Elden Ring has provided players around the world with many incredible armor, weapons, and gear to challenge the mighty gods and demi-gods of the Lands Between. The Astrologer Armor in Elden Ring is one of the 10 starting Elden Ring classes that magic lovers will always choose.
This class provides the player with a very high starting Intelligence and Mind, along with great Dexterity. Just looking at the stats can be enough for most Tarnished to choose this starting class. But what equipment can they use to best utilize this amazing build? Well, luckily for you, we have explored all of the Lands Between and have found the best armor for the Astrologer in Elden RIng. Continue reading to find out.
What Is the Best Armor for the Astrologer in Elden Ring

The best armor in Elden Ring for the Astrologer Armor in Elden Ring class, which can be found in the early game and used for all of it, is the Blackflame Monk armor.
This armor will provide the player with a lightweight armor set that will help them be agile. It will also give them decent damage negation and resistance, especially for such thin gear. The total weight of this great armor set is 27.
Here are the Blackflame Monk armor set’s stats, so you can understand what we are talking about:
Damage Negation | Resistance | ||
Physical | 28.9 | Immunity | 74 |
Vs Strike | 24.1 | Robustness | 127 |
Vs Slash | 31.2 | Focus | 46 |
Vs Pierce | 27.7 | Vitality | 74 |
Magic | 21.3 | Poise | 39 |
Fire | 28 | ||
Lightning | 16.5 | ||
Holy | 21.3 |
We would lie if we didn’t say that what attracts us the most about this armor is its cool design. It is, by far, one of the most beautiful armor sets in the game. So, that is also a bonus if you get it.
Now, if you would also like a stat bonus from armor and not just decent defenses, you can exchange the Blackflame Monk Hood with the Imp Head (Cat). Though this headgear is twice as heavy as the hood, it will provide your hero with +2 Intelligence. To get this great piece of armor, you just need to farm Imps till it drops. Since there are many Imp Heads players can get, this could take a while. The best place to farm Imp Heads is at the Impaler’s Catacomb site of grace.
Where and How to Get the Blackflame Monk Armor in Elden Ring

To farm for the Blackflame Monk Armor, you will have to reach the basement of the Divine Tower in Northern Caelid. To reach the location easily, you ride from the Dragonbarrow West site of grace and jump from the big tree root onto the tower.
Try to follow the ledges and ladders till you’ve reached a site of grace on the upper levels of the Tower. Rest and continue down the stairs.
This part is going to be the hardest and most confusing, by far. You will have to first jump on a stone bridge that will fall. You won’t receive any damage from it though.
Afterward, the hero will have to parkour their way around until they reach a soldier that is guarding a pressure plate. Press it and an iron “elevator” will come to pick you up. Once you have used it, go to the right till you reach a dead end. Now, walk your way around the ledge till you find another stone bridge to jump on.

You can see it in the picture above. Jump on it and it will break again. This time, however, you will fall extremely low. Fortunately, players can’t die from this jump. There will be an elevator waiting for you down there, that will take the Tarnished to the Divine Tower of Caelid: Basement site of grace.
Once you are there, just follow the path and reach an angry-looking Blackflame Monk just waiting to be killed. His HP can be quite high for a low-leveled character, but he is alone. Just kill him, rest at the site of grace, and repeat. Do this until you get the whole gear. It shouldn’t take more than 10 to 20 minutes to get it if you are lucky.
And now you have one of the best armors (and probably the best looking one) for the Astrologer Armor in Elden Ring! Once you start flaunting this gear in multiplayer with your friends, they will all ask you how to get this incredible armor. Make sure to show them this guide and let them get the best Astrologer armor for themselves!
Now that you have the Blackflame Monk armor, there are many more things you get to improve your experience. If you want more compelling Elden Ring content, also check out: Where to Find Swarm of Flies Elden Ring | (Complete) List of Walking Mausoleum Locations in Elden Ring | Top 5 Best Katanas in Elden Ring Ranked