Conan Exiles Purge - Nerd Lodge
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Conan Exiles Purge

Conan Exiles is one of the best open-world games you can find right now. What makes it this great is not just a few things but hundreds of different activities and things that you can do. One of them is The Purge, it is an enemy NPC that is sent to the map so that it can raid the player’s bases. 

No doubt Purge can be painful but it is full of rewards for those who have better defense and prepare themselves to fight it.  The purge destroys everything that comes in between its path whether it is a player’s base or any other building. 

Conan Exiles Purge is based on the army of enemy NPC as well as some creatures that target to destroy players’ bases. Especially the weak ones that have not made their hold yet. You make progress in your Conan Exiles journey as you survive a purge, this journey step is named Survive a Purge. 

The Purge Meter

You can keep an eye on the Purge Meter which has a progress bar, once it reaches 75% then the chances of happening the purge are more. And when it reaches 100% then you must prepare yourself to battle against it as it can now spawn anytime during the purge hours based on the server settings. 

The Purge Meter fills up as the players perform various activities in the Exiled Lands. Each player of a clan shares the same purge meter, so each member of the clan can see the progress bar filling up. However, it cools down when the players are idle or logged out. 

During the purge hours, an eligible player or a clan will be chosen to receive the purge. As soon as the first purge ends, it will pick another player and this cycle will continue until all the players are chosen or the purge hours are ended. 

Conan Exiles Purge Types

Conan Exiles Purge Types

The Conan Exiles Purge has many different types including NPCs and creatures. This can go all the way from Frost Giants to Spiders and dozens of different animals that you can find on the Exiled Lands. 

You can always look for the red cross swords icon on the map which indicates the purge location that is currently happening. Some of the purges will also have thralls that you can capture. So, it’s a good thing to happen only when the players have a strong defense system. 

Thralls that spawn during the purge are normal as well as the ones that are able to craft special items. Not only that, but some of these thralls can also craft legendary weapons and repair kits. This is why purges can be extremely rewarding. 

Here are some of the types of purges:

  • A Band of Desperate Exiles
  • A Band of Alchemists
  • A Band of Starved Exiles
  • A Bask of Lizards
  • A Cackle of Hyenas
  • A Band of Frost Giants
  • A Band of Lemurian Scouts
  • A Clutter of Spiders
  • A Crew of Black Hand Pirates
  • A Gang of Roaming Bandits
  • A Swarm of Imps
  • A Tide of Undead
  • Disciples of Jhebbal Sag 
  • Relic Hunter Scouts
  • The Followers of Asura
  • The Forgotten Clan 
  • The Silent Legion 
  • Cultists
  • Cimmerian Berserkers
  • Zealots of Mitra

When the purge happens you will notice that some of the types are weak whereas others are strong. However, each type has a number of different waves that result in a bigger and stronger swarm of enemies. 

Conan Exiles Purge Difficulty Levels

Conan Exiles Purge Difficulty Levels

The Conan Exiles Purges have different difficulty levels that solely depend on the area. Purges with specific difficulty levels are set to spawn at the fixed areas on the map. However, the difficulty levels may also depend on the server settings to keep the maximum cap. 

Also, the number of waves gets increased with the change in difficulty level. The higher difficulty levels spawn stronger NPCs and bosses. But some of the times the purges of level 1 are spawned whereas the difficulty level is set to level 6. 

Let’s see the difficulty levels of purges. 

  • Level 1-2: These two are the lowest difficulty levels. Enemies of this purge can be resisted with T1 buildings. The lowest level purges are set to spawn around the Southern River area. This level does not require any special preparations just basic T1 buildings are enough to stand against it. 
  • Level 3-4: These levels are in the moderate difficulties that spawn the purges on the center of the map and in the Jungle Biome. These two are the popular areas where most of the players build their bases as both sides of the map are accessible at short distances. Players must build T2 buildings to defend their bases. Anything below T2 will be destroyed. 
  • Level 5-6: These are the highest difficulty levels that will require nothing less than the T3 buildings to survive against the enemy horde. These levels of purges spawn in Highlands, Snow, and Volcano Biomes. Additional fighting thralls guarding the base will be a plus point to survive the purge of high difficulty levels. 

How Often Does the Purge Happen in Conan Exiles?

How Often Does the Purge Happen in Conan Exiles?

The purges on official servers do not happen to spawn that frequently as they affect the server performance. However, you will get a 10-minute delay to get yourself prepared after the announcement of the purge. This is by far the most useful thing that you get the notification 10 minutes before the purge spawns at your location. 

It typically depends on the Purge Meter and the Purge Hours. If the meter has crossed the first line and it is the Purge Hour then surely the Purge will spawn and you will see a red cross swords icon on the map. 

Conan Exiles Purge Defense

Purge Defense

The best defense against the Purge is building Tier 3 buildings these generally include Reinforced Stone, Black-Iced Stones, Hardened Brick, Shaped Wood, and Steel Reinforcements. Steel buildings are typically the best defense methods, these do not get any damage through weapons. However, explosives and orbs can be used to destroy them. Moreover, the Purge Type that we discussed above A Cackle of Hyenas also has the ability to destroy steel buildings. 

One more thing that you can do is try to build your base in a way that it has defense towers. In there you can place thralls to fight with NPCs and creatures using the ranged weapons. You can try building bases in various different ways and see which one has the better defense against purge attacks. 

So, in this article, we have discussed the most important things about the Purge in Conan Exiles. This article covers everything including the Purge Meter, Purge Difficulty Levels, Types of Purge, and even the ways that you can better defend yourself from the purge attack. 

For newbies, it might not be a problem as they are just making their way on the Exiled Lands. And the Purge Meter requires doing a lot of activities to gain points and fill the progress bar. However, it will be quite easy for the ranked players to activate the Purge due to activities they have already finished. These activities usually include gathering resources, and buildings, killing NPCs, and exploring the different areas on the map. 

So, get yourself prepared to fight against the enemy hordes.