t immediately obvious where to find them. So, today we will be showing you how to get thick leather in Conan Exiles.
You’ll need to understand how to get thick leather in order to later make hardened leather.
We’ll also be showing you thick hide farming locations, how to get thick leather/hide early game, and what to do with it. Make sure to stick around and read it all!
Table of Contents
How to Get Thick Leather in Conan Exiles

To get Thick Leather in Conan Exiles you need to craft it from thick hide, this drops from animals such as Bears, Rhinos, Elephants, Gorillas, and Elk Kings. The map above shows you exactly where to find the locations needed to acquire thick leather.
The list below shows you what gives you thick leather in Conan Exiles:
- Bear Pelt
- Black Rhino Head
- Elephant Hide
- Elk King Head
- Green Dragon Head
- Grey Rhino Head
- Mammoth Head
- Red Dragon Head
- Rhino Hide
- Rhino King Head
- Thick Hide
- White Rhino Head
Essentially, you get thick leather from either thick hide (the base component) or the heads of the animals you slay.
After you acquire either of the required materials, you need to take the components to the Tannery. It doesn’t matter the level, it will produce thick leather regardless.
A useful byproduct of crafting thick leather is Tar. Tar is used in many useful recipes including making explosive jars!
How to Get Thick Leather Early Game in Conan Exiles

Thick leather is usually a mid-game material in Conan Exiles. That being said, there are ways to get thick leather much quicker than normal. So how do you get thick leather in the early game?
If you want to get thick leather early game in Conan Exiles, the easiest way is to hunt Gorillas. They are the easiest out of the animals that drop thick hide and they also drop fur. Gorillas can be found in Gorilla city, in the easternmost side of the map.
Alone, Gorillas are almost no threat. However, they don’t give a lot of hide per kill compared to the other methods, meaning this is rather inefficient if you’re already geared up to take on the harder enemies.
You can also kill baby elephants or rhinos, but you run the risk of getting caught and killed by the mama version, which, to say the least, is not ideal.
How To Make Thick Leather
You make Thick Leather in Conan Exiles from thick hide using a Tannery. This is the one and only way to craft thick leather in the game. You can’t use an armorer to do so.
I’ve noticed a few people confused about how exactly to make thick leather, so I thought I’d add this section.
Most Efficient Way of Getting Thick Hide
From this reddit thread.
If you take an elephant/rhino/bear/etc hide and cure it you get more overall thick leather from it than just turning it into thick leather immediately.
Tanner (Level 1 Thrall)
1 elephant hide = 1 thick leather 1 rhino hide = 1 thick leather 1 thick hide = 1 thick leather
Armorer (Level 1 Thrall)
2 elephant hide = 3 thick hide 2 rhino hide = 3 thick hide
A tier 2 armorer will also make the cost 1 elephant/rhino/etc turn into 3 thick hides as well (which is 3 thick leathers)!
Making thick leather this way is far more efficient and means you have to do less risky farming for all the thick hides.
Where To Farm Thick Hide in Conan Exiles

There are three locations that are best to farm thick hide in Conan Exiles.
- The first is Gorilla city on the eastern side of the map. This is the easiest way to acquire thick hide
- Second is across the desert into the forest area to hunt bears
- The third is in the desert to hunt elephants and rhinos
All three of those locations are ideal for farming thick hide in Conan Exiles.
And that is it for our guide on how to get thick leather in Conan Exiles!
Hopefully, this showed you not only how to get thick leather, but also many tips on where to find it and use it! Good luck exiles!