In Elden Ring, blood-based weapons and spells will make you feel like a really powerful being. In a world where everything can kill you in one hit, having the power to deal the same amount of damage on your enemies is something that all of us dream of.
Well, Bloodboon in Elden Ring is a really powerful Faith incantation that will cause major bleed damage to all the enemies and bosses you will encounter in the game. Here is the exact location of the Bloodboon spell in Elden Ring, and how it can improve your character in the long term.
How Does Bloodboon Work?

The Bloodboon in Elden Ring incantation is described in-game as an invocation of Mohg, the Lord of Blood: “Thrust arm into the body of the Formless Mother, then scatter the bloodflame to set the area ablaze. This incantation can be cast while in motion. The mother of truth craves wounds. When Mohg stood before her, deep underground, his accursed blood erupted with fire, and besotted with the defilement that he was born into.”
The Bloodboon spell can be used to produce an area of denial that causes Status effects and spreads blood flames in front of the caster. The secret to performing this incantation is to free aim above the chosen target rather than using target lock, which will cause the bullets to land on the target rather than at their feet. The lingering flames will make foes bleed for 30 seconds.
This build-up accumulates with each blood pool instance, making this spell very powerful against bigger creatures as well as crawlers like Magma Wyrms. Since the release of Patch 1.07, attack power has improved and FP Consumption has decreased from 15 to 13.
You don’t really need to combo this spell with other sources of bleeding if you can learn to free-aim at their feet fairly well. This spell is great for area denial. It’s difficult for opponents to predict where blood splatters will land because of their trajectory, so if you can learn to free-aim where they’re going to step and at their feet, you can trick them.
The damage from being directly hit provides for some fairly enjoyable harassment, so striking them with blood splatters is not terrible. Remember that if someone is rolling around, it usually takes two Bloodboon hits for them to bleed out.
It is a given that they will bleed out if they remain in it for more than three to five seconds, while the exact amount of time depends on the wearer’s armor. Make an effort to profit from opponents’ exceptionally extended animations as well.
Bloodboon Location

To find the Bloodboon incantation in Elden Ring, you will need to trade the Remembrance of the Blood Lord for the spell itself with Enia at the Roundtable Hold. You can get the remembrance from the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum as a prize for killing Mohg, Lord of Blood.
Found at Mohgwyn Palace on the Siofra River, Mohg, Lord of Blood is a very strong Omen deity who specializes in blood magic. In contrast to his sibling Morgott, Mohg accepted his cursed Omen blood and learned to utilize blood flame magic after coming into contact with the Formless Mother. Despite not being an Empyrean himself, he aspires to become the royal consort by elevating Miquella to godhood and taking him as his consort.
Mohg, Lord of Blood may be located towards the end of Mohgwyn Palace. Follow the steps up from the Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance location of Grace. A gore pile is also there, however, it may be leaped over. At the top of the steps is the actual Mausoleum. To the left is a flight of stairs, and an Isolated Merchant is being watched over by a Blood Spirit.
Take a right and go forward after reaching the top of these steps. The Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint place of grace and the exit from the Mausoleum main is to the right of a further flight of stairs. The elevator that leads to the arena is on your right as you move forward from here.
You now have your own hard-to-get Bloodboon in Elden Ring Faith incantation after defeating the creepy Mogh. You can use this great spell to destroy many enemies with its great AoE capabilities and take your blood powers to the next level. With just a few more blood spells to get, you can even take the place of Mogh and become the true lord of the blood of the Elden Ring.
Now that you know the Elden Ring Bloodboon location, the Lands Between experience is not even close to done. If you want more compelling Elden Ring content, also check out:
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