The first choice that every Elden Ring player has stumbled into, after the Class choice, was the Keepsake choice. There are 10 Keepsakes the Tarnished can choose from, and each of them either offers clear advantages or have ambiguous descriptions. Luckily, we know what each one of these Keepsakes has to offer, and we know which one is best for the magic-loving Elden Ring Astrologers. There are many choices, ranging from the very useful Stonesword Key to the common but needed Golden Seeds. So, without further ado, here is the best Keepsake in Elden Ring for the Astrologer starting class.
What is the Best Keepsake for the Astrologer in Elden Ring

The best Keepsake in Elden Ring Astrologer can choose at the start of the game is the Golden Seed. Though other keepsakes offer interesting advantages, this one offers the best bonus by far.
Since the Astrologer only cares for Magic (Intelligence), most of these items don’t really offer much value. However, the biggest disadvantages that the Astrologer class presents are the low health bar and the much-used focus points bar.
These 2 major stats (HP and FP) have to be constantly kept in check. Otherwise, Elden Ring’s Astrologer will always find itself easily defeated. Luckily, the Golden Seed offers this class a major advantage: a bonus HP/FP potion!
Crimson (HP) and Cerulean (FP) Flasks, as FromSoftware likes to call them, are the major items. This will keep all of us alive during these amazing fights with the gods and demi-gods of Elden Ring.
With the help of the Golden Seed Keepsake, the Astrologer can increase the number of Flask charges they get from the start of the game. This will be a huge advantage in the early game. So, you will need to constantly regenerate FP during these scary times.
By using this first Golden Seed from your inventory, you will have 6 Flasks available right from the get-go (as opposed to 4)!
And that is all that you need to know about the best Keepsake in Elden Ring for the Astrologer in Elden Ring. As said before, there are many choices, and there is no wrong choice (except the None option). From an objective point of view, the Golden Seed is the best bonus one can get at the beginning of the game. For most classes, not just the Astrologer. However, since some of the other items can help out more melee-oriented warriors. The Golden Seed is definitely our choice for starting Keepsake.
Now that you have the Golden Seed with you. Also, there are many more things you get and learn to improve your experience in the Lands Between. If you want more compelling Elden Ring content, also check out: Where to Find Swarm of Flies Elden Ring | (Complete) List of Walking Mausoleum Locations in Elden Ring | Top 5 Best Katanas in Elden Ring Ranked